Effectiveness of Guns for Home Defense?

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Fortunately I live in a state where the law says any force used by a homeowner against an intruder is presumed reasonable and lawful. But regardless, I would not fire a warning shot. I would not shoot to wound. I would not say I intended a warning shot, or "I only meant to wound him."

I would say, "I was in great fear of my life and I had no other choice."
Actually, the answer is yes if what I meant by "successfully invaded" was that the invader didn't run away or surrender immediately. But apparently, home invaders who stay around after shots are fired are fantastically rare. (I've only been able to find one account of such an incident--and the invader experienced injuries that eventually proved lethal because he didn't run away). From what I've been able to glean from the anecdotes, the psychology of gunfighting favors the home owner who defends his home with a gun.
Actually, the answer is yes if what I meant by "successfully invaded" was that the invader didn't run away or surrender immediately. But apparently, home invaders who stay around after shots are fired are fantastically rare. (I've only been able to find one account of such an incident--and the invader experienced injuries that eventually proved lethal because he didn't run away). From what I've been able to glean from the anecdotes, the psychology of gunfighting favors the home owner who defends his home with a gun.

Very true -- in fact, it is the ability and willingness of Americans to defend their homes that makes invasions of occupied homes so rare in American compared to say, England.

Which is points for the shotgun -- not only is it highly effective, it is very intimidating. I have often said, when your teeth are chattering and your knees are knocking (and they will be) you're sending a message. If you're holding a small handgun on the intruder, the message is, "You can take this away from me."

If you're holding a shotgun, the message is, "Make one move and this damn' thing will go off!"
Taurus 66 wrote:

BANG! BANG! Then while he's lying there, put a kitchen knife in his hand. 'nuff said.

Correction. *Both hands*. A cop once told me the same thing to me, 'cept that you get prints from both the BG's hands on the knife, lest some clever attorney claim that the recently-deceased was a lefty....:rolleyes:

Taurus 66 wrote:

BANG! BANG! Then while he's lying there, put a kitchen knife in his hand. 'nuff said.

Correction. *Both hands*. A cop once told me the same thing to me, 'cept that you get prints from both the BG's hands on the knife, lest some clever attorney claim that the recently-deceased was a lefty....


Why are so many people casually advocating breaking the law on a public message board? :rolleyes:

Anyone that does such a thing deserves a stint at the Graybar motel. If you're gonna shoot, don't lie about why you shot; if you are in the wrong according to your state laws, then either suck it up and be an adult about your doings and accept the consequences or challenge the law and take it as far as you can and hope that the laws that endanger the law abiding by holding them to a ridiculously high standard are changed via your precedent-setting case or some legal reform that comes out of your challenge.

Advocating breaking the law, or planting evidence and fabricating disparity of force deserves jail time, period.
I am in the same state as Vern Humphrey. I too have to retreat.

Do I know of situations where the display or discharge of a firearm still resulted in a bad situation?


One in state. Thug comes into a house using a key, wife turns to greet husbaqnd and instead it is a Thug, and she retreats with child in arms, once in bedroom "and in fear of herself and child" discharges the handgun thru that door. Next heard is husbands voice " I have a gun to my head and ...".

Three thugs. Two kept wife and child in the home, and husband rode around in his vehicle trunk for hours, then in wee hours his business safe emptied by the third thug.


Out of state, Thugs came in dressed really nice. They snagged an employee, another employee was "outlined" in the one way mirror".

"Get out from behind the mirror, and drop the shotgun".

Store was robbed near closing time, all employees hustled into walk-in vault.

Many Mistakes on that deal, I was flown in to take notes , observe, listen and make recommendations to make safer.

That walk -n vault got a air tank first thing off the bat. The employees were all going out to eat, so nobody thought a thing about them not coming home...until really late. Best guess on how they could have suffocated if something had not occurred and this checked out...not very long.

I suggested a LOT of updates and enhancements and these were done pronto, no questions asked, and spare no expense.

I put the sign in the Vault "Never Again" - not that anyone ever would have forgotten mind you.

There are others...

My biggest thing still is - one has to get into and out of a dwelling. One has to answer the door.
Handgun on person always is the smart thing, not the long gun in the other room.
NEVER bunch up!

MY house rule, is, the doorbell rings, even if expected, folks scatter.
In the middle of night, I have had many plans if a knock on the door, or a coke bottle fell off a knob.

Hotels and Motels I have similar, but different "ideas" and "applications".

I know of too many folks on the road with firearms and mdse that were overwhelmed.

I know about this all too well. I too was / am one targeted by the Big Boys.

Got distracted with folks sick and dying again - but I am "making secure" and "making plans" for a young lady and her apt as she will be attending college here locally.

Check local laws - when you do ,pay attention as to how they "work" for the BGs.

Here, Mr. Humphrey , myself and others have to retreat.

Now WE think like a BG as to how to use what is against us - for us.

Think like a thief - then use that against the thief.

BGs do this all the time against the law abiding.

Btw, they ain't going to "just get" into this ladies Bedroom - a little something I do and they will have to literally break the door.
If matters were to get serious...a no brainer for the DA to see she retreated and she was in immediate danger and had to defend.

Hopefully it will never to come to this...and we won't worry about getting deposit back...got a way to hide that too. ;)

Something I learned from a thief, sitting in an adjacent cell listening because, well I wanted to learn and since he was not on the outside - I went inside.
Splash a little Booze here, stagger a bit, slur a few words, share my smokes and I can play a DWI person really well. Had some LEO folks as friends as we did things for one another...

We didn't have Internet , 911, or cell phones back then...
not the answer you were looking for...

Back in school I had moved off campus and lived in a condo complex. Unknown to any of us the guy 3 doors down from us was a drug dealer. Two guys kicked in my front door, and both were armed. The first had a baseball bat, and I couldn't see what the other one had, as they had just gotten inside the door. There was about 25 feet between us. I leveled my 45's sights and less than kindly told them to leave. They turned tail and ran faster than anything that I have ever seen. Never heard or saw them again.
Arkansas law provides a presumption that any force used to repel a home invader or an arsonist is reasonable. If charges against a homeowner arise from such a situation, the judge is required to read the law to the jury in his summing up.
TAURUS 66 - " BANG! BANG! Then while he's lying there, put a kitchen knife in his hand. 'nuff said."

Taurus 66, I strongly suggest you rethink your position.

Notwithstanding "CSI," You'd be surprised what modern, well trained Homicide detectives and Forensics labs can do today. Worst thing a person can do after a shooting is to tamper with evidence. If the shooting is justified, it's justified. If not ... better have yourself a good lawyer.

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