Dangerous situation and a long read.

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Sep 22, 2009
A couple years ago my brother and I purchased some property at auction. The original owner died and had been leasing it to a third party which is a neighbor of ours. So the bidding was just us two parties and we went higher. Leaving the auction house the third party went nuts and threatened my dad of "trouble." Cussing, screaming, and threatening. This guy is semi-related to the family as it is in small towns. This is farm country and the guy is one of three neighbors in a five mile radius.

That night my dad calls and tells me to grab my guns and get over there because someone was shooting at the house and just drove off. Just as I throw on some cloths and get my brother rolled out we see the neighbor pulling in his yard. We drive by the house and decide to turn around and shine the lights at his house/car to make sure it was the same vehicle Dad had seen. It was the same vehicle and the guy was already standing at the end of his driveway when we got turned around. I wanted to get the hell out of there and my brother persuaded me to go up and talk to him.

Just as we were stopping we saw he had a gun behind his back. We had guns as well but he was in a better position to the rear of the window already and could have easily shot us had I tried to race away. We stopped and proceeded to have a fairly calm conversation where he threatened of "trouble" once again and admitted to being the one shooting.... The conversation ended with him racking a shell in the chamber and waiving it past our heads and firing three rounds in a nice pattern into his mailbox. "I've got guns and this isn't over" as he walked away. At the time we were both just happy to get away without a bullet.

We race home and ditch the pistols for the rifles and shotguns that you really want when it's not for show. Amazing how that 9mm just gets tossed on the bed and forgotten about when your life seems to be in danger and you have a little time to make a choice. By the time we were locked and loaded both of us had hands shaking from adrenaline and were committed to really going to battle. Before we could even leave my dad called us and said that the neighbor had shot out the yard light and that he had called him to say he would shoot him in the head. This was the last thing I needed to be convinced this was real. We jumped in and headed over to my dad's place where we would take up position. It was like a funky dream at this point. We had played out this situation 1000 times as kids running around with BB guns and .22s shooting tin cans, rabbits, birds, etc. Everyone around here can shoot and still he continued to push..

We get to the farm and take up positions. We found a 25-06 casing at the end of the driveway as we pulled in so it was obvious that if he was serious about getting someone it was possible from considerable distance. My step-mom refused to turn out the lights in the house and there are allot of windows in this big farm house.

Shortly after midnight he shows up. He pulls up to where we found the casing and he gets out is looking for it as well. He must of realized he lost one. We kind of thought at that point he was covering his ass and was going home to sleep it off. Nope. He starts shooting again in the air this time. He was sitting on the road maybe 100 yards off and I've got my crosshairs right on his window because it was too dark to see him. My heart was beating so hard I put my finger no where near the trigger because I was afraid I'd accidently fire one off. I was committed totally at this point and decided if a round hit the house or even a round fired in our direction I was putting one in his head...

He came flying in the yard with his car and 20 feet from the door honking his horn. Was trying to get dad to come outside. He had enough guns on him from several directions I almost believe he could feel it. Finally about 3 am things calmed down.

10 am the next morning, expecting an apology, the neighbor calls again. He threatens to shoot dad again. Up to this point we had not called the law. Hoping he would calm down my folks would not allow it. We called the sheriff, he came out, took evidence, and checked everything out to verify we were telling the truth. Dad told him to not pick him up yet and that we would call 911 if he showed up again. Being 20 miles from town and the Sheriffs office I thought this wasn't the greatest idea but my folks still believed he would cool down. I also believed that aside from a 1/2 mile shot he would not be able to get close enough without my brother or I getting him first.

Sunday was a long day. I cleaned my rifles a couple times and kept my spotting scope on his place watching to see if he headed towards the farm. Nothing happened until about 6 pm. Look out my window and there is pickup parked on the grass at the end of my yard. I hit the deck and crawled over to my shotgun and rifle. I glassed the pickup but the sun was behind me and couldn't see through the tinted window. I could see that there was no license plates on the thing. Called Dad and a friend to see if they recognized the pickup and no one did.

I crept out of the house and fired a warning shot with my 12 gauge in the air. I thought for sure he would fly out of there like he was on fire. Nothing. So I'm thinking he's trying to buffalo me and wasn't in the mood to play or be intimidated. I snuck around one of the building on my place and fired some 8 shot down range and hit the pickup right on the tailgate. Switched to my .308 and the pickup never moved. Now I'm sure he's out of the pickup and was using it as a distraction to get me out of the house. Got very paranoid very fast.

I creep down one end of a tree belt and glass every inch of my place. Took me a long time to belly crawl around. Nothing. Dad finally pulls in the driveway and can see no one is in there. He also notices it is one of my friend's parents vehicles. Someone picked him up and he left the damn thing there and didnt tell me. Luckily my friend has a sense of humor and it was an old truck.

The neighbor finally calls a day later and apologizes. Said he was drunk but does not sound the least bit sincere. I figured he would terrorize us by opening gates, shooting cattle, etc but everything calmed right down.

It's all real and happened to us 2.5 years ago. It probably comes across as red necks gone wild and it is. If it were up to me I'd have called the sheriff before I called for backup. In the end the guy calmed down and didn't lose his guns, no jail time, and everyone turned out ok which is what my folks wanted. To me it seems like it was rolling the dice.

What would you have done? What could I have done legally other than calling the sheriff and hiding out?
Dad should have called the cops before he called you.When the cops finally did get there he should have let him take wacko into the station. Something tells me this will happen again.
I would have called the law right away and let them take care of it. I certainly wouldn't have confronted him, especially at his house.


