Ever been cheated in a trade?

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I have made stupid purchases out of ignorance in the past. But I don't think I have ever been "cheated" other than allowing my desire for a particular gun to overshadow my common sense. Now I have had some problems on Ebay in the past, but it was not a frequent thing. I have pretty much stopped most purchases via Ebay. It gets habit forming and the $$ really add up over time.

TexasGunbie, I don't see a problem with the purchase you made and how you handled it. Of course, a Glock box is not much of a collector's item. I wouldn't have driven 30 miles to pick up a mag after the fact.
One time several of us at work all bought 1911 frames and parts kits from Sarco to build our own entry-level pistols. After trying to fit his mag catch to the frame and buggering it all up, one of my "friends" snuck into my desk and switched his buggered part for the new one out of my bag of parts. I figured out what had happened and who did it, and he was no longer my friend. It explained several other items that went missing from my desk around the same time...
Cheated in a trade? no and not in a sale or purchase either.

I’ve never been cheated as I believe selling a gun for less or paying more because I want something isn’t being cheated.
Buying a damaged gun on false pretenses is and I’ve never experienced that, not getting what you paid for is just out right thievery.
I've never been, but a friend of mine was from a guy on Auction Arms or Gunbroker, can't remember which one anymore. He bought what appeared to be, from the pics, a really nice Detonics 1911. In the pics, it looked almost perfect. This was soon after GB went online, and nobody had much feedback.

It comes a week later, and it was amazingly bad. Lots of little pits all over the slide. It had been polished up with wax and in the pics, you couldn't see anything wrong, except a ding near the front that even his wax couldn't hide completely. Inside, someone had gone dremel crazy, and "worked on" the barrel, which had obviously been swapped out for the pics, as the pics had what appeared to be an untouched barrel. There was a little bit of rust everywhere inside it on all the steel parts. He calls the guy, who got hostile, and refused to refund his money. He went back and forth, but eventually, due to pure luck, he happened to mention the situation to a friend whose cousin was a deputy sheriff in the county the seller lived in and he paid him a "friendly visit" and soon a money order arrived, and he sent the gun back, and got another one on an auction site and he still has it.
I've been lucky so far. I did feel kind of like I cheated someone else though. Not on purpose. I was offered a Taurus .357 mag for $50. The owner who I've known for a bit said that the cylinder was locking up when fired DA after a few shots. He also said it was getting harder to open and close the cylinder.

I went ahead with the deal just to see if I could get it working, and I was in the market for a .357 anyway. Bought it, and had it fixed within ten minutes of getting home. The ejector was loose, and all I had to do was tighten it. That made the cylinder go in and out smoothly. Also I found out later he had not been releasing the trigger all the way when shooting DA so that's why the cylinder was locking up. 600 rounds later and the gun performs very well. Pretty nice for $50.
The worst was trading 2 scarce revolvers for 2 "LNIB revolvers."
Except they didn't have boxes. Or original grips. One looked like it was drug behind a truck for a couple miles. Drove 60 miles each way. And with a "scripture passage" sigline I thought he certainly could be trusted. Joe
traded ammo for a carbine billed as new condition, 1 mag-full fired. That may have been true the five years before he stacked in the corner of his closet...
During the AWB, I traded an out of town dealer (not out of state though) a compleate Dan Wesson .44mag barrel (barrel, shroud, and barrel nut) for a HK VP70 mag, which he said he would mail to me. He even gave me his buisness card, but after two weeks and no mag I called only to be told by his secretary he was in a meeting.

I called every three days for a month at random times and every time his secretary told me he was in a meeting and he never returned my calls, until the tenth or eleventh call when he told me he didn't have the mag, I wasn't going to get my barrel back, and if I continued to harrass him he would have me arrested (hinting he was very close to the local sherriff).

I'd test that "firendship" with the local sheriff by filing a criminal complaint for "theft by deception", which is the description of what he did to you.

ANY trade is complete when everything changes hands and if it is not all there, call me when it is. I do not give anything to anyone for any reason and do not accept any excuse from anyone for any reason. Unless you offered to trade for whatever the other party remembered to bring and are willing to consider everything he forgot non-existant, you got robbed.
There is a trade I am working on right now that kind of has the hair standing up on the back of my neck. It would not bother me to just walk away once I see it FTF, except the guy is a couple hours drive and it would suck to just walk away.

The comments about gun shops rings true. There is a local one who I will not name, but he is called the Segway Surfer around town. The story goes like this.

My favorite experience with them was with my brother-in-law a few years back. He was looking for a new semi-auto pistol. Went up to the infamous Segway Surfer store one day with him and got their best OTD price. Got the price from one of the employee's behind the counter - who is one of their few decent guys to deal with. My brother-in-law left to think about it and he decided to go back a few days later to purchase it. He brought with him a possible trade (post-ban configured AR-15) to see if what they would offer him for it - since the Klinton ban had recently expired. He went back with me and the store manager Larry was 'helping' him as the original clerk was off that day. It turned out that the best deal Larry could give him was that it would cost him $100 more than the price he was given a few days before INCLUDING his AR-15 trade. Of course Larry did not know that we were in a few days before, but asking someone to PAY $100 for the privilege of taking an AR-15 off a customer's hands is just a bit much, even for them! Needless to say he was so flabergasted he just walked out and bought it elsewhere.
i messed up the other way, i sold an xd45 5in with mags it came with, i forgot it came with 2 i gave the guy 3.

i was keeping all the extra mags to go with the new xd45 4in i was buying.

he made out but i also bought a used/new 4in for the same price i sold the 4yr old 5in.

guy had bought 2 new guns and never got around to firing the xd and put it up for sell
I've never been outright cheated in a gun trade/sale but I did buy a used Mossberg 500 from an online seller, and when it arrived the front sight was missing. This fact was never mentioned by the seller, and all the auction pictures were cleverly taken so that the area containing the missing sight was never revealed.

I didn't figure that I'd make much headway with the seller so I didn't pursue it but luckily the threads weren't stripped so my gunsmith was able to make it right and mounted a new sight bead for less than 5 bucks. Lesson Learned.
I bought a Nylon 76 off of a online auction from a gundealer in albany NY. Got the gun, and the stock was broken in half, and you can see where someone had a failed attempt at gluing it back together. He wouldn`t refund my $700. I was too young and niave at the time to do anything..
On Gunbroker and Ebay I've been very careful and done well. Got some killer deals, however I let my guard down one time on Ebay and bought some M60 links to see if I could get them to work in my 1919 before I bought a couple of 1000 of them. I paid $1.75 for 100 links.....how could you go wrong? Well it was some foriegn moron with broken english from Jersey......I should have known better. I received 72 links and complained to the seller. He sent me all of my money back. THEN wanted me to spend $5.00 shipping the 72 links back to him. I explained to him since it was his mistake he needed to pay for the shipping and that's when it all started. After about 3 weeks of fighting with him and dealing with Ebay it was all dropped. What a pain over $1.75.....who would have thought.
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