Colorado Sheriff: "Boy Scout Shooting Range is Terrorist Camp"

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Dec 3, 2005
Bel Air, Maryland
The Sheriff is an elected office, they may want to re-call this SOB!

Ok, this is a local Colorado issue, however, I know many of you aren't the type that would shy away from sending these treasonous bastages an email note or even call them. If you feel like it please do - the tyrant's contact info at the end of the article:

Elbert County Sheriff opposed to local shooting: calls Boy Scouts “Hamas”

"It sounded like Hamas had a training camp next door.”

That’s not a quote from US Special Forces in Iraq or Afghanistan. That’s what Elbert County Sheriff William Frangis said about Peaceful Valley Boy Scout camp’s shooting range.

Yes, you read that right: Sheriff Frangis compared a Boy Scout shooting range to terrorists.

Peaceful Valley Boy Scout camp, as well as the western tradition of recreational shooting,n is being attacked by a number of anti-gun liberals, lead by Sheriff Frangis and former Elbert County Commissioner John Dunn. Frangis is a known anti-gun activist and has testified before the legislature time and again in favor of gun control.

Frangis, Dunn and a small collection of screeching liberals want to prevent the Boy Scouts from holding events at the camp’s shooting range. 4-H shooting programs are certainly next.

They’re using the same, tired old arguments to try to shut down the Boy Scouts shooting range, claiming lead contamination and disruption of the environment as justification for their attack on the Second Amendment.

It is vital that gun owners like you and me let Sheriff Frangis and the Elbert County Commissioners know that attacks onthe Second Amendment will not go unnoticed.

Rocky Mountain Gun Owners is closely monitoring this situation, but there is something you can do to help!

E-mail or call Sheriff Frangis and the Elbert County Commissioners and tell them to stop their witch hunt against recreational shooting and the Boy Scouts.

Sheriff William Frangis: (303) 621-2027

Commissioner Suzie Graeff: (303) 621-3132: [email protected]

Commissioner Hope Goetz: (303) 621-3139: [email protected]

Commissioner John Metli: (303) 621-3114: [email protected]

Additionally, on July 18th, the Elbert County Commissioners will be meeting to discuss granting Peaceful Valley Scout ranch a temporary permit to continue shooting activities. The meeting will be held at 215 Comanche Street, Kiowa in the 2nd
floor conference room, and is scheduled from 9:00am-4:30pm. This meeting's agenda hasn’t been published yet, but as soon as RMGO knows when the shooting issue comes up, we will notify you.

Strong representation from the gun community is vital at this meeting.
Strictly speaking, he didn't call a boy scout camp a terrorist camp or call boy scouts "Hamas". I think what he did say is plenty powerful on its own and will work a lot better for you without the hyperbole and embellishment; but good luck either way on getting rid of these guys.
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