Do you have a plan to overthrow the government?

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My plan is to go vote.

If enough like minded people vote, the revolution will happen without any fanfare. It happened in 1980 and 1994.

It can happen again.
At the point that the government ignores the results of elections, or one branch ignores the balancing influence of the other, we have real problems that voting and political activity are not going to fix.

That said, I think grabbing a gun is the worst thing you can do.

An evil, oppressive government will only work for as long as the soldiers and police allow it. Without their guns, the evil, oppressive government is a lame reality TV show.

So, my plan to overthrow the evil, oppressive government is to make the police and military love their countrymen and dislike their government. Put them on our side as it were.

And for this purpose, I have created... lawyers. The post-modern equivalent of a shark with a friggin' laser beam on its head. Think about it. Cops hate lawyers. Soldiers hate lawyers. Lawyers run the government.

As long as we keep cranking out shysters by the bushel, our republic is safe.

You can all thank me later.
Well, I do have a few suggestions:

1. Register Democrat and then push for conservatives in the party. By the way this gives you two votes in opposition to people you dislike.

2. Get active in local politics.

3. Write in support of your postion.

4. Read the laws and insist that the government follow them.
I plan to take control of the Intrawebs and broadcast my high school poetry to every computer in the country. The shock and awe, or at least shock and revulsion, will bring the country to its knees in a matter of hours.
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