Drinking and CCW

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The only problem with alcohol I have is the fact that I am out of beer.

I usually do not drink in excess in public, my saftey and the saftey of the others I am with is more important. If I am gonna have a few beers out, the gun goes in the trunk and stays there.

I am a senior in college and have been drinking more nearing the end of my college days, I have been carrying less due to this. I have gotten to the point that I don't really feel comfortable without a means to defend myself, so I guess I am gonna have to give up drinking, plus it eats into my gun money.
I am suprised that so many gun lovers actually drink (or smoke for that matter). Those are both expensive habits that eat into the gun/ammo money. :)
I have gotten to the point that I don't really feel comfortable without a means to defend myself, so I guess I am gonna have to give up drinking, plus it eats into my gun money.
When drinking, always sit with your back to the wall, get your first beer in a bottle, and KEEP THE BOTTLE... You will feel more comfortable...:cool:
Didn't we beat this into the ground a week or so ago?

We all agreed Biker is a crazed alcoholic lunatic with a gun and the rest of us are church going teatotalers :evil: :evil:

I'm kidding!!!!

Just funny this one keeps coming up. It's a hotbed with interesting points on both sides to be sure......

I am suprised that so many gun lovers actually drink (or smoke for that matter). Those are both expensive habits that eat into the gun/ammo money.

Biker... there's one we didn't hash out in the other thread. Wow, something to ponder..... never thought of that!
I don't drink at all due to religious and personal reasons so I really don't have to worry about me.

People that drink and shoot/carry are just asking for trouble in my opinion. If you shoot someone in self defense or by accident and have alchohol on your breath you probably will go to jail.

A friend of mine can really down the Coors Light but if he is driving, shooting, hunting, or reloading the Coors stays in the fridge. He won't even touch a gun after one beer.
I dont know about everyone else, but every time I read a firearm's owner's manual it says in rather large and bold letters, usually red in color, dont drink and shoot. It's common sense.
I never drive after two and I never carry after deciding to have the first one...

I love you Biker.......can I have your liver when you croak? I need an anvil for my gun bench....:neener:
Communion wine aside, I don't drink alcohol at all. Alcohol, except for small amounts, reduces your reaction time and your ability to process critical information. I like to be as aware of my surroundings as possible without any impairment whatsoever. After all, what's the point of carrying if you're too wasted to notice a threat in time?
Plenty of things including age slow down reaction time etc. Should there be an age limit for CCW? Should we have a "reaction and critical thinking test" to make sure people who are flat out slow either mentally or physically, regardless of alcohol intake, don't carry?

Does it matter if your reaction time or ability to reason are "optimal minus X%" because that's the best you can do or the SAME "optimal minus X%" because you have had a few beers and reduced your normally "optimal minus Y%" abilities? If you don't think it matters, then you should logically follow that a) such tests of physical and mental acuity are necessary and wise, or b)that they are not germane regardless of whether or not alcohol is the cause. If you do think it matters, then you must have some insecurities or phobia about alcohol that is not based on its real effects.

Besides, Biker being a Harley guy, it's probable those 24 "beers" he is talking about are the chemical concoctions only loosely connected to anything that the reinheitsgebot would recognize as real beer, so the count doesn't really matter that much:evil: Beer worthy of that name does not come in cases of 24!

(Gratuitous and intended-as-humor swip against Harley guys simply a ruse to thread hijack from teetotalers vs. party animals thread to Harley vs. Metric bike instead - much less rancorous ground there :what: )
Besides, Biker being a Harley guy, it's probable those 24 "beers" he is talking about are the chemical concoctions only loosely connected to anything that the reinheitsgebot would recognize as real beer, so the count doesn't really matter that much Beer worthy of that name does not come in cases of 24!

Jeez, dimallind!!! What are you??!! A German beer salesman? I bet you ride a BMW, Boxer! If you try and insinuate that Bud ain't BEER, you could be burned :fire: alive with this bunch o rednecks....me included. :neener:
See I thought that would redirect the tension :evil:

Bud is definitively NOT beer. The concept of beer containing rice is like the idea of apple pie containing grapefruit instead of apples.

And no I am not a anti-American beer snob or even a micro-brew snob. There are some quite palatable beers produced by American macro-brewers or perhaps more accurately smaller outfits under their control. Red Hook ESB is one of my favorite session beers for one.

And nah - Yamaha FZ1. I don't mind BMW boxers per se but their technology is a little dated to say the least. Reliable though. Did think of a K bike at one point a few years back though but too spendy for what you get. The R1150R is a boxer I might one day consider.

