Teetering Tensions on the Mexico Border

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UAVs are in use now. I propose a military base 100 yards wide that runs from Brownsville to the Pacific. Units from the rest of the Army would come there to train like they do at Ft. Irwin National Training Center. :evil: :neener:

See signature line :fire:
WoW very misguided the whole thread

Want to stop illegal immigration. GO after the employers!!
And seriously. CBN? If that is unbiased reporting without and agenda then im jesus christ.

If you needed to support your family and the best way to do it was illegally. YOu would cross the border too. Go after the employers! That will stop illegal immigration. End of story.

"There was a large group of Middle Eastern men who were captured by the Border Patrol in the Chiricahua Mountains back in June," said Simcox. The men spoke Farsi, the language of Iran.

Simcox added, "The media and the Border Patrol covered it up by saying that they were a tribe of Huahacan Indians who didn't really speak Spanish, and that the Border Patrol agents were confused. They were met at the headquarters in Wilcox by federal agents, who quickly whisked the group away."

Vance showed us a Muslim prayer rug found right near his house. He said, "And it shows there's not just Mexicans coming across there, 'cause I don't think there's many Muslims in Mexico."

Um yeah right!!
Un qué manojo de fanáticos usted los individuos es. Estoy dispuesto a jugar a su madre le odié también. ¿Tírenos? Cómo aspire alrededor mi pan del blanco del pene.
IMO, this country was a lot more fun some 100 million people ago.

Thank you brother Art. Can we get an Amen?

I keep moving farther out to get away from the masses, and now I'm so far out that I'm having to compete with the illegals for a job!

You folks who don't live in the Border states should really come have a look for yourselves, and not rely on the media for your "facts".
Two can play at that game.

Un qué manojo de fanáticos usted los individuos es. Estoy dispuesto a jugar a su madre le odié también. ¿Tírenos? Cómo aspire alrededor mi pan del blanco del pene.

花花公子, 您需要新誇大其詞, 您老你得到討厭。講英語或死!
SoH ghaj ghobe' quv :neener:

我是一名学生用这种语言, 如此那些读这, 我乞求您的容忍。

Do you see the point now why_me?
After wading though all 3 pages of comments and opinions reference the wholesale migration of Illegals across the Sothern Border, I would like to add a few comments of my own.

First, let it be clear, crossing the Border (any border) without permission is a Criminal act. Try as the Liberals might, there is just no way to make it anything else, and therefore those committing the Crime should be dealt with as Criminals. Since 911, keeping our borders secure has taken on a whole new Importance. It takes very little imagination to picture the components for a dirty bomb( non nuclear, but with nuclear material in it to cause radioactive contamination within a city after detonation. Same applies to Chemical and or Biological weapons. To those THR members who advocate a little Citizen justice along the Border, I am quite surprised that more residents of the areas in question have not taken to shooting the illegals tresspassng on their property.

To those Liberals and others who mistakenly state that the influx of Illlegals, has no adverse effect on our economy as they only take the menial jobs that Americans (Black or White) will not do. BS, I can personally attest to having seen Hispanics known to be illegal working at skilled trades such as Carpentry, Masonry, Roofing, and in one case, Electricians helper. Folks, these are not minimum wage jobs and I seriously doubt that a unemployed American would turn them down.

Far from adding to the US economy, the hard facts are that money earned by these illegals does not stay in this country. For the most part, these wages are sent back to Mexico to support families left behind. A laudable undertaking but of no benefit to American merchants or trades people. This practice benefits primarily the Mexican Government who does not have to provide for these folks and is free to continue its corruption and exploitation of it's Citizens

One final thought. Has anyone ever tallied up the cost of services provided to just one of these Illegals who now lays claim to free Emergency Medical care, free education for each offspring, including meals, and lets not forget the cost of providing teachers to instruct them in their native language ( so what if they no longer feel compelled to learn the language of this country which is not Spanish but ENGLISH), as well as the cost of printing labels for everything in Spanish, up to and including applications for Drivers Licenses, and votors cards. Now multiply these costs, borne by Citizen taxpayers, by the number of Illegals and see if THE ILLEGAL still engenders warm fuzzy feelings inside .

