Country with better gun laws than USA?

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'"He's the unknown stuntman who made Eastwood look so fine."

I wonder how many people caught this reference?'

I did, I did..:D

.....damn I'm gettin' old:uhoh:

"Certainly. Try Craig's Firearms & Police Supply, out Chapman Highway. Bring proof of your SOT status and a request for demo letter signed by a local CLEO. "

Yeah, if you can get the CLEO to sign it. And even then you can't keep it can you? Our laws suck.
Machine gun- You can keep it forever if your shop and license are open for fovever. As long as you got the licenses and the LEO letter.....
If you ask me, what really kills me is the '89 Import Ban and '86 ban on taxing machine guns :scrutiny: , and the part in the '68 GCA that bans importation of machine guns. I've heard that the '34 $200 tax on machine guns is Constitiutionally OK, because it involves a tax passed by Congress. I guess I could tolerate that $200 and mounds of paperwork- what kills me is the $15,000 price tag for a $950 rifle.
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