Colorado Sheriffs' Lawsuit

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pirate do

Mar 8, 2011
The trial in federal court began on 3/31 and was supposed to last 10 days. Denver media has reported nothing about the progress so far.

I am extremely proud of the public position that these 55 sheriffs are taking against this useless, unenforceable and unconstitutional legislation. They have made a brave stance on behalf of all Coloradans.

Molon Labe

Read the complaint. There are many well reasoned arguments why these idiotic laws actually serve to decrease safety for law abiding Coloradans.

See the 38 minute video. Sheriffs and lead counsel are very articulate.


Good synopsis of the issue and the Constitutional aspects.

Well written response by Adams County sheriff.
Doesn't seem too friendly to us.

No it doesn't, but maybe that's to be expected. What really matters is what happens this November in the mid-term election. That's where your focus should be, and keep in mind that each of those sheriffs probably has a lot of influence in they're respective counties.
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