daisy BB Gun

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Dec 17, 2008
Good morning to all. Just a quick question if any one can provide some info on a Dasiy bb gun Model 99 Age? Vaule?? . My dad was cleaning out his work shop and came across it . Everynone in the shop told him it was his so he took it home ?? any thoughts I'm not that much up on any kind of air guns
SS# REG B 283848
Thanks for thoughts
Stock and forearm is real wood
lever action
forearm seems to be rectangle in shape with finger grooves on the top
Rear --peep sight
Front-- has a small round barrel tube with a washer type peep inside of it
Cond-- I would guest at about 50% for its age ??? but as I had said not very qualfied to express my thoughts
If it has the hard plastic wood looking stock then it is the of the 1970s vintage ones. Which is the best for accuracy b/c Daisy doesn't make them like they used to.

They are what the Jacyee BB gun shooters use for their youth championships in Bowling Green KY.

As for how much it is worth (not a heck of a lot)? Around $50 for vintage or maybe $25 for the wood stock. Unless it has sentimental value I would donate it to your Jaycee BB gun team.

Here is a little more info:

EDIT: It took me that long to write this post. LOL

$25 for the wood stock as it was probably 1980s+ production. They are not good for anything but punching paper as it is a spring air BB gun and do not have much power. Which is great for teaching kids how to shoot.

Thanks for your info i found one on an auction site for $150.00 buy it now bid is at $50.00 as we speak.

In the process of looking up this model 99 I remembered that I had a Sheridan C-- series black 20 cal pellet gun in my closet and found out that the new ones are going for $284.00 on line

Its a good thing Dad stopped by If I can find anyone interested in the shreidan I may be able to start a small bank fund to add to the ever going collection maybe another ar or hand gun of just a new rifle just because Well thanks and have a good day
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