Education and the CA recall

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May 22, 2003
from the WSJ Opinion Journal
Why did the San Francisco Bay Area vote against recalling Gov. Gray Davis, while virtually the entire rest of the state went the other way? The San Francisco Chronicle poses the question, and Orville Schell, dean of the journalism school at the University of California, Berkeley, offered this answer: "It strikes me that the better educated people are, more often than not, they tend to be more liberal, and I think this is a very well-educated area."

It's easy to dismiss this as mere ideological prejudice, which it no doubt is. But Schell's statement that better-educated people tend to be more liberal is subject to empirical testing. Here are the findings of the Edison Media Research California exit poll on the recall, broken down by education level (the second column shows the percentage of the total sample that each subgroup makes up):

% Yes No
Did not complete high school 3% -- --
High school grad 13% 61% 39%
Some college/associate degree 32% 59% 41%
College grad 28% 57% 43%
Postgraduate study 23% 45% 55%

And here are the findings for the vote on Davis's replacement (CB is Democrat Cruz Bustamante; AS is Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger; TM is Republican Tom McClintock; PC is Green Peter Camejo):

Did not complete high school 3% -- -- -- --
High school grad 13% 33% 50% 12% 2%
Some college/associate degree 33% 30% 48% 14% 4%
College grad 28% 32% 49% 13% 3%
Postgraduate study 23% 44% 38% 10% 5%

Looking at these figures, we see small differences among high school and college grads, among whom more education seems to correlate slightly with less support for the recall; 62% of each of the three groups voted Republican and 34% or 35% either Democrat or Green. The real outliers are those who've done postgraduate study, who actually opposed the recall and a plurality of whom (49%) voted Democrat or Green (vs. 48% GOP).

There appears to be another outlying group, too: high school dropouts. Because they made up such a small part of the sample, the pollsters were not able to generate definitive numbers. They do, however, give combined percentages for those whose education level is "high school or less": 58% to 42% in favor of the recall, 58% Republican, 38% Democrat or Green.

Based on these numbers, we've derived the following figures for high school dropouts: Against the recall, 55% to 45% (the same proportions as postgrads), and on the replacement ballot 51% Democrat or Green, 41% Republican. Take these numbers with a grain of salt; they aren't statistically reliable. But they are suggestive.

The Democratic "base," it seems, can be found at the extreme edges of the bell curve, consisting of a small number of uneducated voters and a large number of overeducated ones. The educated elite, as we suggested last week, clearly dominates the party. One lesson of the California election, though, is that it's possible to be highly intelligent and educated without being all that smart. If you add together all the Orville Schell types in the California Democratic Party, we bet they have a collective IQ of over a million. But the best idea they could come up with is to tell people to vote for Gray Davis?

Overeducated socialist yahoos for Davis?
You'd think that people who have allegedly gotten as much practice thinking as some college professors have would be able to sit down and calculate at least a couple second order effects of their ideas. Or maybe that's my problem: I'm thinking again....
An intellectual is someone who has been educated beyond capacity. Forgot who said that.

This libertarian/conservative ain't going back to school unless ITTS offers a post-graduate program.

"That's Uncle Scotty! Next person who calls me Professor Reitz owes me a case of Corona!!!" :p
Education <> Intelligence <> Success

I have an uncle (not a blood relative) who holds at least 5 college degrees. He will tell you this within 5 minutes of meeting him. He is easily the stupidest person in my family - from a lifeskills/success/common sense perspective.

I have an uncle who is a dropout who has a genius level IQ. This "bumpkin" built his own sawmill using his own specs and ideas.

Among educated and uneducated people, there is a pretty wide distribution of all types of people. I do see the value of education, intelligence and talent, but there is an X factor that nobody every discusses. Call it free will, determination, moxy, whatever but people who want to succeed will find a way to do it.

I dislike the assumptions in that poll.
I must REALLY be an anomaly... maybe even worthy of study to these pinheads!

I voted for McClintoc, live in the SF bay area, and am a college graduate....

I must have missed the hypnotherapy class where they indoctrinated the rest of the folks...

Never underestimate the power of intalactuel stewpiduty though.
CGofMP, but they'll give ANYONE those bachelor degrees these days...heck I have one...signed by Gray Davis! :barf:

I have an uncle (not a blood relative) who holds at least 5 college degrees. He will tell you this within 5 minutes of meeting him. He is easily the stupidest person in my family - from a lifeskills/success/common sense perspective.

Reminds me of a joke...
How do you a tell who the pilot is at a party?
Oh don't worry, he'll tell you.... :neener:

My dad's friend is the head of sociology at a respected university. He sure was upset about me not taking crap from his guest's Yoda attitude.

Hey I'm three more classes away from being ABD, and I am significantly to the right of Genghis Khan.

I don't think that the issue is education..what I see in my classmates is a terrible, desparate need to be "special." The far left feeds on that craving, by offering inclusion in the "elite" to any poor soul who buys their baloney,
They use similar techniques to those used by the moonies.

My classmates are like drug addicts, they will cling to this specialness, this membership in an elite, EVEN THOUGH THEY KNOW IT IS CRAP. I don't think they can help themselves.

I suspect that the cause of this behavior is excessive self-worth. When you think very highly of yourself, and the world at large does not support your opinion, then you either get humble or you find a clique that will tell you you're something wondeful.

We've spent a couple of generations convincing kids that they are loved BECAUSE they are special. You see what happens here..the brain decides that if they are loved because they are special, then if they allow themselves to not be special, they will no longer be loved. Nobody can tolerate that.

They would have been much better served if we had taught them that they are loved, whether or not they are special.

Its especially bad that we do not teach that the greatest peace comes when we begin to let go of our specialness, our wonderfulness, our uniqueness, and actively seek humility. Have you ever heard of a left-winger with humility?

Gd bless and y'all be careful out there.:cool:
You guys are forgetting a key point:

Educated does not mean "intelligent."

It could very well mean, (and usually does) as someone already pointed out, "indoctrinated."

Just because you know a lot of stuff doesn't mean anything, especially if all you know is marxist rhetoric, which is what most "educated" people's heads are filled with.
Geezer has it nailed, I think. Higher education is not always the cause of the intellectual wierdness that passes for Leftism these days; rather, these misfits (some, not all) tend to hide from the responsibilities of the real world in academia for as long as they are able--thus, higher degrees. Most realists come to realize around the time they reach their majority that there's a big world out there with challenges and rewards just for the taking. "Let's Roll" could be their motto.

TFL Survivor
Ohhhhhhhh mannnnnnn SKunk! You had me quite frightened there for a moment... "Signed by GrayDay?!?!?" I raced over to my filesafe, and rummaged through the folders..

AH HAH! I was ready to tear mine up in a fit of nausea!

Thankfully however I took the time to read it real fast first....

Guess mine was issued long enough ago that the esteemed soon-to-be-replaced-politico's signature is NOT on mine!

:neener: nya nya nya nya nya! :neener:

So.. I guess I will put the diploma back, safe, sound and untorn.

Professor Reitz . please be careful what you post... there are those amung us gradjooates in calIfornia hoo kant reed.

You may have cost them thier diplomas unwittingly and unnecessarily!
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