celebrity gun grabbers

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Feb 14, 2006
Pendleton, Or
I am currently watching an episode of Mcgyver and not five minutes ago he got into an anti gun debate with someone on the show. They were in a gun factory that was making ak-47s. The 2nd ammendment came up and he said that he doubted these guns were going to the national guard. Said he had a problem with babies getting shot in their cribs and such. Anyway, I did an net check and Richard Dean Anderson's name came up along with a very long list of celebrities who are supposedly anti gun. Now I'm not doubting that but I was curious if any of them are staunch, vocal anti-gunners. Not just on the list for being at an event connected to gun control. Several of my favorite actors popped up and I want to know who's not going to be getting my $10.00 movie admission. Anyone know who the real anti's are in Hollywood?
MODERATORS--If this has been discussed before feel free to delete.
Richard Dean Anderson pretty much lost my attention when he started a rant on some stargate sg1 feature about the making of SG1. He is very anti-gun. His being from rural Minnesota really surprises me as the majority of people around his hometown are pretty pro gun and avid hunters. During the feature, he went off with his anti-gun rhetoric and I was just flabbergasted. I knew he was an anti, but to see it captured on video and the broadcast on the TV just made me angry. I'm not sure when these "hollyweird" types are going to learn to just keep their mouths shut when it comes to political or constitutional issues. If they want to say something, don't incorporate into a video that has nothing to do with the issue. ESPECIALLY when the SG1 uses a LOT of cool guns!!
Good for you, but if that's your criteria, I don't think you'll darken the door of a theater again. I don't, and I don't miss it. Not so much for that reason, but almost all movies now are dumbed down frat-boy pap.

I think it's time to stop paying attention to celebrities and weather they're pro or anti, what a waste of time. 99.99% of celebrities are anti anyway. The ones that are pro are for the most part obscure or has-beens. Although we should support those who are openly pro.

I get a kick out of how some get so giddy when they hear that "X famous person" owns a gun or hunts. For those who havn't figured it out, all antis are just fine with guns, as long as they're in their own hands or those of their bodyguards. Examples of this abound. (Sean Penn in NOLA, anyone?)
We should ban guns from MOVIES. Those hollywood freaks would get a kick in their wallets from the loss of sales so hard they'd lobby to arm everyone outside of California!
We should ban guns from MOVIES.


If you think about it, alot of modern day rkba troubles stem from the misrepresentation of guns in movies. If theres any place weapons should be banned from it should be the movies. It would be hyppiecritical of any actor to denounce individuals who keep arms for personal protection while they themselves have armed bodyguards and play the roles of armed charachters.

If your an anti-gun, you shouldnt use firearms to make a buck.
+1, Hayseed.

I can't remember the last movie I saw in a theater, and I don't miss it one bit.

I'm always amazed that the majority of the American public is stupid enough to think that the political views of someone who makes a living pretending to be someone else have any more validity then people who make an honest living. It makes me sick. :barf:

Banning guns from movies would be a great start to ending the movie industry as a whole. Our country would be so much better off if we would spend a lot less money and time sitting our fat butts in a dark room with 100 strangers doing nothing for 2 hours. What a waste. :cuss:
I don't ask the cashier at McDonald's of his/her opinion on RKBA before I order, and the same with celebrities. If they're not making a fuss about it in the news, then I don't care.

Perfect example is Kate Hudson. When she made the anti-American remarks about the boysterious, ketchup eating yankees in Paris, I hated her, and I won't see any movie with her in it. Sean Penn, on the other hand, was roaming the streets of NOLA with a shotgun, and in my mind, that seems pretty cool. Another example, Patrick Stewart doesn't run around on the news talking smack about Bush, guns, war, etc, so I don't care what he thinks before I see a movie.

My point is I think people are entitled to their own opinion in life and work, and if they don't share openly, I'm not going to go out of my way to find out what it is.
Now that Star Wars is done I don't foresee myself wasting $7.50 to line the pockets of gun grabbing hypocrites ever again.
Now that Star Wars is done I don't foresee myself wasting $7.50 to line the pockets of gun grabbing hypocrites ever again.

I certainly did for "Serenity". :D

And will for any sequels it might have...Definitely can't call THAT one anti-gun!
Its disappointing about Anderson. I am abig fan of the Stargate series. If I am not mistaken, he directs the show. In the series, SG1 provides weapons to various groups that they consider friendly. I wonder how he squares this with an anti-gun stance.
Vex said:
My point is I think people are entitled to their own opinion in life and work, and if they don't share openly, I'm not going to go out of my way to find out what it is.

