Come Heller high water (merged threads)

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lee n. field

Dec 29, 2002
The only opinion remaining from the March sitting is Heller. The only Justice without a majority opinion from that sitting is Justice Scalia.


Specifically, what does " The only Justice without a majority opinion from that sitting is Justice Scalia. " mean?

I suppose we'll know soon enough.
Come Heller high water

Tom Goldstein - The only opinion remaining from the March sitting is Heller. The only Justice without a majority opinion from that sitting is Justice Scalia.

The above just appeared on Scotusblog.

No Heller decision today, June 23. One day remaining: Thursday. One opinion remaining from the March sitting: Heller. One Justice remaining without a majority opinion: Scalia.
Wednesday's the next day, they have not announced Thursday as an opinion day at this time.

The Court has announced that it will release opinions against at 10am Wednesday. Because seven opinions remain, it will almost certainly have one additional day. Based on past practice, that day likely will be Thursday.

So there we are :)
The implication is that Scalia wrote the majority opinion on Heller.

That's not automatic cause for hope, Scalia tends to slavishly follow the text, even at the price of Liberties we thought we had, and has certainly been in the center of perversity before.

Nonetheless, in *this* particular case, the text tends to support our position, and therefore it *is* a hopeful signal.

You can count eggs.
You can count chickens.

Right now, we're counting eggs that shake.
Yeah. Scalia is at least writing in the majority, which is probably good, and may be writing the majority opinion, which is also probably good.

I've been cautiously optimistic for a while now, and now I'm even more optimistic. It ain't a done deal, but there's nothing we can do about it anyway, so may as well be happy about it.

Wow, I just experienced the pleasant foreshadowing of a future gloat fest...:evil:

Scalia is writing in the majority opinion, it's hard to imagine that he voted against Heller so now we are waiting on whether or not he was the writer of the majority opinion. How awesome is that!!!!!

Yeah. Scalia is at least writing in the majority, which is probably good, and may be writing the majority opinion, which is also probably good.

Does this mean there is a consensus of the majority and Scalia is putting that into writting along with his concurring views? Can I assume that the court has talked amongst themselves, maybe even voted, and know where every member stands? Then someone else will write/represent the minority view?

Exactly how does this work?
Man! I don't think the helium balloons I bought will last till then! May as well take the margarita machine back....sigh.
Exactly how does this work?

How this works, is that for the first time in a long time, there are tens, maybe hundreds of millions of people hanging on a Supreme Court decision, and being humans, the court wants to live with it a while, while reminding all of us lesser humans who's in charge... You can bet that if possible, they will add days (one at a time) to the session to accomodate the 'unfinished' (yeah, right. the opinion has been sitting in someone's safe for weeks) opinion, and drag this out untill the very last possible second.
I agree with you. They have probably had the opinion written for weeks now. They are just delighting in the torture session they are carrying out.

Oh the humanity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's not about torture, it's the fact that so many people actually care about what they're about to say. Usually there is a narrow, special interest group affected by a SC ruling...This ruling will immediately affect the entire city of DC, and by extension, Chicago and NY, as well as the entire states of ILL, NY, NJ and California, pro and anti just for starters... Human nature loves celebrity, and for this few months, they've been basking in the glow of our interest. They also know they'll be right back to the same old ho-hum deal life was before Heller, and want to delay slipping back into relative obscurity. Sad to say, it's turned into another showbiz court like some Judge Judy show on steroids...
I have an idea that they all reached their decisions shortly after the hearing. All this time since has been spent writing and re-writing the fruits of that decision so as to eliminate as much confusion as possible. The very last thing they want to do is issue a confusing opinion or one that some smart lawyer can pick apart to make his opposing point.

Legalese is a strange language, one that can be twisted, contorted, interpreted and parsed to say just exactly the opposite of that which was intended. I'm reasonably certain of a favorable opinion and part of me wants them to get it over with. The other part of me though, wants them to do it right, regardless of the time it takes.

Pass me that jar of Tums.
Ya know, I don't mind the court getting a little more attention. It showes them as the bastion against encroachment on our civil liberties. Folks tend to forget how much power they hold and how much they were intended to hold. When they fade in to obscurity the legislative and executive branches tend to push as far as they can in to territories they have no right being in. A weak USSC has no place in the US .gov in my books. Let them flex a bit, and learn to be men about it (and woman).
Rokyudai wrote:

Man! I don't think the helium balloons I bought will last till then! May as well take the margarita machine back....sigh.

I admire your unbridled optimism...:neener::neener::neener: Those guys in the wagering pool that had the last day for the release of this opinion are looking pretty smart right now!!:evil:

It ain't going to be a quiet year next year.

If you thought DC were being awkward and bolshie about 2A just wait until Daley and Chicago get their first challenge.....Never mind NYC and NJ.....:evil:

I see (depending upon the ruling and scrutiny level) an thoroughly entertaining 12-18 months ahead.

One lives in hope that the various mayors and governors will actually try and directly defy the SC.....:D
I was being sarcastic. ;)
Couldn't you smell it? :eek:

I know there's always going to something that people are carrying on about. I just always find it funny that no matter how important it might seem right now, give it a few months and most will have all but forgotten whatever it was, or will have at least moved on to something else.

Right now it's Heller. Next year it may be New York or Chicago.

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