China / Taiwan knives.

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Before Trump slapped tariff's, this was under $50.00 delivered!


and this was around $90.00


It is so unfortunate that the Political class has decided to soak the consumer for tariff money, so you have to pay double for these knives compared to two years ago. But, they were great at the price point, and they are still good knives

Kizer makes quality knives, and yes, this has gone up


I have a number of Bestech knives, and I think the designs are good, and so are the materials and finish




I think these are still around, and for $50.00 delivered



What killed these Komoran knives was the U2X steel. Internet lore is that it is AUS 8, which is a good steel. However, whoever made these Komoran's decided to create a mysterious steel name "U2X" and then did not reveal what it was, nor promote it. So these things lie around unsold, and heck, the frame is titanium, these are well made, and AUS8 is a good steel. What's not to like. Lose it an you are not out a lot of money.

I did grind off the glass scratcher spike. This knife had this small pyramid on the back, it was sharp, and dug into my jelly roll in a between the pants carry. If you want to supplement your income, such as what these social justice warriors are doing, then keep the spike. One scratch,one bash, and you will find treasures to your heart's content.

Here's 3 from Kizer.

Little River Bowie, Roach and Salient. I bought each for under $100, you just have too shop around.
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China can make some awesome knives, there's no ifs ands or buts any way about it now, however I will still try not to buy products from there on a patriotic/ethical/moral or whatever sense I feel makes me superior on any given moment, yes there are times when I won't be able to choose and will have to buy chinesium but if I have the choice and luckily with cutlery I have a ton of choices it will not be Chinese, doesn't have to be American but definitely not Chinese.
I knew about the dozier but the others I had no idea. Probably because the first thing I do is look to see where it's made and pass it off as junk if made in china or Taiwan. Guess I'll have to not do that and at least research the brand and model before making a desicion.

My wife had a mini dozier before our house burnt. It held up to wife tasks.
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