Democratic party may not be lost, after all

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Jun 3, 2004
Metro Detroit, Michigan
You may not believe me, but there is an EXCELLENT essay on DU on the problems of the Democratic party and its stance on gun control.

The author specifically says that he wishes us and TFL could go back to arguing 9mm v. .45, instead of how to defeat the idiot that proposed some stupid gun-control law, among lots of other things

It is definitely worth a read.
Does anyone on our forum know the author?

I think that piece should be submitted to some pro-2nd amendment publications. Well done. Perhaps they might even consider submitting it to "alternative" publications like "reason" magazine or "Christian Science Monitor" that ocassionally run libertarian bent articles.
Being that I lurk over in their gungeon quite a bit, not to start anything just to lurk I must say there are quite a few voices of reason over there that seem to be part of a Democratic party that used to be.

Kudos to the author.

The only things I've seen about the Democrats rethinking their stance on gun control is that they realize they'd better keep their [Art's Grammaw wuz here] mouths shut about the fact that they DO want to ban guns -- NOT that they are actually ideologically changing their minds about wanting to ban guns...

They are not deciding that gun control is a useless farce, they are sticking with it but realizing that it costs them almost every election that they expose their true feelings in. So they're keeping it as a stealth plank, instead of an overt, advertised one.

-Jeffrey :rolleyes:
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Folks, the Dems will NEVER, NEVER, NEVER abandon gun control as an issue. They are incapable of doing so because the party is controlled by radical socialists.

Now, let me ask you this question: given the above FACT, do you really even want them to try? And, when I say try, I mean make an even greater effort to put on a good 2A face, only to revert back to their old ways once they have captured the White House. I would rather them continue to ramble on in a lunatic fashion about gun control so that the public as a whole won't be fooled.
If course it would take years, decades of them acting good to gain people's trust back. But from what I understand, it wasn't till the late 80's/early 90's that it was even practiced by them. My family can remember that there was a time that the Dems wern't trying to push gun control every chance they got.

The point is, while some of the elitest leaders of the Dems are in favor, a very good majority of the regulars are still very much at odds with their party on these topics. Unlike many here, though, guns are not their number one concern. One topic won't make them split from the party.

And how many times will people bash those who leave Cali/NY/Mass, because no one will be left to fight for the rights? Shouildn't the same apply to the Democrats?

Oh, anyone want to claim bein benEzra? If not, fine, but you did a fine job. I do see sense in the Democratic party, and even on DU. Keep up the good work.
Uhm... he's a member on this board, too. Same name, even. I already PMed him about this thread.
Here is a hint-------think Clinton. Now alot of people call Clinton a moderate. Being from Arkansas where he was first a draft dogger( whose mentor was Senator-Fulbright(D) a segregationist that helped him do so), who stated in a letter he loathed the military, anti-war protester and I believe he was asked not to return to Oxford (maybe it was that picture of him in a tree that did it) and then never held a real job in his life since he automatically got elelcted to office(never even owned his own home) and I repeat NEVER EVER talked about gun control while running the state and look what he did when elected President. Heck he DOES NOT believe any individual has a constitutional right to own firearms(as did burn them down RENO). Sorry but my trust from experience is zero for any Democrat on the National Level. Sorry the party has gone way left since the 1960's and they are still drifting. :eek:

...To BenEzra for an extremely thorough, smart, and well-written essay. It should be Required Reading for all newspaper editors AND politicians (regardless of party).

As a hard-core pro-2A conservative, I believe the Republican party will be in big trouble if the Democrats absorb/act-upon 20% of the provocative truths in his essay. However, I take comfort in my own painful familiarity with the cultural elitism and intellectual bigotry/intolerance afflicting (infecting?) the majority of "movers" in that party. BenEzra's message does demonstrate the kind of intellectual courage some "liberals" may need to demonstrate to get their party's attention. I hope they're not "shot" (professionally and socially) as the Messenger of Bad News -- as I and other pro-gun "Vast Right Wing Republicans" are constantly -- when crossing swords with typical (ballistically illiterate) liberal Democrats. I'd also pay to see a debate between BenEzra and Michael Moore.

The one area of disagreement I have with BenEzra: He seems to advocate (like Screamin' Howie Dean) that the Dems should only remove Gun Control from the NATIONAL agenda... leaving anti-gun states (like Mass, NY, etc.) to continue crafting gun-hostile policies.

