carry for ego's sake?

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I carry because one day I woke up and I realized the world had changed since I was young. I realized that now:

1) I always lock my car doors because they've been broken into twice in the last 10 years
2) I always lock my house up tight because it's been broken into 3 times in the last 10 years
3) When I go out I see people on the streets acting and dressing in ways unheard of when I was young
4) Not a day goes by when there isn't a murder or robbery in the local news
5) Politicians are regularly trying to take my rights away

Maybe my view is jaded but when I was in my 20's I didn't have to lock my car doors when I went to a store and usually left the windows rolled down. I never locked up my house and when I went out the folks on the street were normal not punk rockers with spikey purple hair or gang bangin' scum. Were there robberies and murders when I was in my 20's - of course - but I don't remember them being quite so common an occurance as today.

And finally - believe it or not our president, senators and congressmen were actually folks that were looked up to not the skirt chasing, lying sacks of s-h-i-t we've got today (though I suspect that politicians have always been liars - at least back then they were clever enough to not get caught at it too often). As go the morality of our leaders so goes the morality of our society and it's all going downhill.

So one day in my 50's I woke up and decided the world had become a way more dangerous place to live in than it was when I was young. I decided it'd be better in this day and age to have a gun for protection and hopefully never need it than to need one and not have it. I decided that I needed more than cowboy action pistols and a shotgun and lever gun. I decided I needed to carry on a daily basis - because that's the smart thing to do.

If one can call that ego then so be it - I just think it's smart in this day to carry!
Don't know if I should realy be posting in this thread since I've never even owned a gun, but as I plan to get a CCW sometime I decided to go ahead.

I would expect that once I do get a CCW that I will be very pleased/proud with mysellf that I would be Officaly Recognised to be Responsable enough to be trusted with carrying a conceled tool for defence of mysellf and others.

However I would keep it on a Strict "NEED TO KNOW" basis, and any Novelty would likely wear off within a week or 2.

I wouldn't lie about it if I was clocked, but I wouldn't say much (if anything) either.
Amen Werewolf! Very well said. I feel the same way. I too woke up one day and found that the world had changed and not for the better. I carry concealed because I feel it is my job to protect my wife and family. The weapon I carry(depending on the weather) is only one of the tools I use to protect my family. No one will see or spot my weapon unless they pose a threat to me or my family. Is it my EGO that I do I am a husband, father and (gulp) grandfather. And I take responsibility for the safety of my family in a constantly changing world. You ask if it's EGO why people carry weapons nowadays? I think not.
I'm proud of my small gun collection, but I haven't showed my entire collection to anyone but my wife. (Who has her OWN little collection. :) ) Ego? No--Boasting for *any* reason is just wrong. Other than you guys, the number of people who know I carry, or even own a firearms collection could be counted on the fingers of one hand. I carry every waking hour, however I go to great lengths to hide that fact. Boasting you carry or have a collection is wrong in so many ways, I don't want to spend the next few hours typing them out. Being able to purchase and carry what you want is a blessing, not a bragging right. Don't get me wrong--there probably ARE people like that somewhere. But, I've seen no evidence of them on "The High Road". The "pride of ownership" thing--you bet! But I'd also bet that it stays right here on this forum.

carry for ego's sake?

Maybe I'm mistaken on this but it seems to me that a great many people simply carry for bragging reasons. Sure in those states that allow it, it's a wonderful thing but those that seem overly fixated on it sometimes have me thinking. People I know personally that carry, seem to be split on this. Some seriously carry while others carry simply to be able to say they do (perhaps to boost thier ego or something. not that I expect 100% honesty on this but how many here carry just for ego's sake?

Don't waste time with "It's my right" and "because I can". I see those reasons all too often.

Since the original question is about us, it may be hard to be objective about it. Let me paraphrase it a bit, and maybe BlkHawk's point becomes more clear (or at least my interpretation of it). As with all analogies, it's not perfect.

Maybe I'm mistaken on this but it seems to me that a great many people simply become journalists/protestors/activists for bragging reasons. Sure the First Amendment is a wonderful thing but those that seem overly fixated on it sometimes have me thinking. People I know personally that are journalists/protestors/activists, seem to be split on this. Some seriously add value to public policy debateswhile others speak out simply to be able to say they do (perhaps to boost thier ego or something. not that I expect 100% honesty on this but how many here work to make their opinions known just for ego's sake?

Don't waste time with "It's my right" and "because I can". I see those reasons all too often.

Now, I happen to believe that a free press is important, but I think that most so-called reporters do a terrible job, partly because they won't admit their biases/agendas. And while the right to public assembly is great, I think that people who go to protests (including the few pro-gun ones I've attended) are people who have way too much time on their hands, and just want to feel good about themselves.

