Do You Really Want to Fight? Lets Make an Economic Sanctions List

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Sep 23, 2006

The only thing that will have a serious impact is economic sanctions. That means not only BOYCOTTING any company that is anti, or gives money to anti politicians or their causes, but TELLING THEM WHY YOU ARE BOYCOTTING THEM!!!

We must also tell companies that we like, we do business with them because they are pro 2A.

We need to write, call, email, carrier pigeon, smoke signal… whatever, to the companies who supply millions of dollars every year to these politicians, and tell them NO MORE.
No more will we buy/ use their goods/ services.
No more will we allow our friends/ family to buy/ use their goods/ services.
No more… until they stop supporting those politicians who wish to strip us of our rights.

You may be thinking that a letter form me might not make a difference. You may even be right. But thousands of letters, email, phone calls, etc will. When we all stop buying from these companies, and they see an impact on their bottom lines, they will change their tune. When stock holders see bad publicity, decreasing profits, these companies will change their tune, or the board of directors will be ousted. If corporate America stops backing these fascist politicians they will be powerless. Think about if some leftist wants to run for office but has little to no finical backing. How will their message get out? No TV adds, no money to pay aids, no radio adds… We can cripple them if, and only if, we stick together and stick to the plan.

Short of picking up your rifle and marching on Washington (which will only result in getting arrested or killed), this is far and away the best way to insure the survival of our rights, our sport, and our heritage. The internet has given us a powerful tool where we can come together and discuss important issues. Now we can sit here and complain or we can do something. The choice is yours.

I will be working on a list of anti 2A companies and a form letter that you can print or cut and paste, but I can use any help that anyone can offer. If you know of an anti 2A companies, particulary if they are a publicly traded company, sound off. My email is [email protected]. Send me any companies that you think should be on our list and why, especially if you have proof that they make campaign contrabutions to politicians who voted or who will vote for stricter gun control.
Thank you-
THIS WEEK, Let's focus on the below:

Levi Strauss & Co.
Robert D. Haas, Chairman
Philip Marineau, CEO
Peter A. Jacobi, President and COO
1155 Battery St.
San Francisco, CA 94111
(415) 501-6000
FAX (415) 501-3939

Maybe once a week we will post another from the NRA LIST and we can all write in. With thousands of Active members, They will listen.


Beginning in 2002, Levi Strauss began a close business collaboration with Wal-Mart, producing a special line of "Signature" jeans and other clothes for exclusive sale in Wal-Mart stores. The company is now Wal-Mart's largest worldwide strategic partner, conforming to Wal-Mart's business and labor practices. Levi Strauss & Co. closed 58 U.S. manufacturing plants between 1981 and 1990, sending 25% of its sewing overseas, and accelerated U.S. plant closings through the 1990s. Its last domestic plant (in San Antonio, Texas) shut its doors in January 2004.

So we write Walmart too.
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