Carry Codewords

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Dang, confession time. Earlier I posted that my wife and I have no need to clarify, as we are always carrying. Well, this weekend we went on a hike and as we entered the trail there was a sign that said "No weapons permitted, concealed or otherwise". My wife said nothing, my 9 year old son however, turned and asked, "Are you packing Daddy?".


My Kimber was dubbed "Kimmie" by my daughter. Needless to say, both my wife and my daughter know that Kimmie is always around. They've even stopped asking, since they take it for granted that she's there!
Once when I first started carrying my wife put her arm around my waist and gave me a hug. She gave a small start and said “I feel so safe”. From then on if she wants to know she asks if we are safe. We are lucky to live in a state where there are few places we cannot carry and I do carry every where including schools, church and hospitals.
When I go out to eat with my parents my father always asks in his loud drunk voice, "Are you carrying?"
It always pisses me off because, I don't want everyone else to know.
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