Cops in New Orleans: "Give up your guns -- we need them!"

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All of you guys from the rest of the country need to get your facts straight. I live 40 miles west of New Orleans and get the local news. The cops that were looting were stealing food and water to survive. The people they were disarming in the SuperDome are a lot of the scum of the city. There are people being raped and murdered in the Dome for supplies. Would you want to be held up at gunpoint for a gallon of water?

Instead of watching the crap national news, get some info from our local media.

The TImes Picayune New Orleans

It just pisses me off to see armchair quarterbacks giving an opinion on something they have no idea about.
Oh yea. And as for Bush. Thanks for the flipping military support 4 days late. :banghead:
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the cops i saw were raiding cd's... guess w/ a little ketchup, they could be survival items.

the question was: would *i* give up my guns... emphatically, no!

today, i saw an interview w/ an evacuee from the superdome... her biggest gripe was that she didn't get a hot meal while she was in the dome... you draw your own conclusions...
An employee of mine was told by her EMT sister that while she was in the superdome she got called to an emergency where a guy had pushed another guy off of a balcony during a fight over a can of vienna sausages. Another first hand tale of a guy shooting his sister for a gallon of water.

You draw your conclusions from 1500 miles away.

I'll draw mine from people that have been there.
Most of those in New Orleans who are in trouble have trusted their left-wing politicians to take care of them. They have given up personal responsibility and have found out the hard way how much they can trust their politicians. The trial lawers should bankrupt the Democrat party if they are fair, which will not happen.
Most of those in New Orleans who are in trouble have trusted their left-wing politicians to take care of them.
i respectfully submit that which wing of the political spectrum a particular politician is standing on is irrelevant to the inefficiency that we are witnessing.

the keyword is "politician".

replace "politician" with "statesman", regardless of spatial orientation (left, right, center, back, front, up, down, red, green, purple....) and the problems will be at least reduced. not eliminated, but reduced.

to repeat: the problem has nothing to do with left/right, but with politics.
I have to admit...after wearing the badge at one time, I'd be hard pressed to not hand an honest-to-goodness, officer-in-need one of my rifles. Though I do agree with folks who feel uncomfortable, or would refuse... if an officer truly needed one (and one only) of my rifles to 'go do good works', then I might lend him/her one.

I would also note exactly which one, how much ammo was given, along with the serial number, badge number, and name of the officer so I could get it back once the proverbial fan was cleaned of all it's poo poo.

Worst case scenario, I'd be out one surplus Mosin.
It would appear that the New Orleans Police Department has near zero respect on this forum. The abyss yawns open, and 1.5 million people fall in. Wow.

_Something_ has gone horribly wrong there. Remember the Los Angeles riots? The police did not act swiftly to suppress rioters and looters, and the city went berserk. It looks like the N.O.P.D. made the same mistake. If they had brained the first few dozen looters stealing TVs and jewelry, the city might have been spared the convulsions we now see.

And if the reports are true, that police were looting (and I do not mean groceries), then heads need to roll.


You have guns, cars, tanks, clubs, knives, kevlar, radios, training, a logistics department, etc., etc. You use them against me in times of peace (or use them to coerce me into remaining in fear of prosecution for minor problems).

I already bought you a gun and ammo (i.e., taxes paid).

I have what I can afford and am "permitted" to have, which is minimal.

Leave me alone and go away.

Every police officer had the same opportunity to buy a shotgun and battle rifle and ammo as I did. I have my personal weapons. Where are theirs? The police department would not get my guns.

I definetly agree with this, officers should have had their own personal guns.

The cops that were looting were stealing food and water to survive.

Definetly, but there were also reports of two female officers loading up on shoes, and I have seen pics of officers loading up with cds and other electronic goods. There are always some bad apples, and this is no different.

The people they were disarming in the SuperDome are a lot of the scum of the city.There are people being raped and murdered in the Dome for supplies. Would you want to be held up at gunpoint for a gallon of water?

Well, some of them are the scum of the city. Others are probably not. As for the rest of it, it is a simply another case of the criminals having guns while the law abiding citizens have their guns taken away.
Agreed that I would not give up any of my weapons at home to a police officer in times of crisis. It's just as likely I'll need them for defense as he will in a crisis like the one in N.O., and the more firepower I have the better off I'll be.
No, for I probably won't own anything beyond what I'm carrying.

OTOH, a case of LEO loaners, cheap 12-ga pumps with ammo, might not be a bad idea. However, firearms will be exchanged for driver's licenses.
My next-door neighbor, yeah, I'd make a personal arms loan to him...he is a retired City Detective, and the guy accross the street a few doors down, yeah him, too...Active Deputy Sheriff.

Any others, that I dont personally know? ? ? lotza luk, pal. You're gonna need it
Any cop personally known to me?

Sure -- anything I've got that he or she can use.

Same goes for firefighters and EMTs.

Any other official, or any agency? Forget it.

However, in the situation presented here (major disaster with prior warning): I won't pretend that I'd be there to be asked. My guns, my loved ones and I would already be gone.
I just saw a report that a lot of NOPD officers are turning in their badges rather than join in the efforts to restore order- basically saying "I lost all I have and what's left isn't worth the risk of getting sniped." I'm sure their families are no better off than anyone else's, but what kind of LEO quits in a crisis like this and leaves it to the National Guard to restore order?
what kind of LEO quits in a crisis like this and leaves it to the National Guard to restore order?

Probably not New Orleans' finest. I'd bet most of these will not be missed.
I just saw a report that a lot of NOPD officers are turning in their badges rather than join in the efforts to restore order- basically saying "I lost all I have and what's left isn't worth the risk of getting sniped." I'm sure their families are no better off than anyone else's, but what kind of LEO quits in a crisis like this and leaves it to the National Guard to restore order?
May they me blacklisted and never hold a position of public trust (i.e., any state or federal job) for the rest of their lives. They should live with the limited rights of a convicted felon from now on.
OKAY I give my legal gun to a police officer and off he goes around the corner to save the day. He get's popped in the head and the BG's scoop up the gun and waste a bunch of people. Unfortunatly when I gave it to him nobody saw the transaction take place. Months later the water is pumped out and bodies are being gathered up. The ones with bullet holes are seperated for autopsy... OH OH! My registered bullets are in a few of those bodies. Guess who they are looking for now!!!!! :what: NO THANKS I'll just ride it out with my weapons thank you!
The police still have several of my weapons they "borrowed" over 20 years ago. I was supposed to get them back in 6 to 8 weeks and never saw them again. Pigs will fly (pun intended) before they get anymore of my guns without cash up front. If they're underarmed and can't handle looters, let them stand aside and let armed citizens deal with it. That will free them up for whatever else they've got to do, probably a little looting of their own. Sucks to get caught on camera wearing a police uniform and liberating goods from Walmart!
Most of the people here badmouthing those officers would never do the hard work they are enduring now...
If news reports are to be trusted (admittedly a big if), then some of the officers there are choosing not to endure the hard work the others are enduring now.

Was that article edited? I can't find the quote about police asking for guns. Is that true?
There are people being raped and murdered in the Dome for supplies

HOW in the heck do your rape someone for supplies? Rape them for supplies??? Did you really type that?

Can ANYONE explain to me how that works? Raping someone for supplies--wow, please explain that one to me.
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