I just performed a test using a brand new set of 45 ACP Lee dies, the deluxe model. I just couldn't see how so many could be reaching the same conclusion that was opposite to mine. Mine being that a standard size bullet in a normal casing would not result in the bullet area touching the sizer ring of the FCD.
... 200 grain cast lead SWC bullets ... sized to .452". Then the FCD was used to provide a .470 crimp. I noticed a LOT of drag as the sizer ring passed over the bullet, I could even feel each of the driving bands as it passed over them. I then pulled several boolits, using a hammer inertial puller. One was at .450, two were at .451!
... jacketed bullet is .451" ... [X-Treme] 200 SWC plated bullets @ .451". These presented less force to size/crimp than the lead.
My mind is changed! I claim to be open minded, I guess that now and then you have to prove it.