Department of Peace or...definition of blissninny.

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Aug 12, 2005
Yes, I live in the state of Minnesota, while many of our congressmen (and women) live in the state of denial. :banghead:

Dayton endorses federal peace department
Kevin Diaz, Star Tribune Washington Bureau Correspondent
September 23, 2005 PEACE0923

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- In what peace activists call a milestone, Sen. Mark Dayton, D-Minn., introduced legislation Thursday supporting a long-shot citizen lobbying effort to create a U.S. Department of Peace and Nonviolence.

He is the first and, so far, only member of the U.S. Senate to publicly endorse the plan.

A remnant of the quixotic 2004 presidential candidacy of Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, the idea of a "Peace Department" has been derided by critics as utopian and naïve, while supporters say it is an idea whose time has come.

Almost half of Minnesota's congressional delegation -- all the Democrats but one -- have lined up in support of the campaign, which calls for a cabinet-level secretary to develop an array of policies from international conflict-resolution to reducing domestic abuse and violence against animals.

Nobody gives the plan much of a chance in a Republican Congress. But backers in Minnesota -- where Kucinich turned in one of his best electoral performances -- say their support is intended as a political statement.

"It sends the right message," said Rep. Betty McCollum, D-Minn. "It's about promoting justice, expanding human rights and preventing conflict."

Besides McCollum, Minnesota Democrats Martin Sabo and Jim Oberstar are cosponsoring Dayton's bill.

Minnesota is one of 12 states whose Democratic Party has endorsed the plan.

"It underscores Minnesota's forward-looking approach to government," Kucinich said. "That's what Minnesota is about. It's the one state where new ideas are welcomed."

The Minnesota Republican Party, however, is adamantly opposed, having chastised Democratic congressional candidate Coleen Rowley, who spoke at a Department of Peace conference in Washington on Sept. 11.

"Money would be taken away from the Department of Defense to fund programs such as a Peace Academy and prisoner rehabilitation," said a statement issued last week by Minnesota GOP Executive Director Bill Walsh. "The creation of a Department of Peace is a naïve and unreasonable approach to dealing with the problems of the 21st century, including international terrorism."

Detractors say that a new peace bureaucracy, along with its proposed $8 billion-a-year price tag -- pegged at 2 percent of the Pentagon budget -- is just another big government idea that will never happen. But Minnesota voters are likely to hear more about it in the coming election year.

The Minnesota GOP highlighted the Peace Department proposal to attack Rowley for joining forces with "liberal extremists." Rowley, who became a national figure for blowing the whistle on FBI shortcomings before the Sept. 11 attacks, is now challenging Rep. John Kline, R-Minn, a former Marine colonel with strong ties to the Pentagon.

Rowley dismissed the GOP's extremist tag, saying "that's their tactic. Everything they don't want to do, they call you a name."

Kevin Diaz is at [email protected]


I like my 2nd sig line more all the time.
Justin, I was thinking the exact same thing.

I just noticed your location. I wish I had a bag of wasabi peas right now. I think a trip to the Asian grocery is in order.
"Money would be taken away from the Department of Defense to fund programs such as a Peace Academy and prisoner rehabilitation..."

"Best steer clear of those Peace Academy boys, son. Unless you're lookin' to have 'em open up a big can o' peace on you before you can even extend your hand fer a shake. I've seen some of the most easygoin', mellow, tranquil fellers there ever was pass through here thinkin' they can outpeace these here Academy grads, and in the end they all leave the exact same way- flat on their back, lookin' up at the blue sky with a noggin' full of halcyon daydreams..."

IIRC, Minnesota was supposed to be the location of the Gorbachev-Maxwell Peace Institute. Maxwell was a Brit billionaire who died under questionable circumstances, and was going to endow the place with $50 million, half of what was wanted. Gorby was going to allow his name to be used, with "donations" making up the other $50 million.

The "donations" never materialized - nor did Maxwell's millions - leading Minnesota's then-governor Perpich to bitterly denounce the people of the state for being "against peace." (His rantings bordered on the incoherent.)

In other words, it was a SCAM from the beginning, as is the so-called "Department of Peace," and is to be expected from the Minnesota DFL party.
Peace Department

Mark Dayton is a well known fool. Even in Minnesota and to everyone except other moonbats.

Anyway this is just another delusional attempt at "Peace in our time" which would make old Neville pround. Dayton is just another apostle of appeasement.

Lastly, the "Peace Academy" graduates should be released in South Minneapolis where they'd have a better chance of fitting in "socially".

For a bit of an insight to MN politics, think government on a guilt trip. Of course the "guilt" has nothing to do with anything they've actually done. It's just an assumed guilt for society's problem children.

Yes, I've lived there.
WTH are people up in Minnesota smoking and or eating ?????

Here's the headline they'd like to see:

"Osama Bin-Laden kills 3,000 innocent in NYC, Dept of Peace dispatches Anger Management counselors to Afghanistan."

I swear I don't know which is worse: Chicago's Anti-gun, Pro-corruption Democrats or Minneapolis' Anti-gun, Blissninny Democrats. :barf:

It should be called the Department of OWWW!!!, Don't do that again. :rolleyes:
I just noticed your location. I wish I had a bag of wasabi peas right now. I think a trip to the Asian grocery is in order.
Actually, I ran out of wasabi peas a couple weeks ago. :(

I keep meaning to order more.

Best. Snack. EVER.

Scout, that headline could have easily come from The Onion. Well done. :)
Talk about government waste! Such a department would almost completely duplicate the Department of State’s mission.

~G. Fink
Sometimes I just can't believe the stuff I hear. Idiocy, lunacy and naivete all mixed up into a screwball cocktail of misdirected wishful thinking. I was going to say more but words fail me...
"It underscores Minnesota's forward-looking approach to government," Kucinich said. "That's what Minnesota is about. It's the one state where new ideas are welcomed."
I have NEVER been so embarassed to have moved here than I am at this very moment.

And to think I did it on purpose.

Open your minds guys. The the Army could use the peace police to clear minefields and draw [Strike]peaceful[/Strike] fire. ;)

Seriously, long ago what is now the defence department was called the department of war. A more clear name there never was. I guess it was the first step of PC to rename it.
well lets see

the media is a private minitruth already

department of peace, WTH
i used to wonder what went on in the heads of liberals, then i realized it, not much at all.
"Dept of Peace" Redundant........ we already have a Dept of Defense.

It SHOULD still be the War Department!......... :fire:

I can see the movies now....

Peace Academy I - New Recruits
Peace Academy II - Officer Friendly goes AWOL
Peace Academy III - Jumps the Shark

We'll get Roger Simon to write the screenplay...
"It underscores Minnesota's forward-looking approach to government," Kucinich said. "That's what Minnesota is about. It's the one state where new ideas are welcomed."
As a resident of Massachusetts, I am thrilled to hand over the most idiotic state senator award to Kucinich and Dayton. Oh, wait, Jean Fraud Kerry is speaking tonight at a fund raiser of the rich and powerful...nevermind....
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