Commercial Vehicle Carry

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Mar 9, 2004
Ok, so my dad drives a commercial semi truck. He lives in Arizona and travels to AZ, NM, NV, UT, ID etc...

While he is "working" he is ONLY carrying his own cargo, thus he is "not for hire". The merchandise he hauls is bought by him and sold to his customers by him. He also transports the cargo from point A to point B.

If he is in a "not for hire" commerical truck, is it lawful for him to open/concealed carry as long as he is licensed to CC in the states he is travelling in?

Any laws here that anyone can cite?
Thanks everyone!
It is my understanding from info posted on TruckNet that there is no Federal DOT regulation which prohibits carrying a firearm in a commercial vehicle. I have always operated under the premise that the same rules applied as for possessing a weapon on a state-by-state basis in any vehicle.

I am an independent owner/operator and when I was a resident of AZ and had a CCW I did take a gun with me most of the time I was on the road. I also got the NH nonresident permit, so I was covered under reciprocity in 26 states IIRC. Figured it was about a 50/50 gamble I'd be in the right state if a problem arose. Now that I'm a resident of a non-CCW state (heavy sigh!), and I only run 1 RT/wk from Topeka to Chicago I no longer carry. (But I am considering taking my brand new 18" side-by-side 12 ga along for the ride.)

Due to my driving habits, I guess you could say professionalism, I've never even been stopped for a traffic violation in 700,000 miles over the past 5.5 yrs. Having been a reserve LEO, my policy is firm that no LEO is going to search my vehicle (or home) without a warrant...just a matter of principle. Fortunately it's never come up.

Hope this helps.
I've got a CDL (although only class B), and I've never seen or heard of anything that would restrict me from arming myself beyond what the various state laws would be for private vehicles. Of course, this is just for Colorado, and different states very well may have their own laws covering armed CDLs.
There is no restriction on carying a firearm in any motor vehicle in New Mexico. That includes commercial MV.

Your Dad would only face an issue if he were to carry concealed outside the truck. BUT, that is only a misdemeanor and unless there were extinuating or aggravating circumstances, it's almost unheard of for anyone to be charged with unlawful CCW by itself. Open carry is OK in NM, but unfourunatly, NM does not yet recognize any other State's CHL, or offer non-res. CHLs. :mad:

All the NM cops I've talked to are pretty well pro CCW and self defence and would consider an out of State CHL as an automatic "good guy" card.
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