examiner.com - Monday’s Presidential debate question:Will you sign UN gun ban treaty?

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Jan 1, 2006


The last of three Presidential debates will be held on Monday, October 22. The topic: Foreign Policy.

Why is this foreign policy debate the perfect forum to ask the Presidential candidates – point blank – will you sign a UN gun ban treaty? Because a major component of any nation’s “foreign policy” is participation in international treaties.

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A state law beats a federal law enacted outside the constitutional power of the federal government like paper beats rock. But that same federal law, if enacted pursuant to a treaty, beats state law like rock beats scissors.
If you watched the last debate that should tell you where they stand.....if Obama does like he said there will at least be more legislation coming down the pipe....if not the UN ban
I was under the impression that the UN 'ban' bit the dust. We just had a whole thread about it recently about someone complaining about THR censoring the UN gun ban story and the UN gun ban didn't pass and it was not supposed to affect private ownership of guns in this country.
It has been shot down but like the 'cyber security bill' they can always keep trying. Constant vigilance is the only way to keep what little freedoms we have left.
He can "sign" a ham sandwich, but that doesn't make it "law" until 2/3 of the Senate approves. Do the phrase "fat chance" ring a familiar tune?
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