Do you keep a "truck gun"?

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The Perfect Jeep Gun". It took a few decades and one bad incident, but this is now my Jeep gun. No, I don't leave it inside all the time, but I always toss it in along with my emergency back pack every time I head out.
Anyways, I find keeping a truck gun could become problematic. What if you have three drinks, get pulled over, and blow a .09? I wouldn't want to have a gun in the truck at that point.

That said, I carry when I know I'm not going to be in a situation like that. So whatever I'm carrying turns into my truck while I'm in it.

While I'm not in it, who cares?

Frankly, if you're going to be drinking like that while you are out, you shouldn't be driving in the first place. I wouldn't look at the situation in the sense that "I only got a DUI, and not a weapons violation" as a win. Don't drink and drive, don't carry guns while drunk.

I've carried a variety of guns as truck guns over the years. But, I worry about theft in many of these situations. As such, I don't always have a truck gun these days. My most common truck gun choices have been: .22lr (for plinking, light hunting). A 12 gauge shotgun (for defense, and/or hunting). An AR-15 (for hunting, plinking, and defense against crowds of brain-eating zombies, and stuff). Kidding on that last part.
Haven't had a truck for over 15 years, but when I did, this old H&R Topper 12 gauge with a 19" barrel rode in a floor rack behind the seat:

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