Everybody relax.

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I have already written my state reps, I think everyone should do the same. Lets show them that while remaining respectable and law abiding citizens we want our guns to remain ours.

The OP sound's like Eleanor Porter from the grave. A list of some past difficulties and how we survived them is no encouragement to this man. Past experience does not imbue the present or future with any sort of immunity. The past is not an indication of the future. Because we "survived" a president's assassination 40 years ago has nothing to do with the continued viability of this diseased nation. As difficult as it is to accept, we are in precipitous decline and my NRA membership - current I might add - will do nothing to alter the fact, and I see that withdrawal would be better than activity, for at least I could spend my resources on something that is personally meaningful. My vote yesterday had a 1 in 60,000,000 chance of deciding the next president and like a fool I took 30 minutes to walk to the American Legion Hall to endure the cackling of the geriatric volunteers to cast a meaningless vote. Democracy requires an educated and informed populace. Spinoza, Aristotle, Shopenhauer, Melville, and every luminary through time have known this. Democracy is dead. We each will follow.
If you think voting is meaningless, consider this. If everyone had that opinion, no one would vote. Don't be a doomsday prophet. Democracy is not dead.
Relaxing is a sign of lazyness.

Everyone should have written their congressmen or senators by now. If not, then get off your lazy ass and do something.

I hate to say it, but justin is right. If more people would simply be better versed in politics, economy, etc and do something constructive for the cause, things will turn out just fine. However, a bunch of chicken littles that can't keep the credit card in their pocket before "bad" elections don't help us out one bit.
I don't think the OP means "relax, nothing to worry about". Instead I read his post as don't "panic", "freak out", "go nuts", "cop a defeatist attitude".

We've weathered tough times by keeping our powder dry and rolling up our sleeves and working through the tough times.

Some may not consider this realistic on the whole, but there's little question that panic helps when you're in this sort of battle.
I had close friends who lived during the Great Depression. It was hard, but they did ok and made it through.

No we didnt "make it through it"... The Depression conditioned the country into accepting the "New Deal" and FDR's power grab. The economy may have recovered, but we still feel the consequences of FDR's subversion of the Constitution today.
harmonic said:
Everybody relax.


I'll post these random thoughts before the thread gets locked.

We're disturbed by an Obama presidency, but we've had some very bad times before. We made it through.

I had close friends who lived during the Great Depression. It was hard, but they did ok and made it through.

I had close friends who fought in World War 2. (My father was in Patton's Third Army.) If you've read history, you know there were many times it looked liked we were going to lose that war. But we made it through.......

And the most important thing you can do at this time is to join the NRA. Say what you will, they are the most potent voice we have in Congress.

God bless you all.

Well, nice sentiments. Noble sentiments, in fact.
I hate to be the fly in the ointment, but I have to wonder how many "hits" America & freedom can take and remain viable.
This country is not immortal.
The Spartans thought they were ....
The Greeks thought they were ......
The Romans thought they were .....

And some people think America will last forever.

Nothing lasts forever.

Sorry. I hate to be such a downer ... but I am tired of looking for the silver lining in the dark clouds and getting rained on and zapped by lightning bolts.
We've weathered tough times by keeping our powder dry and rolling up our sleeves and working through the tough times.

Exactly. In fact, it's been our historical battles that have made us strong.
I'm both an eternal optimist and a student of history, and I don't recall a threat to our nation as significant as a suitcase nuke.

If Clinton, for political considerations, refused to defuse Bin Laden with a surgical strike early on in the game, I have no confidence that Obama will act with more courage and character to avoid a catastrophy of bibilical proportions. He has demonstrated neither to date.

The lack of a moral compass combined with a perceived right to entitlements may very well be the end of our brief experiment in democratic governement.

As noble and right as we think ourselves to be, we're but the blink of an eye in the history of mankind.

The only "guarantee" in which I find solace is the faith, hope, and promise of an eternal life after this coat becomes dust.

In that I can relax.
And some people think America will last forever.

Nothing lasts forever.

True. We're not talking forever. The "forever" battles belong to the future.

We're talking about fighting the battles at hand. And these battles can be won. We can win them.

You're forgetting something. The gun grabber's objective has always been to completely disarm Americans. That's their goal. That has been the motivation behind every single gun limiting law they've passed.

Screw 'em. They've lost. We still have guns.

Sorry. I hate to be such a downer ... but I am tired of looking for the silver lining in the dark clouds and getting rained on and zapped by lightning bolts.

I'm not saying there's a silver lining. A silver lining is something good in what appears to be bleak.

I'm saying we need to get busy and fight these SOBs. Money talks and BS walks.

