Corner Shot?

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That overly-impressed tool on Futureweapons demonstrated it.

Um, ok. It's not a gun, it's a video system you mount your gun into. My main gripe is that you have to handle it like a long gun, but you don't get the range and effectiveness benefits that come with a long gun. You have a video camera and monitor added to your gear that can break. Is the benefit worth it? Maybe for highly specialized SWAT teams and such. I don't ever see myself using one.
I would rather take my chances taking point every once in a while and use a real gun than use one of those.
"for highly specialized SWAT teams and such"

And that's exactly who it's made for, not your average CCWer coming home late after dark.
Not to mention that mounting it in the stock would probably classify it as a SBR.
Not something the average CCWer is going to want to bother with.
My main gripe is that you have to handle it like a long gun, but you don't get the range and effectiveness benefits that come with a long gun.

How can you compare this device to a long gun? the idea is to be able to shoot into a room without having to enter it or expose your body.

I agree that this system is better for SWAT teams and such, however this is a device that can save one's life and should not be taken lightly.

I'm curious how this would sell on the civilian market
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Because it takes the same two-handed operation and bulk as a long gun. But you won't get more than 25 yards of range out of it, if that. If my hands are full, I want a real round to work with.

Yeah but this is a specialized tool. Kind of like a shotgun with door breaching round. Of course it's not meant to be used as is for a regular weapon. If you have to round a corner where you know there's a bad guy, you get the corner shot, shoot the bad guy, and then pull out your primary weapon and continue on your way. How it handles is basically irrelevant.
In addition the "corner shot" is obviously designed for close quarter combat... i.e. personal home defense in the civilian case.

I can't stand the notion that if its not accurate at long distances it's worthless. This device will save you ass when there is a bad guy holed up in a room pointing his gun at the door way... I don't want to get into a competition who can shoot faster or better... I want to shoot him without giving him the slightest chance to shoot back at me.

I don't care how this device will perform 100 yards down range. No room in my castle is larger than 20 yards and this system is dead accurate at that distance...
I think the concept behind this assumes the user of the corner shot has decent cover like a concrete wall rather than concealment like drywall. It's a good idea and it has it's applications but I assume in a regular building with regular walls it would be easier to take point than aim a high tech stick behind a wall that doesn't provide protection.

I wonder if they have a version with infrared, that would be pretty neat but on second thought walking around with a brightly lit screen in total darkness would ruin your night vision and give away your position.
WILL? Do you mean....COULD? You need to learn the difference between fact and opinion.

If you can't stand it......get over it. You're investing too much emotion in this board.

Why don't you just leave? I can't imagine for one second actually grabbing this thing and using it in the middle of the night. You are talking about OFFENSIVE actions. This is secondary to conventional tactics. It's like having a flashlight. It's good to have, it doesn't mean you can forget about how to work WITHOUT one in the first place.

The reason it matters if it's a bulky weapon or not is I don't use handguns at all if I don't have to. If I have time to grab something in the middle of the night, it will be a weapon that uses overwhelming force. THIS is NOT that weapon. This is a 9mm on the end of a stick. (And I DID say it might have some application with specialized teams.) I'm certainly not dropping my shotgun for it, or grabbing BOTH to see what happens.

This is an experimental gimmick with multiple electronic systems that can fail. What happens when you stick that thing in the doorway and the bad guy BLOWS IT CLEAN OFF? Now the whole thing is disabled, if the handgun survives you will have to pull it out of the contraption and use it alone anyway. How do you clear a stoppage with it? This thing is so many steps ahead of a practical plan I wouldn't touch one. Just because something seems really cool when you first see it doesn't mean it's a practical idea.
Great for specialized work, interesting to look at, but I don't see much application for a civilian.

Looks kinda' like a muppet when you just see the business end. :)

What type of pistols were they using?
That video was super cheesy.
I think i saw that system setup on the Discovery Channel once and it looked much more flattering on tv.
I thought we're all supposed to be straight shooters here. (rim shot!)
I have used several like systems on weapons, they are extra weight you have to carry, when you really don't want that weight. They are battery eaters, expensive to operate and get damages easily. Not a fan, with good tactics and instict you can fill that gap, that cornershot provides.
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