Does it get anymore ridiculous? 7 yo charged with 2 felonies for BB Gun

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NC isn't that bad. My gripes are the Jim Crow era laws. My IN permit cost $75 and is good for life vs $90 for 3 years here. Not surprised that Cumberland Co is on that list, but am really surprised by Harnett.

Harnett is a puzzler. I would have thought Wake would have been on the list as it is more urban.

FYI CCW permits are 5 year renewals. ;)
3 years is my C&R. Oh well, still not life time. Maybe we can get that changed. Works well for IN.
I agree with you. I don't want to. But after the new CO, and CT legislation that's been passed, the cancer is spreading. If its not cut out in 2014, we're in trouble.
How many of us will back up their words here with action? Look at every city and state that has passed increasingly restrictive laws relating to guns and you will see one constant factor: they are ALL entities controlled by the Democrat party. I certainly do not agree with everything the Republican party supports, or has supported in the past, but I know that my 2nd Amendment rights are generally better protected by the Republicans than by the Democrats. And don't start this nonsense about voting for the candidate rather than the party, since on key issues virtually 100% of our legislators vote on party lines. Local Joe Democrat may seem like a great, down to earth guy, but put him in Congress and I guarantee you he will vote exactly as Nancy Pelosi tells him to vote. And also don't start with third party comments, since conservative third party votes do nothing but increase the likelihood of victory by the Democrats. You may actually support the pro-union, anti-liberty, pro-abortion, anti-capitalist positions of the Democrats, but if your 2nd Amendment rights mean anything to you then the Republican party is your only hope. If you want to avoid the country becoming the next Colorado, then give your vote and your MONEY to Republican candidates and not only keep the House in Republican hands but change control of the Senate in 2014. If the Dems get the House in 2014, and Hilary (yes, the one who left our Navy Seals and our Ambassador to die in Libya last year) gets the White House, we are totally finished. During the next 6 to 10 years several of the conservative Supreme Court justices will retire and if Hilary is nominating their replacements we will see the 2nd Amendment effectively repealed.
During the next 6 to 10 years several of the conservative Supreme Court justices will retire and if Hilary is nominating their replacements we will see the 2nd Amendment effectively repealed.

While I share your concern for the future of our gun rights, repealing an amendment is not an easy task.
It takes a 2/3 vote in both the senate and house, then after that it must be ratified by 3/4 of the states. It is not simply the Supreme Court Justices deciding it, or any President. Obama is proving right now that one man can't do squat.

With all of that being said, our rights are still obviously under attack and we must continue to fight. When we become apathetic, it's over.
Maybe I wasn't clear. I don't think we will see the 2nd Amendment repealed officially, only interpreted out of existence. A liberal court will surely overturn Heller and find that the 2nd Amendment refers to a communal, not an individual right to own arms, which has been the position of the left for the last 40 years or so. This then will become "settled law" as the left is so anxious to say, and lawsuits protesting local or national restrictions on individual gun rights will be dismissed. With a Democrat controlled House and Senate and a radical Democrat in the White House we could easily see a national prohibition on concealed carry as well as other suffocating restrictions on guns. Look at the UK, look at Australia, and understand that it could happen here as well. We are increasingly an urban society, and look at what type policies emerge from our nations largest cities? Despite recent legal successes, I fear that in the long run the anti-gun crowd will win. I can only hope that with conservatives in a position to stop any national gun control efforts we can put off what may be inevitable, at least for my lifetime. And sad to say, my grown children, even those who are not anti-gun, are not committed to the 2nd Amendment and will shrug and accept the loss of their gun rights. Maybe I can indoctrinate my grandchildren in the concept of freedom and individual rights...........
Look at every city and state that has passed increasingly restrictive laws relating to guns and you will see one constant factor: they are ALL entities controlled by the Democrat party.

False. Republicans controlled the NYS Senate that passed the current NY shameful act. Blind party loyalty is just being willfully blind. Vote for pro 2nd candidates. Screw the parties. They don't represent us.
NY is the exception to prove the rule. Just as there are actually pro-gun Democrats in IL (far from Chicago), there are NY Republicans who are more New Yorkers than they are Republicans. Just look at who is pushing for gun control laws, a left wing President and left wing Senators. While some Republican Senators may go along with their proposals, the bulk of the Republicans in the Senate are strongly in opposition. Look at the Supreme Court, do you doubt that it is the liberals who want to take away our 2nd Amendment rights? Virtually all of the Democrats at the Federal level, and some of the Republicans, will continue to allow this country to go downhill just to retain their power, and certainly will allow or push for the effective end to private gun ownership. Anyone who places a high value on our 2nd Amendment rights who votes Democrat for Federal legislators or the President is either self-delusional or a fool.
NY is the exception to prove the rule.
Ironic double speak from someone with an Orwell quote in their sig.

Anyone who places a high value on our 2nd Amendment rights who votes by party for Federal legislators or the President is either self-delusional or a fool.

On this very day in DC our rights are being trampled equally by R's and D's. It is pro 2nd Amendment Senators who stand with us R&D's. Anti R&D's who rally against us. The parties do not represent us. Vote for your gun grabbing party hacks. I will only vote for pro 2nd Amendment candidates. I don't care what party they are.
Just proves the instinctive shooting theory. Plus great timing. The kid is a shooting prodigy and therefore should be praised, not punished for his marksmanship.
Don't know why they had to notify the Sheriff to pay for damages?:confused:

Just shows ta go ya... inviting the authorities into your life rarely ever ends well.
Obama could not do the damage he has done, and wants to do, without the full support and cooperation of the entire Democrat party. Democrats in the House voted 100% for Obamacare, despite the fact that none or virtually none of them had even been given the chance to read, let alone evaluate the legislation. The Democrat controlled Senate walks in total lockstep with Obama. When history assesses the harm that has been done to this great country, liberals will say "that was Obama, not me" but their hands are as bloodstained as his. To be a Democrat today means you are spitting on the Constitution and working towards its demise. There is enough blame to go around, its not all one man.
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