Does everyone's AR-15 go "SPROINGGG"?

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Its normal for an AR- learn to love it .

If you ar ewearing ear muffs, swtich to ear plugs. The hard shell of muffs transmits the sproig vibration right to your head, amplifying it.
cracked butt said:
If you ar ewearing ear muffs, swtich to ear plugs. The hard shell of muffs transmits the sproig vibration right to your head, amplifying it.
This might be why I don't hear it so well--I wear the disposable "in the ear" type.
So do I... still hear it fine.

Now I need to work on the trigger... the stock one is crisp but it feels like about 8 pounds.
That sound should bring a smile to my face because I have not experienced the SPROINGGGGggg of an AR in a long time.

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If someone hasn't already mentioned it, a collapsible stock (possibly any stock that has more of the tube exposed) isn't as loud as an A2 stock.

Just a thought.
Tarvis If someone hasn't already mentioned it, a collapsible stock
(possibly any stock that has more of the tube exposed) isn't as loud as an A2 stock.

I'm glad I decided to go with the A1 & A2 butt stock... wouldn't want to diminish the experience :evil:
my ar did that when i first bought it but every time i clean it i put a small dab of grease and a little oil just enough not to be messy and it doesnt makes that noise
My Cavalry Arms carbine doesn't do it... must have something to do with the plastic tube.

I was unaware of the noise until someone who owns a Bushmaster shot my rifle, then commented on the lack of SPPPRRRROINGGG. :neener:
it seems like colts make more of that spriong noise than my rra hbar sproings noticabley ,but the rra hardly does at all.....
I hate that noise. Makes me think that my AR is cheap because that noise sounds cheap.

My AK doesn't make that noise. :)
I also hate the noise.
Tried an AR in Florida recently and it is a noise I couldn't live with.
I wouldn't buy an AR if I could get something else that was equivalent in terms of accuracy and reliability.
I have a High Standard, 16 in barrel, collapsable stock. It says "Sproingg!" That's how I know it went off, lately I listen for that more than for the BANG.
try sproinging in full auto sometime :)

fwiw, only one of my AR15s sproings. the remainder are quiet. of course, they also have magpul or other collapsible stocks
it bothered me enough to turn me off AR's. not saying they are a bad gun. just not for me. I was talking about it to some guy though, and he said there was some kind of air piston or something that did not go sproing.

My old Colt goes sproing.

I've shot them for 30 years and am always reminded that the sproing is soaking up recoil for a fast (aimed) second shot.

The noise doesn't bother me in the least.
we all agree the noise is normal
i like it.......just like i love sound of a 3screw ruger going
or the sound of a pump shotgun shucking one in the chamber!
music to my ears!
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