Child killed and now I should go to a friends house to clean guns?

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Eric F

Jul 23, 2007

The Police suggest cleaning guns at a friends house or waiting until the kids are gone.............huh! Since when do cleaning instructions include getting rid of kids first!

Though information in this case is vauge the assumptions of unsecured gun, the shot came from with in the house, and the parents are at fault are rampent!

Makes me sick!
Leave to get somewhere there aren't children? So it's OK for morons to shoot adults while cleaning guns?

How about just unload the d*** thing. Idiots.
What I don't understand is the apparent slant that children are somehow more valuable than adults. So it's OK to shoot your friends accidentally as long as you don't shoot any children??

The person handling the gun is always responsible. If safe practices are followed, there shouldn't be any need to evacuate children.
I don't get this... move away, or do it when Children are not at home....

wait a minute.. Guns aren't meant not to go off in the 1st place when you clean them ?

You can't fix stupid..
As a kid I always watched my dad strip and clean his Glock after qualification shooting. Never got shot once.

Of course, safe handling is always a priority in my family.
My wife asked me for a quick response to a news story a friend had mentioned about a child killed when someone was cleaning a gun.

I answered, in the gun community, "went off while he was cleaning it" is simply a metaphor we use to indicate that the idiot was playing with a loaded gun and negligently discharged it. The "cleaning" angle is just a puff of smoke used to attempt to cover up the childish behavior that caused the discharge in the first place.

Same thing as happened with the small rash of public toilet killings we had a year or so ago. Jacka$$ sitting on the commode fooling with his carry gun while waiting for his business to conclude, squeezes off a round and kills the potty. "Gee, I don't understand! Must have gotten the trigger caught in my belt or something!"

Huh, please post the relevant text,

as far as kids and gun cleaning, don't know about your wife, but the smell, little poison labels and the the fact that little hands and little parts (not to mention the whole eat anything that fits in the mouth)....

on a completely separate level, wonder what the ER doc would say when you look at the X-ray and ask how long until you can put your gun back together?

work wonders to keep my children and my gun, esp. the cleaning supplies apart.

This is a story about the tragedy of not following the Four Golden Rules Of Safe Gun Handling why spin it this way, well *everybody* knows that the media hates guns......
I found when my wife and I, being good little yuppies and being slightly **embarrassed** by my shooting hobby, hid my guns or any mention of guns from our kids, they were fascinated by them. Everthing became a gun...sticks, fingers, whatever.

Since I've exposed my kids to guns, let them handle them under supervision, given them the Eddie Eagle program, and taken them they couldn't care less.
I think the warped PC logic is that kids are better off without grown men in their lives (mouth-breathing knuckle-draggers that we're known to be) in general, (thanks, Murphy Brown!), and if the mouth-breathing knuckle-draggers have guns, doubly so.

The flip-side is that 90% of the males in prison today were raised by a "single mom". Decide for yourself if pop-culture "truisms" are beneficial.

Whos gonna clean the guns if the kids arent there? Its their job. :)
What kind of stupid moron would be cleaning a gun and allow it at any time to be pointed toward a child? Or anyone? Violates rule 1 and 2. See, this is how the safety rules work. If you break them, you risk a bullet entering the body of someone. Follow the rules, it ain't gonna happen.
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