exploding targets

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At our range we had to outlaw them due to some individuals setting of some of the larger sizes off and the neighbor came to a meeting complaining about it. His house is located about 150 - 200 yards away. He said that it was larger enough that it rattled some dishes inside his house. Our range is close enough to town that we thought it was wise to take this action.
Tannerite manufacturer specifically states it is not a fire hazard.

Uh huh, and the Federal Government tells us gun control prevents gun violence. Do you believe everything you read?

Local FD had to come put out a pretty nasty car fire started by tannerite at a local car shoot (a junked car was the target). Fortunately the fire was isolated to the target car in the middle of the range and not a big deal, but don't think for a second that the stuff doesn't start fires.
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