Should we deny that Michael Moore does what he does for his ego's sake, out of fear that it might somehow undermine support for the freedom of speech?
I don`t have an ego problem. I carry for protection of my family and self. I hope the time never comes when I have to use deadly force. I have told one guy that I work with that I carry, wife and kids know, one neighbor, cousin, and a couple of gun "NUT" friends who don`t carry. Not ten folks that I know, know that I carry. Have you ever looked down the bbl of a loaded gun before, and the person holding the gun is not friendly? I have :(
I know someone who carries because it makes him feel more *secure*. Not simply because he is carrying a powerful weapon that can kill someone, but because it makes him feel more of a man to have it with him. Like no one will mess with him. He will ride down the road and if someone cuts him off, he goes off yelling how he can blow their *&%())* brains out so they better think again before doing that to him. Of course, this is all said in *his* car and goes unheard by the other. It's pretty sad, really. Yeah, I guess for some it is an ego thing. Personally, I think, if a person can't feel good about himself/herself as they are, a gun isn't the answer. It's a ticket to disaster.
He will ride down the road and if someone cuts him off, he goes off yelling how he can blow their *&%())* brains out so they better think again before doing that to him
It's those goldy who scare the cr*p outa me .... always a few eh!

Hopefully they remain just the verbose ''big I am'' and their vocalizing satisfies their ego ....... but those types we most assuredly do NOT need in our ranks .. no way! Only takes one of them to go that bit too far and we all can suffer.
It's similar to the Mall-Ninja-Syndrome.

I know people who became Security Guards just so they could wear a gun and have a badge. They were the people who, when not working and not attired in their stylish uniforms, :rolleyes: couldn't let a day go by without telling anyone who'd listen that they were a "Security Guard", as if that titbit of knowledge would strike fear in the hearts of men and desire in the busoms of women.

Reminds me of the 27 year old SG that patrolled the parking lot of a Burger King in a neighboring county back home. He had annoyed so many people with his para-military bravado that one fall Friday night a 5'6" 15 year old kid beat the shot out of him.
Said 15 year old then proceeded to walk inside and lay the SG's 4" RG-38S on the counter and inform the night manager that she needed a new guard since this one wasn't qualified to be the fry-guy.
Needless to say it was his last night night in that vocation.

I've never known anyone like you described. If it were me, I'd rid myself of this guy...PRONTO! He's obviously nuts, plus he's doing nothing but giving lawful carriers a bad name. Does he have his CCW? If he behaves like that a lot, he's going to meet up with a person who doesn't care about the gun because he's going to have one on him also. As a matter of fact, someone should call the Police on this guy. Like I said, he's giving us all a bad name.

My feelings about CCW is that every time I pull the gun out of the safe and put it on, I thank God that I have the right to carry, yet with the same breath, pray that I'll never have to use it.
Found this on dead bang guns. I guess it has to address ego:

"It is thus necessary that the individual should come to realize that his own ego is of no importance in comparison with the existence of his nation; that the position of the individual ego is conditioned solely by the interests of the nation as a whole ... that above all the unity of a nation's spirit and will are worth far more than the freedom of the spirit and will of an individual .... This state of mind, which subordinates the interests of the ego to the conservation of the community, is really the first premise for every truly human culture .... we understand only the individual's capacity to make sacrifices for the community, for his fellow man." --Adolph Hitler 1933

Even if misattributed, it has grave implications to fear our ego as a motivator.
I carry because I can. If you feel that isn't good enough, move to California where you'll fit right in.

I don't carry to boost my ego, I carry gun as another tool to use to protect myself from anyone that would bring harm to me. If I didn't have a Right to carry a gun then I wouldn't carry one. I also carry a couple of knives, a leatherman and some keys. Some because I can, others because I don't want to explain why I have to hotwire my car.:neener:

It is a Right, so I carry because I can.
I think the original poster has a point, although, I don't think he is mainly talking about those of us on this site.

I know a few people who have CHLs that don't carry daily, either because "it's too dangerous" or because it's inconvenient. But they tend to let other people know that they have a CHL.

As for myself, there are a few people who know I carry. My wife knows, my extended family knows, just incase they happen to see me strap it on while visiting, I don't want them to freak out, plus they appreciate me being able to protect their daughter, my wife. They are even paying my range renewal fees this year for Christmas. Two of my close, close friends, who both are into shooting and have expressed intrest in getting their CHLs. My boss knows, but only because I didn't want to lie to him, and he asked if I had a firearm with me (he meant in this state, since I moved recently, I thought he meant WITH me, which I did, so I told him since he then knew) while he was inviting me to go shooting with him :D .

Other than that, I don't tell anyone. If someday there is a reason to inform someone else, and its a good reason, I will tell them. Otherwise, it's concealed, and as far as anyone else knows, I am as unarmed and defenseless as any other sheeple.

So no, I don't carry for ego, I carry for protection.