And just to show I really don't intend ill will, I will say that HDs do have very nice fit and finish and excellent resale value.

And to quickly bring it back to somewhat on topic, one thing I will NOT do after drinking is ride. Guns? Might be fine after a small amount of imbibing, but definitely not after a "session" Eventually alcohol does have an affect which would preclude responsible handling of weapons.

Biker, you've got me rolling on the floor laughing. There's people in every crowd who think it's their job to tell other people what they should and shouldn't be doing. If it weren't for those people, we probably wouldn't have religion. As far as I'm concerned, you're a freedom-loving adult and get the benefit of the doubt.;)

That said...

I, personally, would treat it like I would a vehicle. I have 2, eat some food, let some time pass and then drive home.

If I think I'm going to drink more than that, I take public transportation TO the drinking location and would, therefore, leave the gun at home.

However, if a person, through a mistake or a lapse in judgement or whatever found themselves both drunk AND armed, I'd say just leave the gun where it is and don't touch it, lest it lead to you handling it to go lock it up, or needlessly drawing attention to it.

Now I understand you. You are a metric loving, cafe racer that probably drinks his brew at the suggested temperature of 50 F.

But if you like guns and the second amendment, and Biker hasn't flamed you yet, you can't be all bad.;)

But I STILL won't drink and carry. If you are forced to use it against a bad guy, and it came out that you had any amount of alcohol in your system, you'd come out on the short side of the deal.

Oh I'm sure he will flame me when he reads this thread again (and heck I probably deserve it :D) but yes now you're a lot closer !

However, please don't do what one acquanitance of mine did when I said real beer should be served at 50 degrees.

He let Bud sit there with a thermometer until it said 50 and then told me I must be nuts because it tasted skanky.

Don't even get me started on why and how the idea about beer being served at around freezing point came about. Let's just say that tastebuds aren't as sensitive when they are chilled, and the two facts are not a coincidence.
Drinking, drugs, or certain medications and guns, tools, cars, or anything else that could be harmful don't mix- regardless of what the law says.
Rest assured dmallind, I'm cut to the bone. For you to insinuate that I would drink anything less than Milwaukee's Best Light is a clear case of character assasination and defamation.
As a side note, strange that you would deride the use of rice in beer but choose to ride a Yamasuckie. Hmmmmm?

Mi liver, su liver. It would make a fine trauma plate. PM me for auction details.

I don't drink and shoot either unless my right hand is free as a consequence of working on my weak hand shooting technique.

Actually, I consider beer to be a necessary safety feature when I reload. I'm looking into the legalities of claiming it as tax deductable.
You see, on occasion the ash from my cigarrette falls into my powder measure and 12 oz of Milwaukee's Best Light has saved the day more than once.
If you're going past the Biker approved 24 brew limit, go with H-110...Unique burns far too fast and if the fire spreads past the reloading table, it takes way too much beer to put out.

I have a T-shirt that reads "Better my Sister in a whorehouse than my Brother on a rice-grinder".

Over the years, my views have softened;Whorehouse? Never! Massage parlor is much more reasonable.

I seldom drink and if I do it is NEVER more than one beer of one glass of wine and it is ALWAYS with a meal. I carry all the time including if I am having a beer. I do dot feel any effects on one beer and can drive without any problems after having one beer along with dinner so I still carry. The last time was about nine months ago so I do not see it as a problem.

BTW I would not drink a beer I could not safely watch a solar eclipse through. Bud is OK for beer can chicken but I can not understand why anyone would drink one. :barf:
I've got two guns...one for each of ya! :D

Here in Texas, if the police smell booze on you while you're carrying, you're most likely in heap big trouble. Lose the CHL at the very least. If I'm going up to town for a night of carousing, I'll leave the pistol at home. Ain't no laws against carrying knives that I know of. If I gotta stab somebody, I'd just as soon be lit, it's just so...uncivilized.

Me and Biker appear to be heading for a showdown in the liver department, I got one that I can take out and use to bag my rifle stock. :evil: (Got a hardtail Harley and a bad attitude, too...Biker, you got any family you know of in Texas? :neener: )


I don't drink a lot - and if I have not eaten in a while, one beer can make me feel it.

Thus, I don't drink while CCW. In the few instance when I go out with the guys for the purpose of consumption, I personally elect to not CCW. On those nights I'd be too drunk to shoot anything anyway - so I would just die if attacked. At least I wouldn't feel it. :evil:
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