Does your spouse "Get it?"

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Yes, my wife gets it. Per the fact that she grew-up under a military dictatorship, that is no small amount of growth. The next step is for her to get her own pistol, the MCPL course and to start carrying. She asks about it from time-to-time.
Wasn't into guns 'til Sara Brady made it mandatory that I go out and buy some. None of the women in my life "got it" until this one. I simply made it known I could not live in her world and invited her into mine complete with firearms. She accepted, so it's never been an issue.

Matter of fact she's been eyeing a couple of my guns so she bought her own "first" gun last weekend. Don't know if she could ever shoot anyone with her gentle soul, but as long as I am standing she won't need to. If they attack me Lord help 'em.
My GF has hert CT pistol permit, FL permit, has shot on several or more instances with myself and a friend of hers that she introduced me to years ago...

However, overall I don't think she completely gets it even after thwarting a potential home invasion 2+ years ago in the middle of the night...

She won't carry because she doesn't trust herself to be vigilant enough to hang on to a weapon, plus doesn't see an overall need to be continually armed...
Heh. My spouse gave it. When I met her, she had her CCW, was a firearms owner, and told me about it when I asked. So yeah, she gets it.

And I am a lucky man.
My better half gets it. She never was really for shooting until I took her to a range. I got her a XD9sc and she has her permit to carry. She never has said a negative word about me having it. She has said that she was glad that I had it a few times. I just need to find a way that she can carry. She cannot carry at work and I am not fond of off body carry.
GF and I are still pretty young (I'm 21, she's 20). She was never against firearms, but she never really saw the need either. Uneducated, would be the best way to describe it. Her dad owns one gun and she's seen it before, but never shot it or done any hunting.

She doesn't shoot very often, though she is expressing more and more interest in here.

When I turned 21 and began buying more handguns and got my CPL, she just shrugged it off as "boys will be boys." She didn't have anything against it, but she didn't pay much attention either.

Recently, while at Thanksgiving with my relatives I don't see often, she hopped right in a debate with my super liberal cousin, and had some really good arguments to back herself up with. She is NOT the argumentative type, and that was certainly out of the box for her. I didn't even have to raise a finger, she handled herself like a pro. I was so proud. :)

She knows guns are here to stay with me and she sees how f'd up the world is these days. She wants to obtain her CPL, but mentioned that she wouldn't be comfortable carrying yet because she can't find a gun she likes. We're still shopping and shooting, trying to get her skills up to par.

Either way, she definitely 'gets it,' and she helps to look out for us while we're in public. She stays to the left and about a half step behind me, and points people out she doesn't like the look of. Been working well so far.
My wife gets it, and is getting it more and more everyday. The gun part came easy, the need for extra ammo and sometimes a BUG she is slowly getting it as more and more reasons present themselves everyday for the need.

She has not "gotten" her CHL yet, but inches slowly more and more everyday about the possibility. She is concerned about the laws, rules, regs, etc. more afraid of breaking the law.

I teach her more about all the legalities about it and she is warming up. It will most likely take another year or so.
My wife gets it, but she is not inclined to attain a good level of situational awareness necessary for her to carry regularly. "That's why I have YOU." she says. In all fairness, she hates going to the mall, driving on the freeway, or going more than 30 miles from home. Carry is a big step for her.

She can handle a shotgun though, she's killed a few birds.

I still intend to get ger a permit, mostly so that if I leave a loaded gun in the car, she can drive with it in there without breaking the law.
...but she is not inclined to attain a good level of situational awareness necessary for her to carry regularly...

I am often embarrased and ashamed that my wife is more observant and aware of potential threats than I am. Twice in the past two months she's pointed out questionable people doing questionable things (turned out to be nothing) in reasonably close proximity, that I completely missed.

Mixed feelings there... First, I really should've caught that. Both times. Bad siglite, bad siglite! Then, "damn woman, you make a man so proud!"
My GF is starting to get it. We live in Des Moines, IA and she has been to that mall in Omaha with a friend of hers a few times. i explained to her that i carry because i care about her, and her safety.
My wife certainly gets it, but she doesn’t like to shoot and is prone to complain whenever I buy another firearm.

~G. Fink
My wife is interesting, when something happens like a mall shooting she will ask me for a week or two after "Do you have your thing" and I will say "which one" and "yes both". but then after a couple of weeks it is back to the look at like "why", but her dad carried so she is OK with it.
Her problem is not the gun she just hates to think about why I carry. It is not the gun it is that thinking about WHY I have it makes her nervous. So I always explain to her " If I don't have it all of the reasons to carry still exist, but I will have nothing to stop them." In short having the gun or not having the gun does not change what will happen it only changes the outcome.
She gets it.
Has her license and her own guns.
If I ask nice I get to play with 'em.
springmom ~

Count your blessings. These days, I can only get my husband to go shooting with me if I pester him into it.

:) At least my sons understand!

When we first got married, my wife really didn't care for guns at all.Eventually she came around, and now carries everyday.So yeah, she gets it.
My spouse gets it. She is unlikely to ever carry herself but has been known to check with me to make sure I have my 'friend' along.
Only recently has she been more accepting of the fact that there are guns in the house and with me at all times.
Since I became a ccw holder just over a year ago, she has begun to better accept why I insist on certain sitting arrangements in the restaurants and being more observant of our surroundings while out and about. It would be much better if she would let me take her to the range. That part is gonna take some time.
My wife definitely does not get it. She says things like "If someone's going to rob you, they won't hurt you if you just give them what they want." Stuff that makes me worry what might happen to her...
I remember the first time my wife saw me carrying a gun. We were going for a walk through the woods. (pre-CCW) I had a small .22lr revolver that I was loading, she exclaimed,"Your not LOADING it are you?!?!?!" I tried to explain that the revolver was going to scare a rabid racoon just by sight. :D

That was a few years ago. Now doesn't even balk at the fact that I carry. Although she still doesn't want me too if I'm going to be playing with the baby.

I usually carry a Ruger SP101 in a SmartCarry rig. One day I was pestering her and she went to hit me were it counts. Instead it just hurt her knuckle. :D Now she will check if I'm carring first. (a plus for SmartCarry wearers) :D
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