It is a good thing that there was not somebody in that truck when you shot it. Like your friend. Or a kid waiting for his dad to come back with a spare tire, gas or a tow truck.

I dunno. I know you and your dad were scared, but your response doesn't seem right.

It is almost Christmas. It would be a shame for your family if you were shot and killed. It would be really tough on your parents and brother. And not worth it, not at all. I hope things settle down and you and your family don't have any more problems with this guy, and that you have a good Christmas.
Very engaging story, but I have to agree with Fremmer here that shooting the pickup was a bad idea (know your target, and what is beyond it!). I also would have called the sheriff while I holed up in the house, keeping a watchful eye and ear out.
We kept eyes and ears out alright watching and hearing him shoot out yard lights. There are a couple holes in one of the barns that I think were from him too.

The pickup was shot from far enough away that only a little rust came off. I've been shot from that distance pheasant hunting and it's not bad assuming you don't get one in the eye.
with all the shooting in the air that the guy did when he came back looking for that casing (or so you suspect), i would've shot him right then. MAYBE would have called the police, so they'd hear the shots over the phone, and in doing so it would justify, without a doubt, you shooting him.
If you measure the correctness of your actions by the end result, you did the right thing.
I would have been inclined to shoot the stupid SOB when he shot out the mailbox. Shows how one can be wrong.:D
Please explain again why your father didn't immediately call the police and why you didn't immediately call the police. As it is, things seem to have worked out. But if things had escalated, your not having called the police immediately would have made things all that much more difficult to sort out and might have made things sticky for you and your father.

You always want to call the police right away. You want to be the first to file a report. You want to be the first to be on record that you are being attacked/harassed. You want to report and have documented each incident as soon as possible after it happens. Maybe the police will be able to take care of things. But even if they can't and you have to defend yourself, you've created a paper trail establishing that you are the good guy.
I would have shot him right then and there - the first time he was over at the house. Then I would have gotten the backhoe out and buried his ass somewhere on the property and never said another word about it.
^^ I completely agree. As I read more and more of the story, I was increasingly baffled that no one called the police immediately, even into several stages of threats and shots fired. I don't care who wanted to keep who out of trouble, this went from a threatening incident to a private war where BOTH sides would find themselves answering for a LOT if someone had gotten hurt.

I grew up with a LOT of rednecks. They call the police when the shooting starts.

BTW, I'm agreeing with fiddletown, not danbrew. :)
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I would have shot him right then and there - the first time he was over at the house. Then I would have gotten the backhoe out and buried his ass somewhere on the property and never said another word about it.

Hewwww boy... :rolleyes:
I don't particularly like people. I especially dislike people who endanger my life, with or without firearms.

I have no tolerance for the kind of games you describe. I simply refuse to waste my time on stupid people and their stupid behaviors. I owe drunks waving guns precisely NOTHING.

The cops would have been called out of the gate.
It's all real and happened to us 2.5 years ago. ...What would you have done? What could I have done legally other than calling the sheriff and hiding out?

You're kidding, right? I would have:
1. Written the story 2.5 years ago.
2. Not written the story today.

Seriously, if you're expecting trouble again, I would do these things:
1. Get the Law on speed-dial and keep a phone in my pocket or arms-length 24/7.
2. Get a lawyer on retainer. You're gonna need one, one way or the other, at this rate.
3. Lock the gate to the farm. Always.
4. Put some kind of "Tresspassers will be prosecuted" sign on said gate. Personally, I would also include a sign with four bullet holes in the center noting "This gate is ranged for [insert favorite caliber here]."

Remember: never pull out a gun unless you are prepared to use it to the fullest extent -- that is, to take a human life.

Sorry but that is the most ridiculous post I have ever read.
If this really ever happened the very first thing you should have done was called the Sheriff instead on playing Hatfields and McCoys
If it was his truck, the minute you shot at it you blew it. You were then the aggressor and he'd have the land, your parents house, your house and everything else you own. Up to that point you were defending yourselves. When you start shooting at a parked truck, you are the aggressor.
any decent lawyer will tell you to stop putting up stories that if true, would put yourself away for felony agravated assault, attempted murder, premeditated murder, and so many other felonies.

however, if the story is true, a drill sergeant i used to have would be making you wear bycicle helmets with blue wheel chair decals on it.
Our family has a decent relationship with the guy these days. Not concerned about any more trouble which is why it's being posted on an internet forum now instead of years ago.

Plenty of mistakes were made and that's just the way things go in real life. Not a soldier and don't pretend to be. Take it for entertainment value or don't make the mistakes we made.

The sheriff wasn't called because the law does nothing long term. They would have locked the guy up and we would have been safe and sound for the night. When he got out we would have been the evil people who ruined his life. My folks read the situation right in seeing that he was trying to scare us instead of hurt us. It was luck in my book.
Have you sold the film rights? Who do you see playing you and your brother? I'm thinking Bruce Willis and Keifer Sutherland, possibly Tom Selleck for your dad. Maybe Randy Quaid for the neighbor, he could use the work these days.

To be PC, though, they'd need to spin it around to where Morgan Freeman is your Dad and you are played by Denzel Washington, with Eddy Murphy as your brother for comic relief. The bad guys would have to be the local bankers who are trying to evict ya'll due to Bush's "failed" policies because there's oil on your land.
The possibilities are endless.
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