But since I don't really trust a combo of gun and ammo to work together reliably until firing many hundreds of rounds, and I'm not really satisfied with MY abilities with a gun until thousands of rounds of training,
Please explain
I ask to learn so no insult intended
I'm curious why you feel a need to run many hundreds of rounds through a gun?
Does it really take you that long? Does each gun feel that different to you? Or are you striving for a very high level of accuracy?
After years of carrying a PF 9 I got an XDS 45 for Christmas. I cleaned it. Then took it to the range with a couple of boxes of ammo. It felt very comfortable and I was sure there were no issues with it. I was also confident it was accurate And I could hit where I was aiming.
Fired some defensive ammo and all was good. Comfortable and accurate so I feel safe and secure carrying it.
Since we're all different I'm curious why the large round count and what you're doing. Again not to insult but to learn as your approach seems very different than my experience.