Decent/Good Auto

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Yo Mama

Jun 4, 2008
Ok, I kinda have the bug to go auto. Recommend if you can a good one for around 50-75 bucks. My 3 requirements in order:

1. USA made
2. Strong lock, like Axis lock strong
3. good steel

I know little on autos so please let me know where to start. Thanks.
We've had several recent threads on autos and there's hardly anything that meets those criteria.

Take a look at the Kershaw "Breakout", various converted CRKTs,
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How's the Kershaw Breakout? I can't find where it's made. I also know nothing of the lock. Looks to be 14C28N steel.
Ha, I replied as you edited! :)

I was also eyeballing the Whirlwind.

I understand the differences in assisted opening, vs. auto

Do you maybe have an assisted opening knife that fits my bill?
The autos from major manufacturers are going to be made in the US since it is illegal to import them. The Kershaw autos are made in the US as are the Spyderco, Al Mar, and Benchmades.

Plenty of assisted openers in your price range, but it may actually be more difficult to find ones made in the US.

The lock on most autos is a plunge button and that style lock is exceptionally strong.
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