Equal protection under the law and illegal immigrants

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My wife and daughter dragged me to the Tanger outlet mall in San Marcos, TX a couple weekends ago. Not finding much in the way of stores that interested me, I bought a Coke, found a bench, listened, and watched. The vast majority of the shoppers were speaking Spanish. Immigration from south of the border is completely out of control.
Same here in the heartland with a good mix of Somolis thrown in. Tremendous gang problem within these groups that the local papers refuse to acknowledge and the effect on the local school districts where the Latinos and Somolis are concentrating is crippling.
It is pnly meaningful in the context of the story it came from.
Atlas Shrugged.

I think I'm semi qualified to comment on the draft, 26+ yrs active duty.
I have some feeling of living for other people.

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