To those who would ask if I would personally shoot the Illegals as they cross the Border. I don't know, but I suspect if I lived there, owned property being violated constantly, watching my possessions dissapear, and living in constant fear of physical harm to my family, my answer would be HELL YES!
To those Liberals and others who mistakenly state that the influx of Illlegals, has no adverse effect on our economy as they only take the menial jobs that Americans (Black or White) will not do. BS, I can personally attest to having seen Hispanics known to be illegal working at skilled trades such as Carpentry, Masonry, Roofing, and in one case, Electricians helper. Folks, these are not minimum wage jobs and I seriously doubt that a unemployed American would turn them down.

Illlegals run their own businesses, own homes, work in very highly skilled professional jobs, etc. The image of Cesar Chavez picking fruit in some kind of illegals' "Harvest of Shame" is unfortunately hard to counter.
One final thought. Has anyone ever tallied up the cost of services provided to just one of these Illegals who now lays claim to free Emergency Medical care, free education for each offspring, including meals, and lets not forget the cost of providing teachers to instruct them in their native language

I have read various stats. on taxes charged to each American family for
Illegal immigration and it varies from $1200-2400 per family a year.
In my area because of the large numbers they are now requesting that
school districts provide free lunch during summer months.

While it would be great if we could feed and provide jobs for the world
it is in truth impossible, like any household American must control the
numbers and sad to say we are doing a poor job.
A good source for statistics and commentary about the cost of illegal immigration is www.vdare.com .

Beware, some members of this forum have branded this site and other immigration control sites as racist.

Only because vdare is racist in origin and in there board of directors.

Im against illegal immigration. It lowers my standard of living. But i am not going to advocate shooting them like many in this thread have. And i am not going to take the statistics vdare and fair put up. They were founded by the same man. A guy who believes in *eugenics. There boards are entirely made up up white guys who dont like the "darker" peoples.

If your serious about illegal immigration. It is time to crack down on the employers. If there are no jobs available, there will not be reason to come.

The study of improving a species by artificial selection; usually refers to the selective breeding of humans.
the study of the methods that can improve the inherited qualities of a species.
Illegal immigration is not just about jobs. It is also about social service benefits, including education, which now run into the billions. And let's not forget crime: LAPD estimates that 60 per cent of L.A. gang members are illegal aliens.
Attributing an intolerance for illegal immigration to the strawman of racism is weak IMO. Illegal immigration is by definition against the law. To somehow justify breaking that law with charges of racism is a specious, illogical argument.

OTOH, reasons for enforcing the law abound, and are not limited to the loss of our language and culture.
F.A.I.R.s biggest contributor

The fund's first president, Harry Laughlin, was an influential advocate of sterilization for those he considered genetically unfit. In successfully advocating laws that would restrict immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe, Laughlin testified before Congress that 83 percent of Jewish immigrants were innately feeble-minded (Rolling Stone, 10/20/94). Another founder, Frederick Osborn, described Nazi Germany's sterilization law as "a most exciting experiment." (Discovery Journal, 7/9/94)
The pioneer fund
The fund's current president, Harry Weyher, denounces the Supreme Court decision that desegregated schools, saying, "All Brown did was wreck the school system." (GQ, 11/94) The fund's treasurer, John Trevor, formerly served as treasurer for the crypto-fascist Coalition of Patriotic Societies, when it called in 1962 for the release of Nazi war criminals and praised South Africa's "well-reasoned racial policies." (Rolling Stone, 10/20/94)

One of the Pioneer Fund's largest current grantees is Roger Pearson, an activist and publisher who has been associated with international fascist currents. Pearson has written: "If a nation with a more advanced, more specialized, or in any way superior set of genes mingles with, instead of exterminating, an inferior tribe, then it commits racial suicide." (
1) Adolph Hitler was a genocidal maniac
2) Adolph Hilter invented the Volkswagen


3) Anyone who drives a Volkswagen is a genocidal maniac. :rolleyes:
Vdare was founded by same guy that founded fair

Who are you in bed with?


