CZ-75B Trigger trouble.

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Apr 22, 2003
Alger, OH
Howdy, folks. I recently bought a NIB CZ-75B. Overall, it's a very nice gun. Accurate, easy to shoot, etc. The only trouble is that, occasionally, the trigger won't completely reset. You can hear the click, but when pulled again, no resistance, and the hammer won't fall. pull again, again, again, still the hammer won't fall. Smack the side of the gun with the off hand, kind of hard, and it goes back to working properly. The problem seems to primarily manifest itself in slowfire, when releasing the trigger slowly, trying to get the hang of the reset length. I thought it might be a break-in issue, but the gun's got 500 rounds through it, and still does it.

I'm guessing that somewhere in the trigger system, there's a burr that's catching slightly, and not allowing things to work properly. I just don't know enough about how a CZ trigger works to want to go diving into it filing on things. Any advice?

There was a run of bad trigger return springs in some of the CZ75s( bad sub-contractor ) that have the "born on" dates of 04 & 05. the "born on" date can be found in a little square behind the ejection port. Call CZUSA tell them the serial number, which should be on the right front of both the frame & slide. They have fantastic customer service! they'll steer you in the right direction....they're good people!
Take the slide off and check to see if the screw is loose at the trigger spring.It's a flathead.If it's a little loose it will cause that problem.
HAHAHA! yep, kart racer is right! I'd forgot about the easy check solution, I'd automatically thought of the "worst case scenario". Listen to kart racer, check his solution first.......thanks kart racer, for keeping "first things first"!!
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