Nah, there is no need for people to know you're carrying.

I usually leave my primary gun in the truck inside a lockbox. Most of the time, I only carry my backup gun and knife deeply concealed. :D

If I'm walking down the street you would not be able to tell, If I'm packing or not.

One thing though, it seem like homeless people or bums are avoiding me. For example, I'm in a stop light and some homeless dude walks up to every car stopped, for some unexplained reason, they would rather avoid me and look the other way, same with the window washer dudes. :confused:
When I carry concealed, I tell nobody and I conceal. Often my wife is surprised that I had my firearm on when I take off my clothing at the end of the day.
*8* Claimes that:
One thing though, it seem like homeless people or bums are avoiding me. For example, I'm in a stop light and some homeless dude walks up to every car stopped, for some unexplained reason, they would rather avoid me and look the other way, same with the window washer dudes.

And this is a bad thing??? :neener:

Same thing happens to me but on purpose. When I see 'em I purposefully look them straight in the eye and put a look of scorn and disdain on my face. Add to that that even though I'm a professional financial analyst I look like I could be a member of the hell's angels old timers club and I just don't get bothered by the bums, beggars and homeless - which is just exactly the way I like it.
I carry because I take my life and that of my family most who CCW the only one who knows is my wife.(or significant other)......Now I believe you do need CONFIDENCE to carry....but that confidence comes first....if you carry and are not confident you could actually use your gun to take a life if need be ,don't maybe a little ego is involved,but not as you put it,at least with MOST people that I know who's a resonsability,and sometimes a huge PIA....but I see it as neccesary........:cool:
those who carry for 'ego' sake probably arent members of THR. instead, they are probably at GT.

KIDDING!! i'm j/k! :neener:
Well to be honest, when I first started to carry - quite a few years ago - it was kind of a rush. Sure I said, because its my right/self defense and all that, but truth be told it was very cool. Selecting carry gun and leather, ammo, mods was all a psych.

Years down the road and never having to have had to use it, I still carry. But I gravitate towards a light S&W 340PD in a pocket holster as small and unobtrusive. More of a chore than a thrill - call it the pragmatic stage of CCW
Well all I can say is ditto to the people who note that carrying a firearm is a royal pain in the butt. Throw in a spare magazine or two and you're definitely not traveling lightly. The idea of it being fun goes away pretty quickly no matter how comfortable your setup is.

For the most part I don't discuss carrying. My friends know I do, most of them don't care one way or the other, some COUNT ON me carrying. Heck, me carrying has made at least one or two friends realize that maybe they should consider it as well.

Likewise to what everyone else said. It is just a concious decision to protect yourself and your loved ones. Nothing more, nothing less.
Funny I carry my Kel-Tec .32 instead of my .45 Kimber most of the time. Obviously I want to brag! <Sigh> No the reason I carry 1. concealed 2. The only folks that know are family and a few trusted friends. 3. For Protection #1 . When I go out I have my wife and 17 month old daughter with me and I carry to protect them as well. I also am trained as a EMT and am an amatuer radio operator and carry items to those tasks as well. Not to brag, but to increase the safety of those I love.
Satisfaction of ego... yeah... It's really fun to:

-constantly monitor your carry piece so you don't accidentally flash a sheeple who then calls in a "MAN WITH A GUN" 911 report.

-constantly monitor your carry piece to make sure it is still there & secure.

-not be able to enjoy a beer with lunch because you are under arms.

-pay constant attention to where you can, should, sholdn't, and can't carry.

-know that if you have to step into a situation it's likely someone will die ... possibly you.

Of course, this is all in the context of someone who carries at all possible times. I really don't see how a regular carrier could do it for ego purposes. It's just too annoying.
It's just too annoying
haha ..... Bill, ya know there are times when I really do agree on that. As you say, in effect --- hardly much room or energy left for ego!!

I think the word for those of us who make carry a full-time deal ..... is ''DEDICATED'' ..... and thus prepared to endure those inconveniences that go with the territory.... usually willingly.

My wife and I are going to a surprise birthday party next weekend, for my Sons FIL ... now they did months ago ''catch me'' with my exposed carry piece when I was at son's unloading sheetrock with him ... I just carried on as if all were normal. Not too much was said .. just the odd question but no paranoia.

So - I know they are not gonna go crazy if I am carrying but I intend to make it as low key as possible - diplomacy ya know! .... having to be wearing better pants than my daily jeans .. and a half decent (tucked in ... Urggh) shirt.

Probably this will one of those occasions where the Smart Carry will get the job done - my usual options will be otherwise gone. So - here I am pondering on the ''how'' for the simple reason that I refuse to give up the carry, regardless .... we still have to get there - and get home again!!

Damn nuisance really but .. I am ''dedicated''. Ego lies buried .... somewhere!:p
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