Disturbingly, however, FAIR has had plenty of opportunities to repudiate these views in the past, yet has not done so. In
fact, like Abernethy, FAIR staffers have spoken at CCC events and shared the stage with CCC leaders (including
Abernethy). At least one FAIR staffer is even reported to be a CCC member.

Among the examples of FAIR working with the white supremacist CCC :

· FAIR Western Regional Coordinator Rick Oltman is described as member of the Council of Conservative Citizens in the
Winter 1997/1998 edition of the Citizens Informer.[9]

· In 1997, FAIR Western Regional Coordinator Rick Oltman actually shared the podium with Virginia Abernethy at the
Council of Conservative Citizens conference. Oltman and Abernethy sat on a panel entitled, “Immigration – Are We Being

· At a January 17, 1998 anti-immigration rally in Cullman, Alabama, Rick Oltman shared the podium with Council of
Conservative Citizens leaders and William Burchfield, a onetime Alabama state leader of Thom Robb’s Knights of the Ku
Klux Klan.[11]

· According to the Citizens Informer, FAIR Field Coordinator Dave Ray was a scheduled guest speaker at a March 11,
1997 Central Alabama CCC meeting.[12]

· FAIR’s weekly television show, “Borderline,†has featured white nationalist leaders, including Sam Francis, a leader in the
Council of Conservative Citizens and Associate Editor of The Occidental Quarterly [13], and Jared Taylor of the CCC and
head of the New Century Foundation, the publisher of the racist journal, American Renaissance. [14]

· FAIR Eastern Regional Director, Jim Staudenraus, shared the stage with Jared Taylor of the CCC and American
Renaissance at a September 7, 2002 anti-immigration conference.[15]

· CCC members have participated in several of FAIR’s Immigration Reform Awareness Week lobbying events.

Though FAIR has attempted to separate themselves and Proposition 200 from Virginia Abernethy, they have made no
effort to separate themselves from the white supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens. Nor has FAIR taken any
public action against staffers who chose to work with the CCC -- Rick Oltman, Dave Ray and Jim Staudenraus have not
been disciplined or fired.


If FAIR has suddenly become alarmed by “repugnant†and “divisive†views, then perhaps it will decide to return the more
than $1 million it has received from the notorious racist foundation, the Pioneer Fund.[16]

Founded in 1937 to further the cause of purifying the American gene pool by encouraging the descendants of white
colonialists to procreate, the Pioneer Fund has become a centerpiece in keeping scientific racism alive through allocating
grants for pseudo-academic studies. The Pioneer Fund is infamous not only for its funding of classic racist eugenics
research in the pre-World War II era, but also for continued financial support for racial segregation and racist science.
The current Pioneer director is University of Western Ontario psychologist J. Philippe Rushton, who is best known for his
advocacy of a theory correlating genital size inversely with intelligence and morality and parsing this by race.[17]

FAIR has been asked to repudiate the Pioneer Fund on numerous occasions, but has instead chosen to defend their
receipt of the money. As of this writing, there is no indication that FAIR has chosen to return the Pioneer Fund grants.

Two other cases of “stepping over the line†that have been ignored by FAIR are those of John Vinson and Brent Nelson of
the American Immigration Control Foundation.
Over the years, FAIR has worked closely with Vinson, Nelson and AICF on numerous campaigns, including Proposition
200.[18] Combined, FAIR and AICF contributed the vast majority of the funds for the Protect Arizona Now signature
gathering campaign - $305,000 of the total $405,000.[19]
Vinson and Nelson are active in the same “repugnant†organizations as Dr. Abernethy, yet FAIR has yet to denounce their
involvement in white supremacist causes.
http://www.newcomm.org - CENTER FOR NEW COMMUNITY Powered by Mambo Open Source Generated: 7 January, 2005, 11:56

AICF President, John Vinson, has spoken at conferences of the Council of Conservative Citizens and American
Renaissance. At the 1997 CCC conference he was on a panel entitled “Has Multi-Racialism Failed?†He is also listed as a
contributor to the CCC’s Citizens Informer.

AICF board member Brent Nelson is President of the CCC's Conservative Citizens Foundation, and an adviser to the
CCC publication, the Citizens Informer. He also serves on the editorial advisory board of the racist and anti-Semitic
journal, The Occidental Quarterly.


