Christmas tree at Urban Outfitters

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Jul 31, 2006
Nevada's capital
From the Sacramento Bee 12/1/07:

Deck the halls with ... shiny handguns? It didn't sound right to Carol Corda, either.

Corda, 53, was instantly offended when she saw a Christmas tree decorated with tiny revolvers and hand grenades at the new Urban Outfitters at Arden Fair mall.

"When we're trying to promote peace and good will ... to me, it's not very funny," she said.

When she inquired, she said the manager told her the corporate office is in charge of décor, which didn't mean much in Corda's book.

Needless to say, she won't come a'wassailing there again.

If I were willing to brave the mall this time of year, I'd try to get a picture!
Urban has a LOT of gun related stuff.

Last time I saw gun earings, gun patterned scarves, uzi belt buckles, and a gun shaped ashtray.

I bought a plate there that has a bada$$ schematic of a 1911 taken apart.
Right now military (camo etc) and militant (Che etc) is IN......

Next year....who knows.....and more importantly....who cares !
Pistol Christmas Tree?


Wouldn't have been a Pistol Pine, would it?


Needless to say, she won't come a'wassailing there again.

Good enough for me . That's her choice . She ought to be happy she HAS the choice to shop elsewhere .

Don't you just love the way some people try to impose their belief system on others?
You mean the tree or the ornaments? Either could be construed as "imposing belief" on others . Me personally? I'm thick skinned and could care less . Xmas tree or flaming pentagram , as long as they don't stifle my rights , I could care less what they display .
Did she read the rest of the Bible? Not exactly filled with "peace".

My tree has a bowhunter in a treestand ornament. Used to have a rifle ornament, too, don't know where it went.
What can you expect form Northern California hippie remnants.

That's pretty much how the folks are up there. We need to rally up our pro-2ndA bretherens to shop at that Urban Outfitters.
I am a Northtern CA hippie remnant.

As soon as I was old enough I Greyhounded it to Texas.

My difference was I came to adopt the culture, not change it.

I have two beautiful children by a southern bell.

The fact that when they dont hear you, they say "Sir?" or "Ma'am?" brings a tear of joy to my eye.

My 3 year old shot her first Model 60 the other day. Now I get with all seriousness that a 3 year old can muster:"Daddy can I have a pink one?"

Guess what will be under the Christmas tree this year. One of those ugly pink Crickets.

She gives me "oohhs n' ahhh's" about my AR's. So guess who is custom building her one in pink w/ a .22 conversion.

Merry Christmas everyone.
I am a Northtern CA hippie remnant.

As soon as I was old enough I Greyhounded it to Texas.

My difference was I came to adopt the culture, not change it.

I have two beautiful children by a southern bell.

The fact that when they dont hear you, they say "Sir?" or "Ma'am?" brings a tear of joy to my eye.

My 3 year old shot her first Model 60 the other day. Now I get with all seriousness that a 3 year old can muster:"Daddy can I have a pink one?"

Guess what will be under the Christmas tree this year. One of those ugly pink Crickets.

She gives me "oohhs n' ahhh's" about my AR's. So guess who is custom building her one in pink w/ a .22 conversion.

Merry Christmas everyone.

Proof positive that there is still good coming out of California, unfortunately it seems that most of the good is COMING OUT of California.:p

BTW, I love to hear great Dad's talk about the special times with their children, that is what brings a tear to my eye! :D
Thanks for the link AZTOY. Just bought some of the 12 Ga lights, too funny!! The boss'll love them, we'll string 'em between our desks.
Urban Outfitters? I'm not suprised. This is the same retail chain that located its Cincinnatti store inside an old Church. I'm not a bible thumper, but that just seemed tacky to me.
question: do they SELL the revolver and hand grenade tree decorations? 'cause i want 'em!
better yet, does somebody make lights shaped like 1911s?
She is Right....

I too am offended!!!!

Guns belong under the tree, not on it (sap can ruin the bluing):p
OK, I made time to go to the store today to see what the fuss was about, and the tree was GONE! I made the assumption that they buckled under pressure and took it down, but was informed that the firearms tree was indeed for sale, and it sold. The free market wins again...but i didn't get to see the tree.
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