CT is getting rough this summer

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Yes it is. We've had rash of robberies and car thefts lately in a town where crime really isn't that much of a problem. Glad I'm not working in Hartford right now. I've spent the better part of the last two years working there.
Fox 61 just reported that the police have taken somebody into custody pertaining to the shooting, which may also involve a B&E and auto theft. Caught the guy in Hartford, but the gun is still loose. The shooter is being held and his bail is set at $1,000,000. Sgt. McKeon of the victim officers department said that the shooter was pretty determined to get at the weapon since the officer was employing the weapons retention skills the department trained him.

I think most of the problems are based out of some rough inner city neighborhoods. Same place most of the problems originate.
Camacho ... I wonder which sector of the border he crossed over. Last I knew, Hartford (not to mention New Haven, Bridgeport, Waterbury, Stamford and Danbury, CT) had a significant population of illegal aliens ... errr, "undocumented workers." Dang, I know that intersection ... in another lifetime I worked about a mile from there.
Yep, my son's Doc is just down the road from here. Just shows me no community is immune to crime and violence.
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