If FAIR had chosen to act as their news release indicated, with “complete candor†or taken a “sober assessment†of the
information put forward in the Center for New Community’s report on PAN and Virginia Abernethy, then they would have
also repudiated the “marginal and discreditable†views of Wayne Lutton, editor of the anti-immigrant journal The Social
Contract, published by US Inc.

Like FAIR, US Inc. is the creation of John Tanton, the grandfather of the contemporary anti-immigrant movement. Over
the years, FAIR has contributed $155,000 to US Inc.[20]

The Social Contract has included special issues, such as "Europhobia: The Hostility Toward European-Descended
Americans." The lead article was written by John Vinson of AICF, in which he argued that "multiculturalism" was
replacing "successful Euro-American culture" with "dysfunctional Third World cultures."

The Social Contract has also featured articles by many of the members of The Occidental Quarterly editorial advisory
board, including, Brent Nelson, Sam Francis, Joseph Fallon, Derek Turner, Virginia Abernethy and others.

As the report released by CNC last week on PAN indicated, in addition to his work with US Inc., Wayne Lutton also sits
on the board of the New Century Foundation, which publishes the racist magazine American Renaissance, and on the
editorial advisory board of the CCC publication, the Citizens Informer. Lutton also has the distinction of having published
over a dozen articles in the Holocaust denial publication the Journal for Historical Review.[21]

As in the other cases, FAIR has chosen to remain conspicuously quiet about Wayne Lutton.
Stand up if this is the man you want to represent your immgration views

What's more, this interlocking network of supposedly independent organizations is almost entirely the handiwork of one man, a Michigan ophthalmologist named John H. Tanton.

A four-month investigation by the Intelligence Report, conducted in the aftermath of the September terrorist attacks, found that the appearance of an array of groups with large membership bases is nothing more than a mirage.

In fact, the vast majority of American anti-immigration groups — more than a dozen in all — were either formed, led, or in other ways made possible through Tanton's efforts.
You're right, Ferdinand Porsche invented the VW, but Adolph commissioned it, and called it 'the people's car'. OK?
RileyMc, that would work better as:

1) Adolph Hitler was a genocidal maniac
2) Adolph Hilter was a vegetarian


3) Anyone who is a vegetarian is a genocidal maniac.

Since it was Ferdinand Porsche who developed the original Volkswagen "Beetle" :)

Your contention is that everyone who contributes to Vdare.com is a white supramacist? And, equally to the point, that the articles published therein are factually inaccurate or morally reprehensible or both?
Why_Me, your information is interesting but I have yet to see its sources.

When I evaluate information presented me (Particularly on web fora) I evaluate the credibility of the source of information. It does not cut it with me to post prose without sources being cited.

From where does your information come? What are its sources? When I see the sources I will then investigate them to determine the validity of its views which you have evidently supported. Some of your earlier posts sniffed of Morris Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Center. I was unable to link SPLC back to the comments you posted so I am back to wanting to see the sources for your information.

I am well beyond accepting credibility just because claims appears in print.

BTW, is Michelle Malkin part of this grand conspiracy???
Heres a link for you

They looove vdare.
We already had this discussion another thread.
How about you show me links absolving vdare and FAIR of racism.
Then ill attack your links and call them non credible.
Im sick of this littlle game you play. Back up what you say.
John Tanton founder of Fair and Vdare likes these concepts too.
Separation of the races:
Isolation of all distinct racial groups to historical home continents
Creation within New World continents of geographically isolated "mixed" areas
Celebration of ethnic nationalism and racism in each and every race
Equal rights of all races to disassociate with others
Dissolution of international trading as a regulated industry
Local governmental rights to all ethnically- and culturally-distinct populations
Forced relocation of those on the wrong continents
Forced separation of mixed-race couples
Redefinition of "nation" to mean ethnic group/tribe
Reparations to American blacks and repatriation to Africa
Uniting of Native American tribes in separate Nation within America
Recognition of miscegenation as racist bias in favor of mixed-race tribes
Jews, Christians and Muslims recognized as middle eastern race
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