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Could carrying large amounts of ammo become a nightmare?

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Dec 27, 2002
Del City, Okla
Hardly a week goes by without the news reporting on some guy arrested for something and the police found a "stockpile" of ammo at his house. This usually consist of several hundred rounds. Now I have to be honest here, I can't tell you how many rounds of ammo I have at the house, but I just finished loading 1200+ rounds of 45acp, not to mention just bought a case of my favorite 22LR. Then there's about 300rds of 6tcu, 200 rds of 218, 200 rds of 357max. Then the wife's stash of 357mags, and then , well you get the idea.
But then I got to thinking about a thread awhile back where people were talking about how much ammo they carried on their persons. Many people confessed to carrying several mags with them and back up pistols. Seems to me if you were to have to defend yourself in a civil case after a shooting it could get sticky.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, the defendant was carrying not only a semi-automatic pistol, but 4 additional magazines for it, not to mention the second pistol he was carrying on his ankle with 2 magazines for it. And least we forget the AR15 assault rifle in his vehicle with 5 fully loaded magazines holding 30 rounds in each. Now I ask you, was this a simple man arming himself for self-defence, or a wannabe urban rambo just looking for a gunfight?"

Seems like as paranoid as some people are about things like carrying reloads, we would be concerned about this, but I've never seen it mentioned.
Well step one is probably to not do things that will get you in front of a jury.

Step two is make sure the amount of ammo they find in your house is irrelevant to your case and therefore inadmissible in court.

Step three is to live in a place where the jury takes pity on the size of your ammo stash, as it is much smaller than the jury members.

Case in point. You get me on your jury and I hear about your three or four digit ammo collection, I'm likely to slip you $20 after the trial to help build your stocks.
Carry what the cops carry, it works for them and no one could say you were carrying too much.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, the defendant was carrying not only a semi-automatic pistol, but 4 additional magazines for it, not to mention the second pistol he was carrying on his ankle with 2 magazines for it. And least we forget the AR15 assault rifle in his vehicle with 5 fully loaded magazines holding 30 rounds in each. Now I ask you, was this a simple man arming himself for self-defence, or a wannabe urban rambo just looking for a gunfight?"

A good shoot is a good shoot. All that other stuff is irrelevant.
Step three is to live in a place where the jury takes pity on the size of your ammo stash, as it is much smaller than the jury members

Now that got a big Memorial Day chuckle out of me! :D Thanks for the laugh. I would want members of thehighroad.org to be my jury! ;)
Too much ammo is bad for the heart (& health)

I got winded carrying a case of ammo up the steps after a large purchase at a gun show
Step two is make sure the amount of ammo they find in your house is irrelevant to your case and therefore inadmissible in court.

That is pretty much the way I view things. The information is irrelevant as is the amount of ammunition I might have at my residence.

If you do illegal things, bad things are likely to follow you and the police will collect all the circumstancial evidence they can to make their case. Whether it be ammunition, firearms, porn, emails, interviews with neighbors that don't like you, etc.

I'm more concerned about where I store the ammo than the amount.
How about this.

I might find myself in a situation where I am the only one armed when the 2mall shooters walked towards the 30 people hiding in the back of the department store.

With terrorist acts having been performed on u.s. soil I am just sorry I only had that much ammo and did not prepare better.

You get the idea.

Karl, I've got that much in .22LR ammo.

And as far as driving the antis up the wall, back when the congresscritters were considering defining an arsenal for civilian gun control, reloading components would have placed my home under the definition of an "arsenal."

