Educating the NWO folks and anti gunners.

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Mar 20, 2008
My voice mail usually kicks in pretty fast.

On Friday, I was expecting a call back from my husband. I picked up the telephone without going to the other 2 telephones to look at the CALLER ID.

It was from the O man's campaign. A local call here in Western Montana.

I had the 'worker/caller' on the telephone about ALL kinds of issues including gun rights for 45 minutes. She was about as clueless as the other side - the M man.

She did admit that she was NOT pro gun. She proceeded to tell me that the O man was ok with 'hunting' and I told her that the SECOND had nothing to do with HUNTING. Gggrrrrr. I went down a LIST of things and books to read - she could start with the Constitution.

I told her that I pretty much felt the same about the M man and his stance in many issues from a to z including GUNS.

I gave her websites to prove these issues and articles about the O man's stance on real GUN issues.

The other stuff about both men in issues - not allowed here. ALL issues! That includes their VP candidates. Ugh.

I told her that lesser of the evils is still EVIL. That we are basically screwed in so MANY ways.

She wants to learn more, so she says. I told her that if she wanted a REAL feel about FED UP Americans including one issue folks = GUNS and 'many other issues folks' to feel free to call me back. I gave her L. Neil Smith information too. I see ALL issues but guns is on the TOP. Without guns - well, you know the DRILL.

I told her that I wanted the O man to call me and/or be able to debate him on LIVE TV or LIVE RADIO. I wanted to discuss GUN rights and tons of other issues with him. I would do this with anti gun, NWO control freak Biden and the other 2 'people'.

I was dead serious too. Later on, I called into a radio station online and gave them my 2 cents including other issues that are NOT allowed on this website.

GUN control and financial control = CONTROL. Period! I said that for ages too.
Why did it have to be guns? L. NEIL SMITH

Yours in liberty,

The NWO Rs and the NWO Ds are dead wrong on 'bail outs' aka SELL OUTS and so much more. I feel a speech coming on with high heels and a soap box. NO MORE neo con artists and NO MORE con artists in BOTH parties. :banghead:
I apologize if my earlier post was off-topic, it was meant to be humorous, not offensive, but seriously, what does "NWO" stand for?

And back to the original topic: the best way to turn someone pro-gun, is to take them shooting. If you can get that person who called you to the range, that'd be pretty good.

I think if you're trying to convince someone to become pro-gun, you probably shouldn't mention the new world order and the like. If you really want to mention it, wait until after they're hooked on shooting.

Just my $0.02.
I know I cant be the first to say this, but I love your posts. Everytime I catch myself saying, "wow, I really agree with that" I look over and it's your name. Thanks,
Being polite and patient to an interested party is the best thing you can do to help keep your gun rights. It converts many people.

It worked on me years ago.
Huh? Say what?!


Well, yes... the globalist agenda, the power control freaks, the 'police state', the ANTI GUN agenda is a VERY real thing. It is all part of the NWO. Both parties are involved in the NWO - Reps and Dems and into ANTI Firearm and ANTI Freedom laws.

GUN control and financial control = CONTROL.

Control = people control = loss of freedoms and firearms.

Think of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and ALL of the Bill of Rights including the SECOND.

Gee, I guess that I answered to a post (Above.) that is deleted now and so is the poster/person.

Such is life. ; . )

You go girl!

Folks, you wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of a stern finger waggling by this me on this one!

All the best, Lady C.

Catherine, thank you for "putting it out there"-without apology and with such restraint.

Our world has become "Stepfordized" and a Twilight Zone due to the unrelenting attack of the enemies of freedom, not just in America but world-wide (just look to Britain's knife 'bans' for proof of this...).

I literally believe that a great deception has clouded the hearts and minds of men and women to even the most basic understanding of our Nations heritage and it's former standing as a beacon of hope and promise to a world awash in oppression.

However, I have recently become convinced that the greatest threat to a return to our roots will not come from without but from within. That threat is the moral depravity of many of those who do "see it" and yet somehow think that our "sacred honor" has no bearing on the outcome of the fight. The foul-mouthed and foul-minded among us will only serve to drag us down to the level of barbarians and we will not see victory.

Just as that other 'great' Republic (Roman) fell by the weight of it's decadence so shall we if we don't see a return to a true understanding of right and wrong and honor and dishonor.

This goes beyond 'guns' as you well know...

I thank you for your diligence and your patience.
All the best to you too, P.R.

We were going to drag you and ___ off to Deer Creek to try out the new Kimber this evening.

We shall do this one of these days! I may let you use my NEW Marlin 39A and the NEW Ruger if you're a good boy! ; . )

Lady C passes some hot tea to you.

Take care.

Dear Mongrel,

Thank you. You are absolutely right on what you mentioned about it coming from within and not only from an outside source.

I post on a 'patriot' type of board and there is an abbreviation that they use there: DGI. DGI = doesn't get it.

Some people don't GET IT. The ones that DO GET IT aka understand on what the heck is going on in this Republic usually catch YOU KNOW WHAT FOR IT TOO. Sigh and lament.

They get called all kinds of names from anti American to bigot to x, y or z when they discuss REAL issues including GUN RIGHTS to the, gasp, MILITIA.

Nice to meet you.


End the FED!
Just a reminder, Activism isn't a discussion forum so lets try to stick to Catherine's original concept. Having a good supply of facts, well organized thoughts and the guts to use them whenever the opportunity comes up, especially when called by an anti. That advice can go for anyone who wants to address any threat and is willing to wake the sleepwalkers.
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