cheap, lightweight, easy to build practice target stands

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Aug 25, 2007
Here's an inexpensive and lightweight target stand design that's suitable for cardboard targets.

Use three foot long pvc pipe, 1 1/2" or larger, thick walled. On one end attach a means to secure it to the ground, with either a tee connector or a flat adapter. Drill two holes in the attachment, one on either side of the pipe, for securing them into the ground with steel tent or garden stakes, (they look like giant nails about ten inches long), or simply make the stakes out of 1/4" rod with a small bend at one end to keep the stand from popping off.

At the other end of the three foot pvc pipe, cut a slit, 3" deep or more, depending on the height of the cardboard target used. The target should fit snuggly in the slit and be stiff enough to stay upright unassisted.

It's real cheap, easy to tote and sturdy enough for an afternoon of practice, with no part of the stand sticking up around the target to get shot up.
And entire field full can be carried in one trip downrange and fit in even a small car trunk.
Here is one I built the other day, no glue used and the base is filled with sand. Pretty cheap, about $15


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If you want a lot of fun targets try Ken Reed's site. ( He has a bunch of cool plans for targets. A lot of them are steel and require welding knowledge but he has several that don't need any welding experience.

For example he has plans for a PVC stands similar to GMAN's but different none the less. He also has plans for a PVC swinger just to name a few.


I'll call your excellent one target stand and and raise you a three in one version


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You can't call his bet and then raise him...gotta do one or the other. :)

I'm gonna be taking you guys up on these stands. Good simple ideas!

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