Carry more than one knife?

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I usually carry four. Yes, I know...

It kind of sneaks up on you. I used to carry just my Spyderco Military. Then I started carrying my Leatherman Wave around too, which sees quite a bit more use that the Spyderco does. Sometime later I got a Leatherman Micra that went on my keyring and never came off. Then over Christmas, I picked up a CRKT Ryan Plan B, which is just the coolest little neck knife...

Sigh. I could probably leave the Spyderco at home now, but it was my first serious knife and has much sentimental value.

- Chris
It'd be a good idea to carry a couple. Especially if you depend on one for self-defense. You could carry a smaller blade for utility work and not scare the co-workers with your 5 1/2" fixed blade when you go to open some boxes or mail. Plus, a lot of techniques are developed to combat someone wielding one knife. Not many teach you how to defend against two.
Well, I'm not a gent, but every day I carry a Sebenza in my left pocket, a Leatherman Juice kf4 and an Emerson Commander in my right and a Leatherman Micra in my purse.

Anywhere from 3 to 15, depending on the occasion...

Shoot, sometimes at steak fry's I'm almost as popular as the guy pouring the beer :D

Like Tamara, a Sebenza is clipped to my left pocket every day. (Sebenza pocket clips seem to not damage my pockets.) The EDC in my right pocket changes though. Today, there's a nice little green plastic (or something) coated Micra in there and, as always, a Victorinox Executive with a small pill holder and Photon Micro Light in my watch pocket. I eat a lot of oranges in the winter and the Executive's "orange peeler" works well.


That's the one downside to the old "P-stamp" Sebenza: no pocket clip, nor any provision for one. :(
I'd say yes...
Yes, and it does kinda sneak up on you

I currently carry my Ayoob spyderco, a small keychain swiss army, my leatherman Wave tool, and in my walet I have a spyderco "credit card" knife(saw this on an episode of "The Lost World" thought it was neat and bought one at the next gun show. I have had it with me ever since. In winter I often carry a "Excetive ice scraper" with me as well<G> that I picked up in the early 80's at a local cusatom gun shop(Behlert Custom Guns - Now Leckie custom). Lets not discuss the sheth knives i have collected over the years including one susposedly used in a murder and recovered from a property room after the trial. I just seem to collect knives with almost the same zeal I collect handguns.:D
below is all my spyderco's except for the ayoob and the CC. Have to take a couple of new pictures <G>
Spyderco Ladybug on key chain for the past 10 years. CRKT MIRAGE "Grey Ghost" EDC right pocket.CRKT "PECK" bill fold utilized alot. Thinking about getting an Emerson Commander or a timberline "Warden" model, or a ,or a, or a ,or a......???

Is the neck knife a Woo? And, is that a pair of Uncle's tweezers I see?

If you carry a knife for defensive purposes then be sure that you don't use it as a utility knife. Carry a second utility folder instead.
There's always a SAK in my left front pocket. The right pocket EDC changes between a Large Wood Inlaid Sebenza, an Al Mar SERE 2000, or a Benchmade 710.

There's a BM Nimravus in my "portable desk" in the front passenger seat of the car, plus a Cold Steel Recon Tanto in the trunk, along with a SOG Auto Clip folder.

There's always a SOG Multi tool in my briefcase, and there used to be more than that before the events of 9-11 put me in the "terrorist category" for flying with a knife of any variety. And believe me, in that briefcase used to be quite a variety! :D geegee
Carry the CRKT M16-14 and either a Leatherman Micra or Case or some other folder in the other pocket.!!!!

The tweezers are Sliver Gripers. True, don't open the mail with your fighting knife. The AFCK is a task knife and the Commander is for self defense. You should not try to resist getting a Commander, you could hurt yourself. Very worth the money.
Mercop, naww, not Detroit... hehe. Its a little much, but there are reasons for all of it. The smallest one, at the top, is an Outdoor Edge "Wedge", that actually is carried in my wallet, the sheath clips nicely, and it comes out safely... good little letter or box opener, and doesnt bother anyone. The CRKT Ryan Plan B goes in my boot, handle up, on the inside of my leg for a specific reason... I've had two encounteres where people burst through the door of a publib restroom stall, and I was fumbling to draw my pocket knife out of my down pants when they realized I was in there, apologised and left. :cuss: But it made me aware that its easier to draw the knife from inside my boot, than from my pants pocket, while on the john, so there goes thr CRKT.

The Commander is my everything knife, work knife, show off knife, and my "if you push it I am gonna stick you" knife. (I know, I know, using a defense knife for utility dulls the edge, bad bad, I know. Does being an obsessive sharpener make up for it? ;))

The big knife, A. its the newest of all of them. B. I'm not looking for trouble, or looking to fight with it, infact most days I leave it home... I just like to carry it sometimes in the hope that I am maybe doing something to help, giving other people the idea that they have the freedom to do that, and getting non-knifers used to seeing people wearing a knife on the hip. Since my t-shirt is usually down over everything but the last 2 inches of sheath, I dont think anyone has ever realized how big it is. Butm like I said, I leave it home most times... I do prefer a smaller belt knife, something closer to 4 inches of blade, not six. thats less tactival looking.(not less tactically functional, but softer grind lines, smooth tapers, a nice polish and wood scales, go a long way to making people comfortable IF they ever see it,) Got one of those out in my shop waiting for handle scales, all for me, hehe.

I wonder what would happen if I carried my Kuhkri on my belt when I went to town :scrutiny: ;)
3 to 4. I lost my spensive spyderco working (Cuts sheet metal!) so I got a cheap chinese version cause I'd probably lose it too. And a razorknife and a Gerber multi tool, for working and a F/S british commando knife for after hours...
Al Mar Eagle Ultralight clipped to the right hand pocket, Victorinox Swiss Army Officer's Model in the left pocket.
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