CNN's view vs. a grunt's view

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A good read, thanks. Reporters should actually start doing real journalism, they are so damn l-a-z-y. (especially CNN ::yawn)
What was he in, a Stryker? He mentions TC, outside ammo, remote control M2, and leaning against tires - would that be right? Just curious.
yep, he's in a stryker.

he talks about it quite a bit in some of his previous posts and has nothing but praise for it.
I read the article a few days ago. It is excellent as a "You are there" piece, though the language will turn off a lot of people. Nonetheless, it proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that CNN's reporters are either as lazy as can be, or they are deliberately spiking good news. Given CNN's reporting on the AWB, I vote for the latter.

I glad to see that this nation still produces fine young men like the soldier who wrote this article. Despite the near total lack of discipline in our society, and all of the temptations offered to young men by the crassly commercial and morally questionable media, men like this are still produced, and they defend all of us from the evil Islamofascist sons of beeches. I'm feeling quite good about now, though I'd feel loads better if Kerry didn't have about a 50% chance of being elected.

I'm also glad to read that we sent a whole lot more than 12 of these monkey-effer's to the 72 Virgins Whorehouse - the more, the merrier. This is part of the strategery of going into Iraq, to have the troops act as a magnet for the terrorist scumbags, so that less of them end up over here (and, frankly, so that less of those vermin reproduce).

Regarding the 72 virgins thing, one wonders when the supply will run out, because if reports like this are even close to being true, the demand side of the equation is awesome. Also, how good could the whoring be, if they are all virgins? Just asking...:evil:
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