Collector or Shooter?

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Jan 1, 2003
Just curious as to how many of you consider yourself to be more of a collector than a shooter or vice versa. I have to admit that as much as I enjoy shooting, when I get the chance, I would probably be considered more of a collector than a shooter. I have way more guns than I actually get around to shooting and the ones I do shoot the most still aren't what you would consider well used. Best, Mike
I shoot a lot, but my primary interest is in collecting. I'm still working on my goal of owning one of every military firearm used during WWII.
If I ever come upon some serious money I will probably start collecting firearms. The guns I would collect are the Model 3 series Smiths and Mauser bolt actions up to the Nazi 98Ks.

Right now I am a shooter. It's fun hey!
Hello! I've played both role's; but its much more fun
being a "shooter"! Being only a "collector" you miss
out on the "hands on' experience of shooting
your favorite firearms. Currently, I don't own any
firearm that I would be scared too shoot!

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
Accumulator and Shooter.

I have an occasional yen for a fancy, engraved pistol, or a Civil War Spencer carbine. But, if I couldn't shoot them I'd get annoyed after a while.
I am a "collector" of shootable firearms.

A gun, like any tool, was made to be used.
If I want a gun hanging on the wall I'll get a nice framed print.

Speaking of that, not to hijack the thread, but does anyone remember the 2 sets of framable prints that Guns & Ammo magazine offered for renewals in the early 1970's? I had both sets still in the shipping tube until 1996 when they were destroyed along with my house. I'd love to find them again.
I have become more of a collector than a shooter by default. With a baby and two stepkids and my wife working an opposite schedule from mine, I just don't seem to have the time to get to the range as often as I used to. I keep up my proficiency with my HD and CCW guns, but the long guns have sat dormant for many months now!:( Time to re-work that schedule of mine I guess and get in a little more trigger time.
Some shooters, some collectors. Here lately alot of the shooters are becoming collectors as I haven't had the the time to shoot all of them.
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