Duck feathers or chicken feathers, that is the question?

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Dec 25, 2002
I just hope that the citizens of New Mexico have the foresight to hire a professional photographer for their videotape of the festivities when they tar and feather their governor and state legislature. :neener:


On Monday, the New Mexico House of Representatives approved
legislation to mandate breathalyzer ignition locks on all cars in
the state that would operate The devices -- which motorists
would have to blow into before starting their cars every time
they get behind the wheel -- are supposed to detect alcohol and
prevent an engine from being started if any is present. A
supportive Senate debated the legislation this week, and Gov.
Bill Richardson (D) has promised to sign it into law.

This is an example of the nanny state at its worst, says the
Washington Times.

o At approximately $1,000 a piece, the so-called drunk-
driving locks are an expensive penalty for the state to
levy against the majority of New Mexicans who are not
guilty of any crime.

o There will also be the predictable hassles and delays when
the gadgets don't work. For example, factors other than
booze, such as mouthwash, could skew the breath tests.

o The electrical systems of some cars simply will not accept
aftermarket retrofitted electronics.

In a big, free country, it is impossible to insulate everyone
from harm everywhere, every moment. Some troublemakers will
always take advantage of their freedom to do things that are
wrong and that will hurt innocent people. The appropriate
response is to punish the criminal and send a message to others
that such acts are not tolerated. Punishing innocents and
restricting everyone's freedoms are unjust solutions to correct
the mistakes of a few. Unfortunately, that is what New Mexico
legislators are out to do, says the Times.

Source: Editorial, "New Mexico is nuts," Washington Times,
February 20, 2004.

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For more on Regulatory Issues (Auto Travel)
OMG! Hard to know what to say!:rolleyes:

''Nannyism'' run riot?? Or a step toward totalitarianism? How long before someone thinks up a device that detects ''lewd thoughts'' ... I mean, thinking wicked thoughts whilst driving is distractive driving surely. Could cause accidents.

I do NOT condone DUI, DWI ... whatever any state calls it .. not one bit but .. hell, this is going too far surely.

Oh my .... <chip>, <chip>, <chip>
did someone say duck soup?


  • owl&duck.jpg
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did someone say duck soup???


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