Could Gun Rights Opinions Change This Quickly?

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And keep in mind the appointment of judges at state/federal levels which the antis have targeted and been successful at.

Thankfully, NRA is aware of this and have been working to counteract but success over the years/decades require voting and financial support.

So if you are charity supporting type, please consider supporting your "rights" charity and support the NRA.

I think the tide has definitely turned but we must be vigilant and keep up the fight while educating/spreading the word to others. I find that striking up a conversation with a Democrat neighbor is now relatively easy as, "Have you or anyone you know been victimized by crime?" And when they go on and on about "You know, matter of fact I have ...", I smile and share with them the option of self defense with firearm and invite them to my next range session.

We should think of us as missionaries/ambassadors of Second Amendment spreading the "good word".
MISTERARMAN - " Our gun rights are always under attack. They are coming at us in so many directions I can't keep track. ..."

Very true.

Everyone should always remember that the gun grabbing left wing "progressives" never, ever, disengage. Defeat them on one threat and they just regroup and come back at us from a different direction.

They never quit as their goal is eventual disarmament of all us worker peasants.

The very well armed, very expensive bodyguards of the Megamillionaire Marxists and Billionaire Bolsheviks will of course, be excluded from the disarmament and confiscation laws.

Human Nature has never changed in the history of the world.

I have 3 new want-to-be shooters asking me for advice, instruction and range time. Two women and an old guy my age. Got the old guy started down the 1911 river of no return last week.

If anything the self protection/recreation aspect of gun ownership is increasing, not decreasing. I make sure while I'm interacting with these folks I tell them to vote pro-gun when you can. That's my only request. My time, firearms and ammo is free, just help me beat back the AG crowd or we won't have the freedom to shoot and carry.

We will have some set backs, but people are starting to wake up. You have the right to protect yourself, use it.
I'm not saying it is or even will be, but it could possibly be "our very own Dunblane" because of the combination of race, religion, guns, a dead politician and above all those, media spin. With Newtown, there was a single angle to attack from, stricter gun control.

My crystal ball is in for repair, so I'll make no predictions. However, this story has grown legs and reached into the legislative branches of several states already on one front. I don't expect the offensive will stop until it meets resistance. When that resistance comes will depends largely on where they attack next and how spun up the media can keep emotions of those in positions to react with legislative changes.
It is just that Newtown had more in commong with Dunblane than Charleston. The multiple issues present in Charlston might acutally dilute the response by scattering focus. Right now it seems to be on the flag. If they expend most of the political capital on the flag, there may be little energy left for a major push for gun control.
Yes one event can be used by the government to stomp on your gun rights. I live in Ct. The home of the Newtown shooting. I lost several of my state gun rights. I can't buy a magazine that holds over ten rounds anymore. Had to register the ones I have. Some on line stores won't sell me ammo, even though I am totally legal. Assault rifles (as they call them) threaded barrels and a few other things pretty much went out the window. One event sparked the great .22 ammo shortage. I still can't get the brands of .22 ammo or powder that I want. It has taken all this time to be able to get anything. They are still crying for more state gun control. On a state level this one event hit us pretty hard.
Just curious, but if Newtown wasn't "our very own Dunblane" why should Charleston be?
Pretty much for the reasons that 1911 Guy stated.
Newton did have an effect on the laws in Connecticut as also stated in another post.
I just think that the dominos are starting to fall. Been wrong before, hope I'm wrong now...
I believe it could change at a moment's notice. Both scotus and potus have demonstrated a disregard for the constitution on many occasions... Our 2A rights are as much at risk as our religious freedom now is... Both of which I thought were safe... Now I'm unsure.

We can fight ISIS abroad... but how do we fight apathy, misinformation and a disdain for the rule of law at home.

I'm very concerned
Agree 100%. It's abundantly clear that the constitution and the law are no longer the guides for Washington. The progressives are unfettered and the conservatives stand by and watch with their mouths agape, or at best, bring the proverbial knife to the gunfight.

Furthermore, I don't think it'll be long in coming. If nothing happens in the next 18 months in Washington to send us over the edge of the slippery slope of "gun control" (for the record I believe there's about a 50/50 chance) it'll ONLY be due to the fact that there are still enough outspoken voters (NRA members and non-members of our kind) who are able to figuratively show the elected politicians (not the un-elected ones on the Supreme Court) the political open grave on the other side of the next election. BUT, let's face it; due to age a huge chunk of the above voters won't be voting in 20 years or less. Combine that with the continued assault on the 2A, and the fact that the Supreme Court has last week proven without any lingering doubt that they'll vote their political convictions not interpret the law, and where else could we possibly be headed but "gun control"?
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Whether a confederate battle flag flies over a particular piece of state property doesn't have any actual impact on you. Whether you are allowed to own, say, a semi-automatic rifle or a magazine capable of holding more than 10 rounds certainly does have an actual impact on you.