I don't go snooping into people's politics on the whole. It's really none of my business. However, when an actor/actress, cries out absurd remarks, they have made themselves public about their views. If their views seriously conflict with mine, I won't rent, buy, or own anything by them. Two good examples are, The Dixie Chicks, and Johnny Depp. Both have made inane comments disparaging the very country that gave them their fame and fortune.

MS.45, I've often wondered that myself. Or even the simple fact that they USE these weapons in their show. How can one be anti-gun and portray a person that uses them as the tools they're meant to be??
That list is disturbing, but I still think I'd pop the $10 to see Rebecca De Mornay's sweet brown yodel patch on the big screen (at an AMC theater, with my Glock 26 on my belt).
"ESPECIALLY when the SG1 uses a LOT of cool guns!!"

That's what I think. SG1 has all kinds of laser blasters & explosives. I call that hypocrasy. I also stopped watching "Macguyver" a long time ago. I found out that they took ingrediants out of the show so you couldn't really learn any neat stuff.:mad:
Seems like a direct relationship sometimes

You can refer to this as "Petersen's Corollary" from now on.

"The more likely a hollywood star is to use guns to make their name in film, the more likely they will disavow anything to do with the same tools they continue to use to achieve fame and fortune".

• Sean Penn
• Arnold
• Stallone
• Richard Dean Anderson

A matching one, also known as the "Rosie O'Donnel Theorem" would be:

"The more likely a hollywood star is to have armed private security to protect themselves, their home and their family, the more likely they will be to deny others the right to defend themselves and their family with a gun."
Those are very good lists. From actors to CEOs. But I betcha majority of those on these lists rely on firearms for protection whether in their person or with their bodyguards. Hollywood is just nothing more than a make believe world of fantasy where the players are nothing more than a bunch of hyprocrites, totally detached from the real world, who thinks they are above the common person. I'd like to see the looks on their faces when they are face to face with their maker.
Two good examples are, The Dixie Chicks, and Johnny Depp. Both have made inane comments disparaging the very country that gave them their fame and fortune.

On March 10, 2003, during the run-up to the invasion of Iraq (which would take place on March 20), Natalie Maines of the Dixie Chicks stated during a concert in London that the band was "ashamed the President of the United States is from Texas."

She made disparaging remarks about the president - NOT the country.

Do you see the difference?
Now that even the GOP is ashamed of W, the Dixie Chicks flap seems kinda silly, doesn't it.
RE: celebrity gun-grabbers, I think alot of those folks are just ill-informed. They see the correllation of guns in the home to child deaths from guns, they go to Europe and see lower crime rates (and assume its because guns are less available) and the anti-gun rhetoric starts to make sense.
I think if alot of these folks realized that gun ownership was a freedom issue (freedom from the Gov't and freedom to protect one's own family), they would feel differently. Especially if the subject of bodyguards came up...
I was unsurprised when i first heard richard dean anderson was anti-gun.

Most actors are. Either way, i still enjoy watching SG-1. The new episodes and the old.
Well, most people in the media and the arts are of the liberal set. Strange how that is huh?
I'm one of the strange ones I guess. I am a graphic artist by training but I like to think I'm more of the Old School Republicans; Progressive Republican perhaps. I am a registered Independent. I don't like what the Republican Party has become today.
The Liberal Arts folks are just inured and trained to think that way at the colleges that they go to. When their minds are supposedly being "expanded" they are really being brainwashed into believing that the military is evil, guns are evil, hunting is barbaric, blah blah blah. Total hogwash.
I still don't understand how a rational person lobbies for animal rights? I find the notion of animals having rights downright laughably odd if not bizarre. It just smacks of a generation of people who are fed on Disney and the modern food culture where everything is available at the supermarket in shrinkwrap and boxes. Being totally separated from the raising and slaughtering of livestock.
I guess my early childhood helped me from becoming one of them. My uncle lived out in the country. He was a retired Army Colonel and he loved to go hunting and fishing. I'd go fishing with my cousin just about every time I went over to his house. Although I never actually got to go hunting with him I did see an eviscerated deer carcass that he brought home in the back of the stationwagon after a hunt. My young mind was like "Whooaaaa". I'd also see wild turkey legs in the backyard where they cleaned the birds after a hunt.
So, it was part of the family life. And I loved it.
My cousin got a 12 gauge shotgun for his 10th birthday. There were guns all over the house. It was just part of life. No big deal.
I ached for the same thing but my father was a typical suburbanite. No desire to do the outdoor thing; he had no objections to hunting and guns though.
So it was quite a shock to go into the "Art world" and see how people were so against guns and hunting and all. In fact, I was somewhat disgusted with their ignorant attitude. For some open-minded worldly people they sure were ignorant on a lot of things.
There is good reason why the old stereotype of crazy artists exists. Because most art people are lunatics or borderline lunatics. You guys have no idea. Geez. :uhoh: :rolleyes::D
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