Examine the results. Obama won because people voted for him. McCain lost because his strategy was to get people to vote against Obama, as opposed to getting people to vote for McCain.

The NRA has also been using this same strategy ever since I've been paying attention. Don't ever go positive. Don't give us someone to support. Don't actually do more than it takes to scare everyone into keeping you in power.

Both the NRA and the major parties have been using this strategy for 20 years.
Obama won because the Democrats broke the strategy and got people to vote for a candidate. Not because they voted against McCain. Learn that lesson, people! We lost, and will continue to lose until we have someone to vote FOR.

There were fourteen Republican candidates, and regarding the gun issue, we got the third worst out of the lot. And he didn't win. Surprise, surprise.

The damage is done. It's time to get away from the damage control strategy.
Remember Burke's quote? Well its time to stop doing nothing. No one else is going to do this for us. We should have leaned that last night. The time to prepare for the 2012 election is NOW. The mid term elections are only two years away! Start working now. Call and write your Senators and Representatives. Be proactive!
I think one thing we need to consider is that - when everything looked like it was going to be close to over - we actually won back lost rights. Be it a fluke, or the perfect storm of failed politics, the AWB was left to wither for four years. Heller then came along and gave us some sort of foothold, no matter how slippery it may be at this time.

I think that is one thing we need to look at: for the first time in probably ever...we won a big deal of our gun rights back in 2004, for whatever reasons.

Maybe we can keep going if we actually do the work mentioned.
You're forgetting something. The gun grabber's objective has always been to completely disarm Americans. That's their goal. That has been the motivation behind every single gun limiting law they've passed.

Screw 'em. They've lost. We still have guns.

Oh, don't think I've forgotten that at all.

We still have guns .... for now.
Should we have a gun ban .. or some similar law, AWB, whatever .... how far will we go in defending our right to keep them?:confused:
Absolutely not. Let's get mad and then get busy.

I AGREE! if we sit on our bottoms and relax, our guns, and rights are going to go bye-bye! we ALL need to work HARD, and TOGETHER FOR A COMMON CAUSE! KEEPING OUR GUNS, AND OUR RIGHTS! "all that evil needs to triumph, is for good men to do nothing". i do not know who said that, but you had better believe that this is the case when it comes to your guns fellas! i dont know it the NRA is the right place to go, but it is definitly a start. and we have to start somewhere. and we have to start now, before their wheels start rolling.
Join NRA and / or GOA and your state group (TSRA or the like).

And some people think America will last forever.

Nothing lasts forever.

Yeah, that is true, but you don't lose it in one day and if we don't make a stand every time we get a chance, we will lose the ability to stand at all. Get involved, use the system to win, reform it where you have to.
In honor of our new president elect, I will be exercising my 2nd amendment rights by adding something new to my collection very soon. I suggest you do the same.
I voted for Obama and am quite pleased. There are many positive things that this President will bring to the table that many gun owners don't currently realize.

I realize that we are supposed to keep things High Road, but come on..... (Edited as to not offend the delicate sensibilities found here on THR. )

I don't care if you love Obama and voted for him, but please don't insult my intelligence by making a claim that Obama will bring to the table many positive things for gun owners. It seems there are a certain number of regular posters here on THR that refuse to accept that Obama is bad for gun rights.

I don't believe they are stupid.
I don't believe they are misled.
I don't believe they can't read.
I don't believe they can't hear.

So I guess at the end of it all, I have to sincerely ask, "what are you talking about?" Why do you continue to misrepresent Obama's record, comments, and agenda when it comes to gun rights? :banghead:

For those of you that say relax, the sky is not falling, etc... You're right, the world is not ending. But I will tell you one thing, gun rights are always under attack in this country because of jackass liberals and their irrational fears of guns and violence. Under Obama, with Pelosi, Reid, Clinton, Durbin, Kerry, Schumer, McCarthy, Blogevich, Biden, Lautenburg, Boxer, Feinstein, etc... We are in for a wild ride.

I'll relax when we stop seeing anti-gun legislation being passed in various states around our country every year.

Those that minimize the threats to the 2nd amendment need to move to New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Wisconsin, California, Hawaii, or Washington DC, and then you can tell us how gun rights are not under fire in this country.

Sheeeeeeeeeeeeesh, I get sick of reading asinine comments from gun owners about the status of gun rights in the country. :banghead:
Now that the vote is over, I have relaxed a bit and know what I have to do. Prepare. Sure, everyone needs to become pro-active and do contact your representitives. Start or join pro 2A groups. Strive to direct our Federation back on track. Responsible gun ownership and trade has got to continue.
I will be looking to add to my collection like many of you and hope beyond hope that they are just for that.. collecting and enjoying. But, just in case... keep em oiled...

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