Cheney shoots hunting buddy (multiple threads merged)

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What's So Funny

Seventy-four posts and most of them are attempts at humor.

You can flame me all you want, but I don't see anything humorous in a hunting accident.
So he peppered the pecker right in the pucker...better than peppering the pucker right in the pecker!:evil: :evil: :what: :neener: :D
RioShooter said:
Seventy-four posts and most of them are attempts at humor.

You can flame me all you want, but I don't see anything humorous in a hunting accident.

Eh, no fatalities and the victim himself seems to be taking it all in stride.

An uber-rich, powerful elite politician peppers an uber-rich elite lawyer with birdshot...everyone is okay, except for a few egos that both probably needed downsizing anyway...what's not to laugh at?
News reports say he used a 28 gauge shotgun. The answer is obvious: BAN 28 GAUGE SHOTGUNS! These dangerous killing machines have no place in a civilized society! ;)
I don't know how many of you hunt, but here's how it works. You walk a line as noted before. If someone is out of the line you wait. I admit I've gone on to the next point or gone after another bird, but when my partner is retrieving a downed bird but I sure as hell know where he is. :eek:

Whenever hunting I make it a habit to always know where everyone in the hunting party is. Anyone I hunt with does the same, or we don't hunt together. You can tell if a guy has his head on straight pretty quick just by watching him. If you see him checking you like you're checking him then its OK. That plus muzzle awareness makes a safe hunter.

If a bird goes over the line, or anywhere near my hunting partners/kids/dogs/etc its a no shoot. Like the earlier poster said IF the line is right and I know where everybody is a 180 to get the shot is fine.

This accident was 100% preventable and 100% negligent. The guy coming up from behind had no obligation to announce himself. That part about the guy coming up behind him and making it sound like he snuck up or something is complete BS. :mad: What's he supposed to do? He has to rejoin the hunting party.

When I lose contact with my hunting partners (behind cover, in a wash, etc) i call out to them and they to me. You just have to know where people are or don't shoot the gun. No little bird is worth risking shooting a person.

One other point. If these were late season wild birds and not planted birds it isn't surprising that they flew toward the hunters. Late birds do crazy stuff and seasoned hunters know that. That's why they're still alive. All the well behaved ones got shot already!
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The lawyer was hit in the face, according to news reports. If the shooting had been at close range then the lawyer wouldn't have very much head left, right? So he must have been some distance away. How far away would he have to be in order to be "peppered in the face and chest" and come away mostly uninjured? Any of you quail hunters care to speculate for me? And how likely/unlikely is it to make this sort of mistake?

I wish I knew more about this sort of thing. Quail hunting isn't something I know about.
Reports say he was about 30 yds away. Pellets will go clean through a bird at that distance. Probably was using #7-1/2 or #8 shot., which is standard for quail. My guess is that they'd go 1-2 inches into unprotected human skin at that distance, but I don't know that for sure. What I do know is that maybe one in 10 birds that I eat have any pellets in the flesh. Plenty of evidence that they went clean through the bird though. So I'm speculating that 1-2" of human flesh would be roughly equivalent.

Clothing I'm sure would slow the pellets down a bit. With a multi layered hunting vest and a shirt (especially if the weather was cold) or even a coat the damage could have been lessened by his clothing.

At this sort of distance one of the biggest threats is to eyes. That's why people wear safety glasses while hunting.

Std 28 ga load is 3/4 oz which iirc is about 300 pellets or so in #8. Pellets leave the gun at 1100-1300 fps depending on the load. Probably were still going at least 900 fps at 30 yds.

Size of pattern at that range depends on choke but given the description of his injuries I'd guess that the choke was cylinder or improved cylinder which would give a pattern maybe 2-4 feet in diameter given the distance.

Might have just fringed the guy meaning he was hit by the edge of the pattern. Not enough info at present to really tell how hard he was hit. Whatever the case I don't want to get shot by any shotgun at 30 yards or so.
Headless Thompson Gunner said:
The lawyer was hit in the face, according to news reports. If the shooting had been at close range then the lawyer wouldn't have very much head left, right? So he must have been some distance away. How far away would he have to be in order to be "peppered in the face and chest" and come away mostly uninjured?

I read a report where the ranch owner placed him approx. 30 yards away according to this CNN Article

Durring my search I ran across this article that shed light on hunting accident statistics which according to the article is rather low.
Hopefully I'm the first with this....

....although no doubt neither the best nor the last but here goes.....