Changes in popular opinion regarding matters of symbology are quick because nobody is actually going to give up anything. Changes regarding actual rights are quite different. Confederate battle flags and gun rights don't have anything to do with one another except for some overlap between some supporters.
Not a big deal. The confederate flag was part of Democratic Party history for 140 years, and they finally recognized it should go. KKK, all Southern Democrats. Civil Rights? Opposed by Democrats. Then LBJ saw the writing on the wall. Republicans were gaining voters by backing civil rights. LBJ decided "the Great Society" (welfare) would win back minority voters.

Most current "progressives" don't know any of this history. Or if they do know, they are working to rewrite it.
Read this excerpt from Keith Farrell's article..

"Scalia On Obamacare Ruling: “Words Have No Meaning Anymore”

By Keith Farrell

The decision has left Justice Antonin Scalia searing and his dissent was scathing.

“Words no longer have meaning if an Exchange that is not established by a State is ‘established by the State,’” he wrote.

Scalia implied the Court was more concerned with political motives than doing their jobs."

Be very concerned. We are living in evil times. An increasingly politically motivated supreme court is bad news for US citizens. Liberals preach about diversity and how great it is, as long as it is a diverse group that they agree with on a political level. There is no room for diversity when it comes gun owners, religious people that harbor certain beliefs that are unpopular (against gay marriage), rednecks, business owners, the wealthy, smokers, fat people, etc. The list is a long one.

So, what can YOU do? 1. Stay involved. This is tough for people who are disenchanted, make yourself do it. Know, write, and visit your members of congress. Write them a check at some point when you are not there to discuss issues. They will remember...

2. Teach your kids about right and wrong. Teach them how you should love and find the good in everybody. Teach about TRUE diversity. Teach them that God loves them and to do their best

3. Buy tons of guns and ammo. Get others to do this as well (see .22 Megathread II)

On another note, the irony of the rebel flag situation is huge. The civil war was about states rights. The federal government was shoving policy down the throats of states. Isn't it interesting that there has been a huge increase in that very behavior lately by the feds, esp the recent obamacare and gay marriage descisions?
Shanghai McCoy said:
I share that opinion. This recent and tragic act of violence is stocking the fire against gun ownership. The victims were Black, in a church and one was both clergy and a politician...
This could be our very own Dunblane.

This is the second thread you have offered up this same Dunblane mantra. It is never going to happen in the USA. The Brits and Aussies have no 2nd Amendment. And:

Blacks make up 13.2% of the United States population. They commit 50.4% of the homicides as of 2013 and 90% of that 50% is committed against other blacks.

These numbers have remained virtually unchanged for years. So even with the connivance of the mainstream media and the other "usual suspects" how are we ever going to reach the point of Dunblane,Scotland or Hobart,Australia?

Homicide in the USA is down from 9.6 per 100,000 in 1993 to 4.5 1n 2013. Less than half. With twice as many guns in Americans hands. How does the media combat those numbers which come from the FBI? It will be next to impossible.

As I said in that other thread, gun control is off the national table until 2017. And if Clinton loses,until at least 2025.

Stop the the pessimism and preposterinism. Is that a word?! :D

And as said before, take that to Las Vegas. ;)
This is the second thread you have offered up this same Dunblane mantra. It is never going to happen in the USA. The Brits and Aussies have no 2nd Amendment. And:

Blacks make up 13.2% of the United States population. They commit 50.4% of the homicides as of 2013 and 90% of that 50% is committed against other blacks.

These numbers have remained virtually unchanged for years. So even with the connivance of the mainstream media and the other "usual suspects" how are we ever going to reach the point of Dunblane,Scotland or Hobart,Australia?

Homicide in the USA is down from 9.6 per 100,000 in 1993 to 4.5 1n 2013. Less than half. With twice as many guns in Americans hands. How does the media combat those numbers which come from the FBI? It will be next to impossible.

As I said in that other thread, gun control is off the national table until 2017. And if Clinton loses,until at least 2025.

Stop the the pessimism and preposterinism. Is that a word?! :D

And as said before, take that to Las Vegas. ;)
i agree but best to not let the guard down.
RW it's not a "mantra" just a reminder. And I know that Britain and Australia did not have a 2nd Amendment but then, with the right propaganda tools, ours could be diluted down if we are not careful.
Yeah, I'm pessimistic, but in my almost 61 years I have had reason to be so...

And I have no idea what taking it to Vegas means..? :confused:
This is the second thread you have offered up this same Dunblane mantra. It is never going to happen in the USA. The Brits and Aussies have no 2nd Amendment. And:

Blacks make up 13.2% of the United States population. They commit 50.4% of the homicides as of 2013 and 90% of that 50% is committed against other blacks.

