carrying with out a ccw

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In Colorado they claim that open carry is legal. The cops call it "disturbing the peace" which isn't "legal". Of course, they see no irony in this.
If I were you, I wouldn't feel comfortable open carrying unless you had a letter from the DA with his interpretation of the laws (saying that it is legal for you to openly carry). You would also have to be sure that it was never covered up by any clothing at all. Otherwise it would be seen as concealed carry.
carebear, there is more to it in that the area he was in is a large part of the problem, Freddy is what ya'd call a "problem child" he did not have the gun in a holster it tucked in his waistband but not covered the officer admitted to the DA that when he had My step son exit the vehicle it was clearly visible, the initial stop was in a known gang area with zero tollerance signs all over the place, Freddy is a wannabe and not even allowed at our home unless he calls first because of the stupidity so my wife drew a hard line.............

I suspect that alot of the problem isn't in the reports, that being his mouth.... I am an EX LEO and know all to well how comments made can go from officer directly to DA without ever touching paper but will determine how harshly the prosecuter does their job..
Ah, he mostly failed the "hello" test. That's too bad.

I guess all that you can do from this point is the old "hope it encourages him to straighten his life out". Which doesn't seem to work too often unfortunately.

That's a good lesson though. Meet the letter of the law AND try real hard to meet the "honest citizen" appearance and attitude standards.
I no longer open carry very much, too much hassle, but I never ran into a LEO who really cared much. Then again Im usually clean shaved with a high fade haircut. The only time a police officer ever confronted us, was at the movie theater. It was a posted place with a tiny sign on the bottom of the far right of about ten doors. All he said was for us to please put our pistols in the car.
All I know is I saw DMX walking around an Arizona super market(on his show) with his pistol on his hip. No not a movie, but a documentary type show.

I hear the same for Texas is that true? It's all right as long as it's not concealed?(remember I'm not stating, I'm asking)
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