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This retired chief creative officer opines that you need a different model.

Secondly, I wouldn't write it in the passive voice--use active.

"Your wife is attacked. Does she

Submit Fight Win

Oleg speaks "American" by way of Russia - Some of us keep beating him up over his phrasing...
I agree on a different model -- someone who looks like a soft, vulnerable target. Not necessarily prettier, but, as much as I respect the farm women I've known, someone who doesn't look like she can carry a bale of hay in one hand and a 50lb bag of feed in the other.

Or, maybe, dress her up a little in something flowery or pink. Even the most competent of us ladies look soft in pink and flowers.

I think it is a cool idea. Yeah maybe make her a little more girly. Pink or a dress or something. Of course I know how it is I hate dressing in pink and dresses. She does look like one tough woman!
Another good one. Personally, I think the bruises make her look like the victim of a domestic assault, but that's to my untrained eye. She's got the plain look: Could be anyone's mother, wife, or sister.

About the only thing I could add is to recommend trying it out with commas after "Submit" and "Fight", and a smaller font "or" before "Win". "Submit, Fight, or Win" The "Or" adds a bit of finality to the decision. "You can only choose one, which is it?" is the kinda idea being conveyed. My idea might screw with the framing, though, but I thought I'd mention it. Even if it's just the "Or" added, it would give it more punch.

Maybe get with a State pro-2A group, like to run a fund-raiser or front the cost for a billboard. That billboard posted on I-90, I-76/77, and maybe I-71 near Columbus would certainly get attention.
I think a church once put one that said "Real Men don't need Porn" on I-71 less than 500ft from an Adult shop, and after the controversy and threats regarding injuring profits, the board stayed up and almost everyone in Ohio had seen it. Maybe it was another freeway, but the thing did exist and was memorable.
bogie said:
Oleg speaks "American" by way of Russia - Some of us keep beating him up over his phrasing...
Oleg's a competent adult who plays in the Big Leagues. He's always been receptive to suggestions for phrasing, style and word choice beyond his original captions, as far as I've seen.

Sometimes his response is "Sure; I'll use that. Thanks;" and sometimes it's "I think that I'll keep the original wording; thanks," but I haven't seen any suggestion from Oleg that he objects to members trying to help fine-tune the posters that he puts up for his guests at THR to review.

We could ask him: hey, Oleg? What's your preference?

{"Beating him up?" He could probably kick my butt.}
What's your preference?

Plenty of feedback. I don't get upset at people for being helpful.

I have to fit these posters in between freelance work and a day job with an 80 mile commute. So it may take time to implement the feedback.

{"Beating him up?" He could probably kick my butt.}

Nah, too much work, and I am lazy.
Oleg, you are awesome. I wouldn't change anything.
It speaks to the common person in a way that no "super model" can. In my mind even if that woman could fight her way out, should she have to? Plenty of women are "tougher' than most guys are able to acknowledge.
Another version -- less specific and more terse.

Eexcellent message but maybe choose a different model. That woman does look like she could beat someone up.

I disagree. Not all models should be pretty young things.
I like the layout of the first one more. It's more severe and keeps the individual words tightly tied to the image.

Oh, and I'd 'shop out the bruises. As somebody else already said it makes her look like a domestic abuse victim.
I like the first one better.

Grammer: If you wife were attacked...

I think the model choice is a good one. Not everyone is married to a dainty 20 year old blond. The woman in the picture, like my wife, has a great deal to lose.
I like the second version better. The less words, the better.

I like the model too. We don't need to send the message that only teenage models can/should/are worthy to defend themselves.

As for the bruises, maybe she's already been struggling? Maybe she's just dirty from rolling around on the ground with the bad guy? Who knows, but it doesn't detract from the poster.
Billboards are available for $500/mo on GA316, a reasonably busy 4-lane divided highway between Atlanta and Athens GA. Lots of people make the 1-hour drive each way, and would certainly notice the sign.

Given the recent posts about the signs being donated in Philadelphia, perhaps that might be a good location to counter?

But no, I don't have a sign...
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