These numbers have remained virtually unchanged for years. So even with the connivance of the mainstream media and the other "usual suspects" how are we ever going to reach the point of Dunblane,Scotland or Hobart,Australia?

Homicide in the USA is down from 9.6 per 100,000 in 1993 to 4.5 1n 2013. Less than half. With twice as many guns in Americans hands. How does the media combat those numbers which come from the FBI? It will be next to impossible.

As I said in that other thread, gun control is off the national table until 2017. And if Clinton loses,until at least 2025.

Stop the the pessimism and preposterinism. Is that a word?! :D

And as said before, take that to Las Vegas. ;)

Ahhhh.... facts and reality driving government decisions and fending off lawless dictates. Wouldn't it be nice if it worked that way? :)
Yeah, I'm pessimistic, but in my almost 61 years I have had reason to be so...

And I have no idea what taking it to Vegas means..?

OK, I'm 73! And taking it to Vegas means putting money on your beliefs. You too,I6turbo.
$1,000 to your and Shanghai's favorite charity if I am wrong on my opinion about ANY MAJOR national gun control between now and 2017. 2025 if Clinton loses, which she almost certainly will.

Send your checks to the American Lung Association. :)
Whether a confederate battle flag flies over a particular piece of state property doesn't have any actual impact on you. Whether you are allowed to own, say, a semi-automatic rifle or a magazine capable of holding more than 10 rounds certainly does have an actual impact on you.

Changes in popular opinion regarding matters of symbology are quick because nobody is actually going to give up anything. Changes regarding actual rights are quite different. Confederate battle flags and gun rights don't have anything to do with one another except for some overlap between some supporters.

yes and no. I'm seeing first hand the debate over flags/symbology expand rapidly to private property. Advocacy groups are calling for the removal of these flags from private property, from any view by the public for that matter.

I am no fan of the confederate flag. But this debate has clearly moved from just government speech (symbols on govt property) to public and private speech. So, this debate concerns me from a 1st amendment perspective. And the ease with which some would "infringe" on any display of free speech (however noxious) of which they disapprove.

Also, note that some of the same groups that are pressing for the removal of the offending flags from stores, memorials and private property, also press stores to remove firearms from their offerings, oppose concealed and open carry, and advocate gun control generally.

So, IMHO, the sudden surge to restrict these expressions of speech may indeed have some impact on you. Because similar lines of argument and tactics to get these flags removed from stores and other private property are rather similar to the tactics being used to pressure stores and other venues to restrict 2a related activities. (Oh, and by some of the same groups BTW).

I personally have no use for that flag, but if its an expression of 1a rights, so be it. Conducted responsibly, and with sensitivity towards others.

I personally have no use for open carry, but if its an expression of 2a rights, so be it. Conducted responsibily, and with sensitivity towards others.
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Leanwolf: Quite true.
When Ho Chi Minh finally emerged from the shadows after WW2, the motto was "Forward, Forward"! when he made his first major debut during a speech on the public square in Hanoi.

The leftists' goals are always long-term and no wait is too long for them.
Here is just one example, from a I guy with whom I worked for a couple of days, about three years ago:

This ex-US Marine is from Chicago and is Very anti-Second Amendment.
He told me that if most guns were confiscated, the criminals would have access to very few after another fifty years as the supply will have dried up.
By the way, his older brother is an Assistant Police Chief in a Chicago suburb on the southern edge. Some corrosive osmosis here...

And imagine the even more irrational hard-core views from those who are also very anti-military!
wojownik, private actors have always been able to impose economic and counter-speech consequences on those whose speech they take issue with. That's not new. A larger number of people than before now take issue with the confederate flag.

This has nothing to do with state actors banning private actors from speech, nor from gun ownership. I'm hard pressed to come up with a more ill-conceived PR move than for gun rights advocates to throw in with the confederate flag.

There has been a large and measurable surge in support for gun rights among the black/african-american community over the past 3 years (see ). It would be monumentally stupid to make that increasingly pro-2A community think that they are implicitly supporting a symbol of slavery and/or resistance to integration.
OK, I'm 73! And taking it to Vegas means putting money on your beliefs. You too,I6turbo.
$1,000 to your and Shanghai's favorite charity if I am wrong on my opinion about ANY MAJOR national gun control between now and 2017. 2025 if Clinton loses, which she almost certainly will.

Send your checks to the American Lung Association. :)

OK R W I'll concede to your age, experience and your positiviness (is That a word..?). I truly do hope you are right Sir.
Besides, my Daddy, and experience, taught me not to make bets that I can't afford to lose...
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