Despite Large Majorities, Democrats Are Chicken on Gun Control

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Biden figures that people like him will always be able to get whatever guns they want to get.

His gun bans are for you and me, not him or his wealthy friends.
they have more of a chance of being robbed, OF COURSE they need the weapon more than the rest of us... :rolleyes:
Still trying to find the "large Democratic majority". It's slimmer than last term's Republican majority which CNN always called "razor-thin".
That is why the Zumbo thing so disturbed the leftists and anti-gun Democrats. It woke some of them up to the fact that their entire plan (We don't want to ban guns, we just want to ban THESE guns) wasn't going over as well as all their polling data had told them it would.
Where did criminals, terrorists and derranged teenagers get a hold of an M16? I challenge anyone to point to a single case in the last 30 years of a murder with an M16 in the US that was lawfully owned by the killer.

There aren't any. The one murder committed with a registered machine gun involved a MAC 10 of some variety, and I very much doubt there are many unregistered M-16s floating around (AR-15s with unregistered DIASes don't count). No, most M-16s in existence are in the hands of the US armed forces, used by our servicemen to defend the country. Not terrorists (although the author of the article probably disagrees with that statement) It's ironic that the Senator chosen by the author to be the vanguard of the new anti-gun "pro-sportsman" Democratic Party is Jon Tester, who is anti-AWB and more pro-gun than most Senate Republicans.
Let's not leave out the Republicans. Giuliani wants your guns as much as Hillary does. And there are others in the pack that are suspicious.

Fair enough, but MOST Republicans are better than MOST Democrats.

While most republican are better than Democrats on the gun issue, they are not our freinds either. It is a case of who hates you the least, not who is your freind.

back to OP:

Go look at the democratic underground's gundgeon sometime. There are a lot of Democrats that believe in the 2a. They point out that they lost a lot of elections after shoving through anti gun bills. The Democrats leadership understands this along with most of the elected officials.
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