That's wrong. Why? (1) Insipid measures like California's ammo-ID bill will significantly impact arms/defense manufacturers, drive some outta business, and drive up all consumers' costs, (2) millions of good pro-gun citizens in those states still have their 2A Constitutional rights deprived, (3) those states will continue to send Feinstein/Schumer pol-types to Washington -- and THEY will just lay in the weeds waiting for the right time to spring more 2A-gutting laws on the whole country. Playing to their home state anti-gun constituencies raises big campaign $$$ for these clever deceivers, so they gotta pay 'em back.

I won't fall for this trick play, and I doubt many gun-wise voters will, either.

Still, BenEzra's essay merits genuine consideration by any serious person in the public policy, journalism, and entertainment world. I hope it receives a much wider audience than the blogosphere.
The sad truth is, the democratic party has left benEzra, and folks like Zell Miller, behind in it's race to the radical left. And the left wants our guns, no if-ands-or-buts, period. They'll lie about it of course, or disguse it somehow, but that's the reality. And no post from some "useful idiot" (Lenin's term) will make them change their minds.

He needs to become a republican or libertarian, if he wants to keep his guns.
The Old Fuff has noticed that the Democrat PARTY has not changed one wit, although some members may have seen the light.

Just look about you ... When it comes to gun control, they simply changed tactics and now they are now trying to get the same stuff enacted in those states (California, N.J., N.Y., etc.) where they control the legislatures or city councils.

The current climate in Washington D.C. may not be conductive for them to be successful, but that doesn't stop them from trying. Meanwhile you're not supposed to notice what they are up too.

But if you read the many threads on this and other forums and you will quickly discover that the Democrat's ardor for more anti-gun laws has not dimmed in the least.
Great read. But let's not forget that the '89 ban came from dubya's daddy, and dubya was all about keeping the AWB going. And the governator just sold us down the river on the .50 cal here in the PRK. The Republicans track record on RKBA is only good in relation to the Democrats.
I see nothing wrong with the Democrat party becoming more moderate. Their problem is the need for the vote numbers from essentially single issue voters. I believe those primary issues are pandering to blacks, hot tub communists, gun control nuts, and pro-choicers. It used to be labor, but that has faded to a bare mention on occasion.

The GOP has the same problem with the religious right, many of whom could care less about guns. Neither party can afford to have any real integrity with a platform worth reading. I think they should both shed issues that have little to do with essential government, both become fundamentally moderate, and both willing to sacrifice some fringes. Those who say they can't tell the difference between partys, whether or not a respected position, will be a very large segment of essentially independents, who will vote for the guy with the best looking tie or slickest debate performance.

It is no more correct to characterize the Dems by their radicals than it is to do the same labelling of Republicans. As a secular conservative, I very much object to the Republican party being characterized as headstrong, religious people by definition.

If we could get rid of legislation that panders to radical wings, we would be in great shape. I suppose rigorous Constitutional tests would really be the answer. Does it sound like judges really hold the keys?
Thanks, folks. :D

The authoritarian platform of the national Democratic party on guns is NOT reflective of the views of many Dems outside urban enclaves. Gun ownership rates among Dems at large are about 36%, but that's still more than a third, and if you factor out the urban centers like NYC and Chicago then probably a majority of Democrats in red states are gun owners. (I think the figure among union members in Tennessee is around 80%). And most gun owners aren't hunters...

The Democratic party leadership is simply out of touch with a lot of the Democratic party on this issue, IMHO. Not that there aren't some hardcore anti-gunners out there, just that the majority are fence-sitters who aren't necessarily committed to the prohibitionist agenda but haven't heard the facts.
The Democratic party leadership is simply out of touch with a lot of the Democratic party on this issue, IMHO.

I'd say that's true, bigtime.

The Democratic party was usurped by left liberal activists in the early 70's, following the 68 convention.

It is my sincere hope that the Dems can be overhauled and returned to the recognizably American premise of individual rights and responsibilities, rather than the alien premise of collectivism.

Unfortunately, I believe that because of the magnitude of liberal money involved, it will take sustained electoral evisceration to do that, or a general insurrection by the rank and file Democrats, who must perceive and penetrate the collectivist premise.

The Dems need more guys like benEzra.

Lots more.
Upon reading the responses, I about went crazy seeing this:

What they were referring to was a tax on mushrooming bullets, like cop killer bullets.

I'm not sure if these people are beyond help.
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