Ch' dum dum dum, Dicky what have you done
ch' dum dum dum, it's the sound of your gun
ch' dum dum dum, Cheney what have you done
ch' dum dum dum, it's the sound, it's the sound

Cheney got a gun
Cheney got a gun
Whittington’s undone
Dicky’s just really dumb

what did the lawyer do?
did he post on DU?
they say when Harry was shot-peppered
no sound could ever reach Dick’s brain
but man he had it comin'
now that Cheney's got a gun
He ain't never gonna be the same

Cheney got a gun
Cheney got a gun
shot him just for fun
now everybody is on the run

tell me now it's untrue
what did Dick Cheney do
he whacked a neocon fundraiser
the man has got to be insane
they say the dumbass didn’t wonder
why Harry blew asunder
knew that someone had to take the blame

run away, run away from the blame
run away, run away from the blame
run away, run away
run, run away

what did Dick Cheney do
when Cheney said “F%#! you too”
He had to take him down easy
and put five pellets in his brain
He said 'cause nobody believes me
about Al Qaeda’s deeds
he ain't never gonna be the same

Cheney Cheney, what's your problem
Your brain just ain't right
was it your lawyer's wiretap mocking that
made you shoot on sight?
Preacherman said:
What odds the other hunter was a Democrat? :D

Oh - and, duplicate threads merged.

A slightly different take on it by Scott Adams -

Today the AP reported: WASHINGTON - Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot and wounded a companion during a weekend quail hunting trip in Texas, spraying the fellow hunter in the face and chest with shotgun pellets.

Vice President Cheney explained the shooting this way: “I was tracking a covey of quail with my gun barrel. Suddenly Whittington just popped up from the grass, directly in the way, so I shot him. I know my critics on the left will point out that Whittington is not a bird, but he was between the quail and my gun. My feeling is that when you harbor a quail, it’s the same as being one.”

A medical team quickly tended to the wounded man, much to Cheney’s disappointment, as the Vice President had already told friends he planned to mount Whittington's head over the toilet in his upstairs powder room.

A spokesman for the Whitehouse pointed out that Whittington was a known quail sympathizer. “Our intelligence told us he had WMD in his Elmer Fudd hat. A lot of people were fooled, not just us.”
Waitone said:
So was Cheney flushing a covey or flock or herd or gaggle of lawyers?

So what is the proper collective noun for an assembly of lawyers? :D

But hey, maybe 'Congress' works too

I'll back track on saying the person who was shot didn't deserve to be blamed. He doesn't deserve all, but certainly some.

I did hunt with a guy once who kept falling in behind me. It wasn't because I thought I might shoot him that we never hunted together again though. I thought I'd get shot. Twice I told him to put his safety on during that one hunt (this was before Glocks so that's no excuse). On a partridge we jumped I went down on one knee to shoot because I knew he was back there. I had got tired of telling him where to be. After I shot (dropped that bird) I looked up to see his gun barrel where my head should have been. :what:
I just heard a report on CNN involving the hospital director and he said he caught pellets in his face, neck and upper torso from 30 yds. Sounds like he got shot pretty good to me. He stayed overnight and is in "stable" condition. The director called it, "A common accident here in Texas."
"A common accident here in Texas". Why do I have this mental picture of millions of people wearing Cowboy hats with pock marked faces?:neener:
I was listening to the news and not paying enough attention (fortunately televisions are only injurious to the mind), and my brain registered "Dick Cheney shoots Dan Quayle". :eek:
Why do I have this mental picture of millions of people wearing Cowboy hats with pock marked faces?

Yea, I can hear them now, "Oh yeah, happens all the time here in Texas." Mental note : Never go bird hunting in Texas!

The poor Texans... Cheney screws up and they get the blame. :p
shermacman said:
It is not a sport if you can't get hurt.

I agree with that fully. Every time I throw a leg over my motorcycle, I am aware of the fact that it could be for the last time. I weigh the risks, assess the benefits to me, and ride as safely as I can.

Every time my son gets on a MotoCross track, I stand by and worry. I KNOW that is a sport that you WILL get hurt in. Not might, WILL. I've known too many people who have ridden, and not a one of them has managed to put any amount of racing time in without some injury, many fairly severe. Just ask my right shoulder when the weather turns cold. :eek:

Knowing this, if one decides to participate, one dons the appropriate protective attire (if one is halfway intelligent) and proceeds to do as well as one can at getting home in one piece.

Hunting is by and far a safer sport than either of these two listed above. Given the choice of being peppered by birdshot (didn't see any mention of portective eyewear) or tanking an 85 foot tabletop, I'd have to take the birdshot.

Yes, mistakes were made by all. Cheney SHOULD have known what was beyond his target. His friend should have followed the correct protocol when hunting with a group. They didn't. Thankfully, no one was maimed or killed, no one lost their eyesight.

The uproar this is going to cause is surely going to be a sight to behold. I just wonder if it had happened to Klinton while he was duck hunting without a license if we would be hearing about it at all? Seems to me that one of his buddies managed to shoot HIMSELF in the back of the head with a shotgun, yet Sarah failed to jump that bandwagon.

Cheney, through a moment of carelessness gave the anti's a whole case of ammo to shoot at all of us with, but he made a human mistake. As an earlier poster pointed out, I believe that anti's everywhere watch forums like this one to find things to use against us. They just aren't original or intelligent enough to come up with their own fodder.

I hope we don't shoot ourselves in the foot by being so eager to giggle at someone else's lapse, be it Cheney or anyone else.
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