Eva-Dry dehumidifier...

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Nov 14, 2009
Looking for something for my small gun safe/cabinet without plugging anything in, does anyone have any experience with this product?
I live in the humidity capital (Florida) and I've been using them in my safe for about three years and have had no rust or corrision issues. That being said, I also use the Bullfrog VPCI Rustblocker Shield in the safe and wipe down my firearms with a nice oil rag every couple of months. They do work, but depending on your humidity levels, you might need to recharge the Eva Dry Dehumidifier more often than once a month, I know I do about every three weeks or so in the summer time.
I too live in a very humid place.
Uggh...Right now the humidity is very high as I type this,like 96%.
I use the bigger Eva-Dry 500 and the smaller version branded as the Remington 365.
I am about to get rid of the smaller version because when I bought it last year it was such old stock and the last one Gander had on the shelf that even though they are wrapped in a blister pack the crystals were dark brown and required a charge before placing it in my Amsec BF.
Then it only lasts a couple of days so it obviously needs replacing.
The larger 500 easily goes 2-3 weeks before recharge is necessary.
I open my safe at least every day and it's not unusual if I do more than that.
I found a place online that sells them really cheap and at times with free shipping.
As a matter of fact excuse me as this discussion has prompted me to get off my lazy arse and order another 500 model.

Edit to add..Just ordered one for $22.99 with free shipping.
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Well there you have it.
I usually dont do the e-bay thing but thanks for letting me know about it.
Still,compared to most box stores and a lot of other online outlets it's a pretty good deal.
Stock up boys!!
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