Seems to me if you were to have to defend yourself in a civil case after a shooting it could get sticky.
In last month's issue of Combat Handguns (IIRC) Massad Ayoob did an article on this subject (and in the current one talked about carrying multiple guns).
He talked about a trial where the prosecutor made an issue of a legally armed citizen having 2 reloads for his 1911. He said all his lawyer would have to do is ask the LEO on the stand how many rounds he's required to carry (G17 and 2 spare mags). 51 vs 21. Even with a BUG, which many LEO carry also, and a reload or two for it you'd have less. Maybe he can chime in on this thread.
It's something important to at least consider because it very well could come up in a case if you were forced to defend yourself. However, he said it's something that any decent attorney should be able to make moot (same with carrying hollow points or a BUG).
I tend to believe that it won't matter much regardless of how much ammo you're carrying with you, but I'm one of those fruits that carry reloads too. It seems everytime I mention I carry reloads I get plenty of advice on how I'm going to spend the rest of my next 3 lives behind bars and the targets family will leave me with one pair of underwear. I just noticed that some of those same names post about how many cases of ammo they carry around with them on a daily basis. Just wondering what the bigger liability would be, carrying 8 rounds of reloaded ammo, or walking around with 2 pistols and 50+ rds at your disposal.
LOL, Took my son and one employee to finish a wee job in a nearby town(Charlotte, NC) one Saturday. I took my trunk rifle out to put some tools in and forgot to replace it(an old SKS). We were stopped on the way back in a rolling road check(tag had expired). When "smokey" pulled us over I went into a shopping center lot to clear the highway. We laid three handguns onto the dash(per NC law) and soon there were four units "surrounding" us. We had to get out and they spread eagled us against the car(an old Caddy). They got to pulling out ammo, mags, and loose rounds and went ballistic. After about 45 minutes they let us go but said we had to put our guns into the trunk-well, when I told them that was not going to happen they spent another 15 minutes making calls. Finally they asked if we would not reload until they left. I agreed and we went on our merry way. What drove them nuts was-they could not find the "39" shooter because we had about a half dozen loaded mags in a pouch. Sure am glad I forgot to reload it or we might still be there answering questions, wc
Too much ammo is bad for the heart (& health)

I got winded carrying a case of ammo up the steps after a large purchase at a gun show

2nd~ get the ammo back out and repeat taking it back 3x's a day until you are no longer winded then move to 6x's a day. :D It will help if used in conjunction with exercise. So pull out your favorite field gun and go walk.
Step three is to live in a place where the jury takes pity on the size of your ammo stash, as it is much smaller than the jury members.

Case in point. You get me on your jury and I hear about your three or four digit ammo collection, I'm likely to slip you $20 after the trial to help build your stocks.

:D I'll chip in another $20 after the trial for him as well. Anything less than 6 digits...chump change! ;)
To the cop/jury/judge/lawyer/people who saw it hapen

Why i just happened to be on my way to the range when this hear unlucky fellow pulled a gun on me. It is a good thing i was going to the range or else my poor disabled wife and 3 starving kids would not have a father right now... :rolleyes:

Problem solved
In Michigan, I can carry as many handguns, and as much ammo as my body can withstand. I made a post about a year ago re: an LEO in Southfield, MI who wanted to arrest a gentleman who was carrying more than one handgun. While he was inconvenienced for a while, as the sergeant argued that the LEO was not going to arrest him, in the end, he was released. :neener: That sergeant was my Advanced Tactical Shooting instructor. I like LEOs like him! :D He advises us to carry as much as we can, five (5) handguns if possible, and as much ammo as we can carry. :p
I'll tell you what sets off an alarm in the normal officer's head, is stacking rounds, like magsafe's and hydrashocks in the same clip. I had that happen once in all my years of carrying, and it turned into a detainment situation, until a dozen guys looked at the clip, and decided that it was ok.
I carry a magazine in my Glock with one up the stack, plus a spare magazine. The reason is my carry set up has space for one spare magazine.
"Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, the defendant was carrying not only a semi-automatic pistol, but 4 additional magazines for it, not to mention the second pistol he was carrying on his ankle with 2 magazines for it. And least we forget the AR15 assault rifle in his vehicle with 5 fully loaded magazines holding 30 rounds in each. Now I ask you, was this a simple man arming himself for self-defence, or a wannabe urban rambo just looking for a gunfight?"

Seems like as paranoid as some people are about things like carrying reloads, we would be concerned about this, but I've never seen it mentioned.

It isn't the carrying of additional ammo that is your legal concern, now is it?
Forgot to address the loaded AR magazines. They are legal if they go to a pistol, but not if they go to a rifle/carbine. I would not suggest carrying "both" types of firearms at the same time, and if you are carrying the longguns, empty magazines only. I never carry that pistol. It would be a bit difficult to carry at the beach. :eek:
Well I supose we should define "too much ammo"..........................................well you cant there is only well equiped to (fill in the blank) wether its good or evil thats a diffrent story.

I dont think I could ever be accused of such a thing with only 2k 38 super 100 50-90 sharps and a few boxes of "other" stuff for the varrious other calibers I own. But then again I am no crazed lunitic with a gun either so the media can not target me. but then again for some folks 1 bullet is too many its a mear tactic to make a person look bad no matter if they are or not.
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